
Chapter 1


How could this happen to her?.She had been so safe,with her being on birth control and him putting on a condom. How could this still happen?

She wasn't ready for this. Life is already hard for her and she couldn't add a baby to the mix at this point in her life.

Enough!! she cautioned herself,she needs to tell the baby's father but how does she reach him. Immediately she remembered his hypnotising blue eyes,she couldn't help but blame him, because he was the one that got her to this situation in the first place.

Knock Knock!! "Bella are you okay?". My best friend Mia asked.

"Uhm..I'm fine". I shouted out immediately.

"Have you taken the test?". She asked.

"Yes",I said as I washed my hands and took the test out of the bathroom with me.

As soon as I came out she hugged me."Do you want to talk about it?". She asked me.

"No". I sniffed.

"Okay,but just know that I'm always here for you okay?". She said.

"I know but I'm just scared.You know it was a one night thing so how do I find him to tell him he has a baby with me".

"So,you didn't get his number?".

"Yes, I have it but how i tell him I'm pregnant,Mia?".I said as I burst into tears.

"Just call him".She said as she hugged me

"I can't Mia,he left before I woke up.If he wanted to he could have waited for me to wake up or woken me up,but he just left".I told her.

"Then how did you get his number?.She asked

"I....I kinda stole it while he was asleep".I murmured.

"Call him".She insisted

I sighed."Okay".I picked up my phone then dialed his number. I nervously bit my finger nails as I waited till he picked up.Then after the third ring his voice sounded over the phone.


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