
A Greedy Man

Billie Bob Taylor 

When we got to the drug store, Delilah and I had failed to remember that we were driving in a Rolls Royce that immediately drew a lot of attention to us when we parked outside the store. 

"I can't go in there with you Bobby," she hissed, "you're a people magnet. Everyone is going to be staring."

"I'll wait in the car."

She nodded before she grabbed her bag and climbed out. I watched her enter the store before I fiddled with the radio to connect my phone to the speakers. I lowly sang to music as I waited and a few minutes later she came out with a small brown paper bag. 

"You set?" I looked at her once she climbed in the car.

"Yes sir," she nodded, put on her seatbelt before she gave me a nervous smile. 

I quickly drove us to the house and she gaped when she saw all of Benedito's cars. "It's the first time I see them all."