
[Bonus chapter] What Was I Going To Do?

Benedito Goncalo Cruz Pereira

I practically flew out of the Mercedes s500 when we got to the site. The skid marks on the road could be seen for as far as your eyes could go including the multiple shell cases of the bullets on the tar road that it almost resembled snow. 

All of that was the least of my concerns when I saw the completely wrecked wooden fence and the completely unrooted grass that continued all the way to the car. My heart practically shattered when my eyes saw the Rolls Royce that was flipped upside down with smoke coming out of it. 

"Bobby!" I screamed as I flew down the slope towards the car that was riddled with holes and bent in areas I thought were impossible. My heart was threatening to give up on me as tears ran down my face. My screams felt like background music as I fell to my knees by the driver's side.