
Anything Else?

Billie Bob Taylor 

"We should buy the villa," I skipped into the house after loading our travelling bags into the car. 

Benedito sat by the dining table as he finished his call with Pedro. I only heard fractions of their conversation but it seemed Pedro was really packing a punch by how many times I heard him sigh. 

Pedro called me every second day to check up on me and also Ronaldo. I figured they were making sure I was alright after our explosive fight and also making sure he was kept himself in check. It felt really good that his family cared enough about me to tell Benedito off when he was wrong. 

"You want to buy what?" he smiled as I sat down on his lap then gave him a kiss. 

"I had an ap- aphit-"

"An epiphany," he laughed before he kissed my cheek.