
About Someone Cheating

Billie Bob Taylor 

"Have you thought about your pre-nup with Benedito yet? It's all Ronaldo has been complaining about through the entire week."

I shrugged, "I'm still not sure yet. I just feel torn you know. Either way I'm going to be living with Benedito for a really long time. I don't see the use of us having to share every single little asset."

"Have you discussed it with Benedito?" he pouted. 

"I have but you know how he is. He just wants to give me everything. All he wants is to take care of me which I love him for," I sighed, "But with everything he has given me I already have enough you know."

"I think sometimes it's also our upbringing," he softly smiled. "In the decade we grew up in, in Brazil, especially with the type of family we were in, we were always taught to take care of our partner's every single need.