

Billie Bob Taylor 

"Why are you talking to the floor?" 

Once again I was busted. 

Was the man not supposed to be back home in two hours? Clearly he did this just to sneak up on me because there was no way someone could confuse time this much. It was like Benedito knew when I was up to something because he always came home early when I was up to no good again. 

With an easy swoop I took Booger and put him in my shorts right pocket as I stood up with a smile. "I was talking to an ant," I scratched the back of my head. 

His eyes were glued to my front as he grinned, "Someone's excited to see me."

Of course to him this looked like something else. I let out a loud laugh as I waved my hands, "You're so funny." At the very exact moment Booger let out a yelp. I tried to cough to cover it but he poked his head out my pocket. 

Benedito's eyes enlarged, "I hope that's a mouse."