
[Bonus chapter] Black Widow

Benedito Goncalo Cruz Pereira

Ending the call with Bobby left me slightly on edge. I could hear it in his voice that something was bothering him and I knew it had to be serious if he chose to tell me. Bobby always said that cowboys do not do feelings so I wondered why he suddenly wanted to tell me what upset him. 

My initial reaction was to drop everything and rush to him, but I had at least two more meetings for the day and I could not be unprofessional about it. Yet my skin was burning to be by his side and distract him from whatever he was feeling. 

"Está tudo bem?" Dita asked me as we walked towards the board room on the fourth floor. My office was on the tenth floor where I knew Bobby would be waiting for me. The chances of me running into him were extremely slim since the building was so large and there were so many sectors to it. (Is everything alright?)