

In the enigmatic city of Himari, the ruthless and powerful Crime Lord, Kaede Nishihara, holds dominion over her foes with an iron fist. When the Vixen, crosses paths with Kaede, she finds herself entangled in a web of power, control, and brutal consequences. Amidst the shadows of the criminal underworld, Kaede employs her cunning and unyielding nature to enforce her reign. As she pitted her enemies against each other, she proves to be a formidable force, whose grasp extends beyond the reaches of justice. The Vixen, is a vigilante, a woman of strength and defiance. Her resilience in the face of unimaginable torment captures the attention of Kaede, as she becomes a pawn in a deadly game of power and survival.

HaikuAmane · 现代言情
29 Chs

C15: The Deal (Part 3)

As the door closed behind Lee Eun Ji, Li Fangfang's doubts melted away, replaced by a renewed faith in their alliance. The air in the room hummed with anticipation, the promise of power and pleasure driving them forward.

Kaede's fingers traced the curve of Li Fangfang's neck, her touch sending shivers down her spine. "Fear not, my dear. We'll show them all who the true queens of this city are."

Their bodies moved closer, their lips meeting in a kiss that promised both domination and pleasure. Kaede's plan, whatever it was, would be put into action soon. Little did they know, the Vixen's arrival would change their world forever.

As they emerged from the room, the sight that greeted them was chilling. Fujiko, the Vixen, stood there, her hands stained with blood. Beside her, Hsiao Yuan lay motionless on the ground, his body still.

Li Fangfang's heart sank, her eyes locking onto her fallen protector. She tried to rush to his side, but Kaede's grip on her arm was firm.

"Let me handle this, Madam Li," she commanded, her voice steady. "Remember, we must maintain control."

Li Fangfang hesitated, her emotions warring within her. She watched as Kaede approached the Vixen, her eyes never leaving their adversary.

Kaede's steps were measured, her confidence unwavering. When she reached Fujiko, their eyes locked, the air charged with tension. "Well, well, Vixen. What a delightful surprise."

Fujiko's eyes narrowed, her voice cold. "This is just the beginning, Nishihara."

Kaede's lips curved into a smile. "You're forgetting something, my dear. We're already halfway through our alliance. This is just a minor setback."

With a swift move, Kaede extended her hand, her touch seductive yet commanding. "Perhaps, if we play our cards right, we can still make this work."

Fujiko's eyes lingered on Kaede's outstretched hand, her thoughts unreadable. As they stood there, the fate of their city hung in the balance, swaying between the promises of power and pleasure.

Kaede's hand traced Fujiko's body, her touch both enticing and commanding. Her hand brushed against her breast, her neck, a slow seduction meant to disarm their adversary. As her finger pressed against Fujiko's lips, she spoke softly. "What do you think, Vixen?"

Fujiko remained silent, her gaze locked onto Kaede's. Instead of answering, she lunged forward, her fist connecting with Kaede's jaw. The force sent her reeling backward, spitting blood as she landed.

Kaede coughed, her eyes never leaving Fujiko. "If that's how you want it," she said, a smirk playing on her lips.

With a snap of her fingers, Zhang Xingwei and Chen Kaiteng emerged, among with their men, their presence a stark reminder of the battle to come.

Kaede's eyes never left Fujiko, her voice steady despite the pain. "I have other ways to make you kneel, Vixen. In fact, I'm quite skilled at it."

As the tension mounted, Li Fangfang stood by, uncertainty clouding her face. Her once-loyal protector lay lifeless on the floor, a reminder of the stakes at play.

Kaede's eyes locked onto Fujiko, her voice filled with promise. "We could've ruled together, but now... well, I suppose I'll rule alone."

Their fates entwined in a web of power and pleasure, the battle lines were drawn. As they faced off, the true cost of their ambition became clear. Little did they know, the battle would leave scars that ran deeper than blood.

The fight began, a fierce display of skill and strength. Fujiko stood against Zhang Xingwei and Chen Kaiteng, their men surrounding them like a storm.

Zhang Xingwei's fists connected with Fujiko's face, his strength unmatched. She retaliated with a swift kick, her agility a match for his brute force.

Chen Kaiteng's blade sliced through the air, a deadly dance of steel and skill. Fujiko dodged, her eyes locked onto her enemies.

As the battle raged on, Kaede Nishihara stood in the backstage, her eyes glinting with pleasure. To her, they were mere puppets in her game, their actions controlled by the strings of her ambition.

Their strikes were a symphony of violence, each movement carefully orchestrated by her will. Fujiko's agility was a spectacle, but she knew it wouldn't be enough.

The sound of flesh and metal colliding filled the air, their struggles a testament to the power they sought. And yet, Kaede remained unflinching, a master puppeteer observing her players.

As the fight reached its crescendo, the outcome was clear. Fujiko's resilience faltered, her strength sapped by the sheer number of enemies.

Kaede's lips curved into a triumphant smile, her victory sealed. The power and pleasure she sought were within reach, and she had played her part perfectly. In the end, the puppet master reigned supreme.

Fujiko found herself at a grave disadvantage. Surrounded by Zhang Xingwei, Chen Kaiteng, and their men, her agility and skill were no longer enough.

Zhang Xingwei's fists continued to rain down on her, his strength overpowering her defenses. Each blow struck with precision, his power undeniable.

Meanwhile, Chen Kaiteng's blade danced through the air, its edge glinting in the dim light. Fujiko dodged, but the constant barrage of attacks wore her down.

Other men joined the fray, their strikes adding to the chaos. Punches, kicks, and blades sliced through the air, Fujiko struggling to keep up.

As the fight waged on, Fujiko's movements grew slower, her once-unwavering resolve faltering. Each strike felt heavier, as if the weight of the odds was dragging her down.

One of the men lunged, his fist connecting with her abdomen. She doubled over, gasping for air, her eyes locked onto her enemies.

Kaede Nishihara watched from the backstage, a smile playing on her lips. Her plan had worked, and the power she craved was within grasp.

The battle reached its final moments, Fujiko's defenses crumbling under the relentless onslaught. It seemed the Vixen's reign was coming to an end, leaving only the victors and their ambitions behind.

A final strike, delivered by Zhang Xingwei, sent Fujiko reeling. She stumbled, her body crumpling to the ground, blood spilling from her lips. Gasps for air came in ragged bursts, her once-unyielding spirit broken.

Kaede Nishihara stepped forward, her voice ringing with triumph. "Enough."

Her command halted the attacks, the room falling silent save for Fujiko's labored breathing. Kaede walked towards her, her eyes never leaving the defeated Vixen.

As she knelt beside Fujiko, her tone dripped with mockery. "Look at you, reduced to this. How pathetic."

The Vixen's eyes seethed with anger, but her resistance was spent. Kaede leaned closer, her lips curving into a smug grin. "I'll be the one to rule this city, not you."

Her fingers traced the blood on Fujiko's face, her touch both cruel and taunting. "You should've joined us, Vixen. Power and pleasure could've been yours."

Fujiko's eyes locked onto Kaede, her pride wounded but unbroken. "You're not the only one who knows how to play this game."

Kaede chuckled, her gaze never leaving Fujiko. "Oh, but I am. And I play it best." She leaned in, her voice low and taunting. "You see, I control everything. You're just a pawn in my game."

Kaede's nails dug into Fujiko's skin, scratching her breasts with brutal precision. Blood trickled from the wounds, a testament to her pain.

"Join me, Vixen," she whispered, her voice laced with both invitation and threat.

Fujiko spat blood onto Kaede's face, her eyes full of hatred. "You'll never rule this city, Nishihara."

Kaede laughed, her eyes locked onto Fujiko's. "Is that so? Then why don't you try stopping me from ending this?"

With a swift motion, she dug her nails into Fujiko's neck, her fingers digging deep. The Vixen struggled, her body convulsing under her grip.

Their bodies pressed together, the scent of blood and sweat filling the air. Fujiko's life hung in the balance, her fate decided by the woman she once challenged.

Kaede's eyes bore into hers, her fingers tightening around her throat. "Your resistance is futile, Vixen. Join me, or die."

Fujiko's eyes widened, her breath growing shallow. In that moment, the power struggle was over. Kaede Nishihara held the reins, and the Vixen's fate was sealed.

Their bodies moved together, a macabre dance of dominance and defeat. As Fujiko's life ebbed away, Kaede's ambition grew stronger, her grip on the city uncontested.

Just as Kaede's fingers tightened around Fujiko's neck, a grenade landed beside them. Zhang Xingwei screamed, his voice echoing through the place.

He rushed to Kaede's side, lifting her effortlessly and moving her away from the danger. His eyes locked onto the grenade, a hint of fear in his expression.

It turned out that it was just a smoke grenade. As the smoke cleared, the place was filled with the acrid smell of explosives. But Fujiko was nowhere to be seen.

Kaede's eyes scanned the area, her heart racing. Her victory was short-lived, her grip on the city uncertain once more.

Zhang Xingwei's grip on her tightened, his eyes never leaving the empty space where Fujiko had been.

Their bodies pressed together, their hearts pounding in sync. The smoke had cleared, but the battle was far from over.

Kaede's eyes never left the empty space, her mind racing with possibilities. Had Fujiko escaped? Or was this a new twist in their game?

Kaede ordered Zhang Xingwei to put her down, her voice trembling with fury. He complied, his eyes locked onto her face.

Without warning, she slapped him hard, her nails leaving a mark on his cheek. Her anger was palpable, the sting of her failure clear.

"You fool!" she shouted, her voice echoing through the room. "I was so close to ending this!"

Zhang Xingwei's eyes widened, but he remained silent. He knew better than to argue with her.

Li Fangfang watched from the sidelines, her thoughts whirling. Zhang Xingwei was no small man - a notorious crime lord in his own right.

Yet, here he was, taking a slap, from a woman no less. Kaede Nishihara held power unlike anything she'd ever seen.

"That stupid smoke grenade," Kaede snarled, her fingers trembling. "It ruined everything."

As she continued shouting, Li Fangfang couldn't help but ponder. Just how much power did this woman hold? What secrets lay beneath her ruthless facade?

Kaede's voice boomed through the place, her anger unchecked. "I were so close, and now she's gone."

Li Fangfang's heart raced, her mind racing with questions. Could this woman truly control all around her? And if so, what did that say about her own position?

Kaede took a deep breath, her anger slowly subsiding. She composed herself, her eyes never leaving Zhang Xingwei's face.

With a gentleness that surprised him, she placed her hand on his cheek, her fingers tracing the mark her nails had left behind.

"Go," she said, her voice calm. "Apply some treatment to that."

Zhang Xingwei nodded, his eyes never leaving her. "I'm sorry, Madam."

Kaede waved him off, her tone dismissive. "There's no need for apologies. You were doing your job."

He retreated, his steps measured, his mind still reeling from the encounter.

She turned to Chen Kaiteng and the others, her eyes locked onto their faces.

"The Vixen won't make a comeback for at least two or three weeks. We have time."

Chen Kaiteng nodded, his eyes full of determination. "We'll secure our position, Madam."

Kaede's eyes never left him, her grip on the city unyielding. "Excellent. Let's begin."

Kaede's eyes scanned the room, her thoughts turning to the future. "Our grip on this city is secure."

Li Fangfang watched from afar, her doubts lingering. This woman, Kaede Nishihara, held sway over these powerful men.

Kaede approached Li Fangfang, her hand reaching for hers. "Don't worry," she said, her voice softening. "The Vixen won't be a problem anymore."

Kaede's grip was firm, her fingers caressing hers gently. "I didn't scare you back then with my little outrage, did I?" Her words were seductive, a hint of playfulness in her voice.

Li Fangfang hesitated, her eyes never leaving Kaede's. "No, of course not."

Kaede smiled, her eyes filled with warmth. "Good."

She leaned in, her lips brushing against Li Fangfang's ear. "You see, I do know what I'm doing."

A shiver ran down Li Fangfang's spine, her heart racing. The power and confidence Kaede exuded were intoxicating.

"I'm glad you trust me," Kaede whispered, her voice low and seductive. "Because we have much to achieve together."

Li Fangfang nodded, her doubts fading in the face of Kaede's assurance.

Their hands remained intertwined, a symbol of trust and alliance.

Kaede Nishihara held the reins, her grip on the city unshaken. And with Li Fangfang by her side, her ambition seemed limitless.