

After the uptight billionaire's son, Greg, got intimate with a male stranger, the incident aroused a keen quest on his sexuality which he has been in denial of. After the encounter, he bent to accept his sexuality and sprout to see life in a lighter view. When Autumn bred a new session, he began to fall for the new hottest guy in school. Meanwhile, this hot guy, Nicholas, enrolled in the school in search of someone to whom he must attain his wrongdoings and win his heart. He must not pay attention to anyone's feelings until he finds HIM. It became a challenge for Greg to win Nicholas's heart, but he refuses to give up. Despite the hard times Nicholas put him through, he tries his best to show his intention. When Nicholas couldn't avoid the existence of Greg, he decided to pay a little attention to him, and there, he discovered who he is and was swept by how such a person would want him. It was difficult for Nicholas to make a decision. He did not know if he should continue his search for the one he loves or focus on the one that loves him.

RosyKosy · LGBT+
13 Chs


I moved out of bed at exactly 5:05 AM. I can't stop my eyes from opening at this hour. I only can stop my legs from stepping out of the house earlier. I have promised on James' fingers not to leave the house so early anymore. Not like he will be awake to see me keep to it but I know it is to my advantage.

I took a slow shower and headed out to prepare for school. It was a tough weekend. My behind testified to it. James didn't abandon me, he ensured I applied the cream from the doctor to my butt all weekend and saw I take my drugs.

I am ready for Monday, but not in a rush. I spent quality time getting ready. At 6:30 Am, I decided I had delayed enough and went downstairs to meet Granny who must have been thinking at this moment that I had sneaked out.

"Oh! Child, I am beginning to think I miss you again" she cried happily at my appearance. In her hands were my breakfast and lunch.

"You wouldn't let me even if I want."

Smiling at her, I stretched my hands to take the glass of milk from her.

"Morning Granny. You should learn to sleep more." I seriously advised.

"Haha, tell me again if you ever decide to wake up like others." She chuckled while staring at me warmly.

"I will drink my milk then, thank you."


"Is it too much to ask for a sandwich?"

"Oh, my boy! I love that you asked. You take a sit and I will get you one" She gestured to me to a dining seat and gently kept my lunch pack on the table.

"You are the best."

I noticed the drugs leave me with an appetite and I think it is good. If I had been huge and strong, no one would easily lift me into a van like a piece of pizza.

"I know, I know. Sit now, will you." Granny joyfully said and entered the kitchen to make me a sandwich.

I will learn to have a proper breakfast. I don't have one on weekends either. During weekends, my body system shuts down as I never open my eyes until 9A.M, I don't know why. I'd skip breakfast with others but Granny never forgets to send James up to my room with a glass of milk.

I am so empty this morning. I will ignore the time and get myself filled up.



I was sort of surprised to hear her voice. I am used to a morning with Granny only. Seeing her dressed for work this early is foreign. This must be her breakfast time. A few minutes after my departure every morning, I see.

"It is you, hahaha. What a sight to see you in the morning. Is that how beautiful you are in a sunrise?"

I can sense happiness in Mum's voice, but what is with the compliment?

"Good morning Mum," I said standing to acknowledge her.

"The morning is good indeed. How I have forgotten mornings with you."

If my hearing organ is undamaged, I am sure I heard a crack in her voice. I do not know if my mum is emotional now because we haven't seen each other in the morning like this.

Looking at her, I wonder why we are not close enough to share hugs. Maybe it was her work life and my selfish life, and we failed to connect.

Something must be wrong with me as I had this urge to hug her. I didn't feel this way on Friday when I saw her looking wiped from worries about me.

"You look nice."

I complimented. She does look nice whenever I get to see her. But she looks different this morning. She looks freshly nice unlike the weakly nice her I'd see most evenings.

"Oh! Gregory."

She obviously can't hide her joy. I felt sorry for her. I ain't blind to see all her struggles to get closer to me in the past and now, but I chose to ignore it all.

"Can I give you a hug?"

Oh shit! I hope I didn't ask out loud. It was only meant to be a thought.


I knew I said it loud when she walked closer and put me in her embrace.

Not bad.

"You smell refreshing as well."

I can't act cold anymore. I broke into her warm embrace which is miles better than James's, whose hands would want to squeeze the life out of me.

"Oh dear!" She whispered like her and hugged me more.

She left hold of me after forever and slightly pushed me back to smile at my face. I do not know what else to do or say for I am not used to this position.

"Happy birthday son!"

I am unbelievable! It is 23rd March, of course!

"My birthday? I forgot. I mean, I remembered until this morning. A skip of thought." I chuckled nervously. "Thank you, Mum."

"How lovely you are," she pinched my cheek.

It feels soft, she has never done this to my face.


"I am sorry, I didn't prepare a gift. Wasn't expecting to see you this morning. I am happy I did. If only I knew, I could get your gift ready. I am sorry dear." Mum trembles as she apologizes.

"I thought all night of what you will gift me on your return this evening. Or am I not getting it anymore?" I said casually trying to ease her tension.

"Oh darling, you will. Thank you."

I am tensed too, can she tell? Guess I covered mine so well. It is a first for Mum and I.

"Your sandwich is here my boy."

Thank heavens. Finally, Granny decided to save the morning. It wasn't bad talking with Mum alone with so much emotion, it was just an unprepared scene.

"Good morning Mrs. Grater." Mum greeted Granny respectfully.

"You don't look so well, child?" Granny said after a closer look at Mum.

Hmmm, is that how Granny addresses Mum? There are things I have yet to discover.

"Are you unwell mum?"

I asked because I want to care, not that I can tell of any changes.

But I can tell I saw Granny and Mum's surprised eyes when I asked.

"I am well, darling. I didn't get enough sleep last night. Nothing to worry about."

I wanted to suggest she get extra sleep before heading out, she can. But hearing this 'darling', I opted out. I think we have come to the end of this mother-and-son thing. It is beginning to feel awkward.

"If you say so. I will have my breakfast now."

I ended up saying. I haven't forgotten I have a bus to catch. I am way behind my pickup time already.

"I will get you a coffee." Granny told Mum and left for the kitchen.

"Thank you, Mrs. Grater."

I looked at the large wall clock, it was 6:40 AM. My exact time to be at the bus stop and get picked at 6:55 AM, at most. I can't make it if I am to walk to the bus stop.


"Yes, son."

My mum is drowned deep in this temporary togetherness. Her tone exposes her hard.

"Do you mind driving me to the bus stop? I won't catch up if I walk."

"I do not mind Gregory. I would drive you to school if you let me but I won't push it. Bus stop it is."

"Thank you."

I am glad she isn't pushing. She knows I won't let her. Driving me to the bus stop is enough familiarity. My family knows how I want to remain anonymous. They have respected my wishes. Driving me to school will put an end to my disguise. Everybody knows that pretty doctor face of hers.

After our breakfast and unusual talks, she drove me to the bus stop and bid me farewell. James and Rose were still on the bed till our departure. I'd asked her about Dad and was told he traveled yesterday for a business trip. That explains why he wasn't lucky to see my morning face too. He won't even be around for my birthday party, I guess.

Not a party, I don't like parties.

James or Rose would have bred all sorts of personalities and media trooping our house today if it was to be their birthday. Everyone except me could have their heels running on for the preparation. They won't think of school today, not me, I could have gone to school as I am doing now.

Some months ago was a blast. James' sixteenth birthday was and still talk of the country. I didn't know it would be that extreme but every Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, or any social media at all was about his party. James had it big. I know Rose will have it bigger.

Mine won't be like that. Don't even dream of it. Just the family and employees having a special delicacy from Granny, that's it. Granny won't hear my nag about not doing anything at all.

She is presently on her mixer and getting the oven hotter for my cake. I am ready to eat it big this afternoon, only with family and employees. Few toasts and clinking of glass cups, the opening of my gifts, and thereafter, off to bed everyone. No music or balloons, it is a waste of energy. I am one of those few who doesn't think much about birthday parties on a wake-up alarm. All I think of this morning is getting to school.