
[Bonus chapter] Strangling

Billie Bob Taylor 

Claire looked at us with raised eyebrows and a smile after we had told her about our three days so far, "So you've only spent a day apart?" I blushed and nodded. "And Bobby do you feel that was the space you needed from Benedito? You did not rush yourself?"

I shook my head, "we aren't fully living together. I just felt like with the weather and him being in the house it would be great to just reconnect after everything we had been through for the past two weeks."

She nodded before she looked to Benedito, "And Benedito how did your visit to Bobby make you feel?"

"It felt amazing," he smiled, "I know there are still boundaries between us but I know if I work hard at therapy we'll have more days like that. It's most definitely motivated me to be a better man."

"Have you set up any kind of arrangement for how you want to see each other for the next few weeks?"