
Highschool DxD: A Minor Tale

A regular man ends up dying and miraculously reincarnates into Highschool DxD! A world of magic, swords, monsters, devils, and gods! With all the knowledge he has in his back pocket will he change the plot or use it to his advantage? The possibilities are endless! Though there is one small problem, he's about 400 or so years before canon and oh yeah he's human. Let the show begin!

Omit_Everything · 漫画同人
40 Chs

Chapter 6: The Cliché of Clichés and the Epic Quest

Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool DxD and thank god for that imagine having so much ero potential like DxD and Ichiei can never exploit it, oh the blue balls! I own the OC's and that's enough for me.

In the Old Couple's House

The bodies of the old couple were found by the town residents after searching every house in town. Many reacted the same way Pierce did, either out right puking or praying to any god that would listen to put the old couple's souls at peace. With the way they died, many people called off the search and just wanted to get back to their homes to spent time with their family. Eric Evergreen couldn't find fault with that.

'What a way to go.' Feeling queasy from looking at the scene of carnage, he went outside and took a breather.

"Mayor Eric?" Boyd spoke up with a hesitant voice

"What Boyd?" Eric couldn't hold back a sigh and rubbed his temples

"Um, Vassal Jonathan wanted to know why the man hunt was stopped." Eric really couldn't hold back a sigh that time either.

'I'm tempted to show him the mutilated bodies and telling him to fuck off since he asked us to hunt down a man, not a cannibal!' The teeth marks on the victim's bodies were definitely going to give him nightmares. "I'll talk to him."

Boyd gave a sheepish smile and walked away. Taking one more deep breath, Eric soon turned to follow Boyd but stopped to look at a shadow in the corner of the house. 'What was that?' Lightly walking towards the shadow Eric found nothing and shook his head. "I need a drink." Leaving shortly after. If he had stayed, he would have seen two beautiful golden eyes open and scan the room before closing. "Bingo." A faint exclamation was given before the presence disappeared completely.

Middle of the Forest

In the wreckage of Pierces and Naizer's fight, 5 cloaked figures investigated the scene quickly finding the dried patches of blood that lead somewhere north. The lead figure crouched down to get a better look and rubbed his arm as a serene voice spoke up.

"Are you okay?" One of the figures stepped forward and placed her hand on the leaders shoulder.

"Yeah, it's just acting up that's all." The leader put his companion's worry to rest

"Whoever he was fighting wasn't half bad…and pissed off." The larger figure (at least 6'0) spoke up

"How can you tell?" Another woman's voice asked, a pointy hat on her head

"Well, the claw shaped foot marks obviously belong to the little Stray," Disdain heavy in his voice. "those are everywhere showing panic and from the positioning he was getting tossed around like nothing."

"And the anger?"

"His opponent started beating him with a tree." The large figure said plainly

"...Oh." The woman turned towards the left as a 6th cloaked figure joined them but you can tell it was a woman as a tight leather suit was revealed underneath. It showed off her full, womanly figure.

"Which way did he go?" The leader rose to his feet and asked.

"Northeast. He must have realized that he couldn't just keep flying in one direction and steered somewhere populated to…"eat" and recover." Disgust was evident in her voice.

"What city is he headed to?"


"Alright then." The last figure spoke up. "Let's go and finish this stupid grudge our "fearless" leader has and be on the way to the assembly." It was irritatingly nasal.

Glaring at the figure, the serene voice became cold. "We're still missing one more member and it's on the way regardless."

"Yes, because going in the completely opposite direction is "on the way"." The large figure was about to step forward but was stopped by the leader. "Enough, if it takes too long we'll let him go and be on our way."

The conversation ending there, the pointy hat wearing woman waved her hand and the group was covered in a light blue dome that levitated them off the ground. Now flying, they quickly covered ground and speed off in the direction of Naizer's escape.

Somewhere near Norwich in an Abandoned Farm

Inside a shed, a humanoid that looked like a mix between a spider and a handsome man lied in a pool of blood as he desperately tried to stop the bleeding. The problem wasn't the skin that was torn from being hit with superhuman strength (any other time his Devil physique would have healed most of the damage). It was the fact that Chi was used to do the damage. Chi enhanced attacks damaged the life force of others directly and that's much harder to heal (the internal damage was also a pain).

'This is why I fucking hate Yokais!' Internally cursing the human shaped Yokai, Naizer tried to think of a new plan for the future. 'Alright. First, find some juicy young flesh to recover my strength. Then, get back on the road and get the hell away from this area.' Naizer wasn't stupid. He was vain, prideful, and greedy but not stupid. Even after flying dozens of miles from the Yokai he still didn't feel safe. Those mutants had ways to track down their prey and he had a feeling that freak wasn't too far behind. 'I couldn't hurt him even once!' Gritting his teeth as he got up, Naizer turned around and came face to face with me who was smiling up a storm.

"Hi." I quickly sliced off the arm that Naizer tried to reflexively attack with. His screams echoed throughout the abandoned farm before he was kicked in the face and sent flying to the other side of the side of the shed. Face planted on the floor and trying to get up (and failing) Naizer peeked over at me who was looking down on him, I had a smile on my face but it wasn't warm.

"You sure can fly you know that?" I picked up his trail after coming back to the scene of the fight and had to run all the way here through hills, ditches, and lots of shrubbery that tore my clothes and made me change into new ones. Twice. Yeah, I was a little pissed.

"What do you want from me?!" Naizer was hysterical at this point

"I want you dead."

"But why?! I've never done anything to you! Just let me go! You'll never see me again I swear!" He was honestly pathetic groveling like he was. Ignoring my opponent's plea to life I pointed my sword at his throat.

"Wait!" My sword halted as he took a shaky breath. "I know what you want."

"No you don't." I pressed my sword a bit forward, resting it on Naizer's neck

"Its power isn't it?" He didn't flinch as he formed a magic circle and a vial containing a black liquid appeared in his hand.

"And what is that?"

"Satanas Aranea blood. It comes from the rarest and strongest underworld spider that's ever lived. Its strength at its prime was Ultimate-class at least!" Naizer was like a merchant selling a once and a lifetime miracle drug that made all your dreams come true.

"Then why haven't you've taken it?" I didn't believe for a second Naizer kept such a thing on him and never used it before now. His face darkened before he quickly explained why.

"Cause my body wouldn't survive the mutation...I'm not strong enough." He said that last part real low

"So what then? I take this and I immediately become Ultimate-class?" I wasn't going to do it but I was curious

"No. But you are strong and have potential; with this your path to Ultimate-class will become even easier!"Naizer was honest about that part. I was tempted not going to lie and having the chance to gain Spider-man like powers would be pretty sick. Then I looked down at Naizer's spider hybrid form and any temptation evaporated into thin air. 'Yeah, no thanks. With my luck I'll end up looking just like him or possibly even worse.' I still had one more question though.

"Where'd you get it?"

"Huh?" Naizer body locked up at the question

"I said where'd you get the blood?" I was curious of Naizer's reaction. The Stray Devil didn't answer and when I was about to lose my patience and end it all, he spoke up again.

"My brother. I got it from my little brother." I quirked a brow at his tone, it seemed bitter and spiteful.

"What happened? He gave it to you out of pity and your pride couldn't take that?" Naizer just stared at me in silence and when I connected the dots cold fury erupted within me. My sword pressed harder and drew blood from his neck.

"Are you kidding me?" My voice was livid. "You killed your brother for a vial of blood from some strong ass spider and you can't even use the damn thing!?"

"It was so supposed to be mine anyway!" Naizer's eyes gained a rabid look. "I was the first born, I was the one that ran the house, and it was supposed to belong to me! But my parents had him and they thought he was "worthy" enough to take in the ancestor blood! He wasn't! He was weak and he didn't deserve it, I did! So yeah I took what was mine! What's so wrong abo-" Naizer's head flew up the next second and made a parabola before landing with a soft thud. Self righteous fury still on his face before his headless body fell too. Excess amount of blood spurt out and created an even larger pool. I felt nothing.

'That's probably not a good thing…' I should have felt something for killing a person, even if they were someone like Naizer. I didn't and that would have freaked me out any other time but looking down at Naizer's body I really couldn't care. The vial of Ultimate-class spider blood rolled to my feet and I couldn't help snorting. "He destroyed his family over some power? What a waste." I crushed the vial under my foot and walked towards the shed's entrance.

'Now what to do?' That was the question of the day now that I knew I was in Highschool DxD. '400 years before canon.' Every time that thought popped up I couldn't stop the wry smile that made its way on my face. I mean if it all comes down to it I'll just find a way to the underworld and ask to become a reincarnated Devil. 'Yeah let's call that Plan Z' (The Evil Pieces should have been created by now right? I mean Ajuka was supposedly 500 or so years old at the start of the original canon so he should already be around). There was still a lot of stuff I wanted to see as a human and until I did all I possibly could, then I'll try to get 10,000 years added to my life span. 'But I should probably deal with them first before going anywhere.' Looking ahead, I stopped and stared at the 4 cloaked figures that were standing at the entrance of the shed. Another made his way around to my back, he was quite large, and a 6th was in the shadows above me.

"Can I help you?" No reason to go in guns blazing right off the bat. No one said anything until one of them took a step forward and spoke.

"What happened here?" It was a command but there was no malice in his voice

"I killed him." I said deadpanning

That must have caught him of guard if the subtle twitch was any indicator and he coughed into his hand. "I can see that. I was asking why."

"Oh." I nodded understandingly. "I didn't like his face. It was too annoying looking."

A snort was heard from a woman wearing a pointy hat. 'Wait, a pointy hat?' I stared at the woman who snorted and the man also looked at his companion not appreciating the sound. She just shrugged.

Sighing he turned back to me. "Can you please tell us the real reason you killed him?" He asked much gentler this time.

"Who says that wasn't the real reason?" A look of mock righteousness appeared on my face. "Do you know only 10 percent of men in this world are moderately handsome while the rest of us are stuck living life ordinary looking!" I pulled that number out my ass but I rolled with it. "Why did that douche bag get to live life where everyone admires him for his good looks while we ordinary men are left with passing glances at best even though we're good outstanding citizens! It's a conspiracy I tell you and I won't stop till the whole world is safe from the evil that is villainous handsome men!" I gave a thumbs up and toothy smile that would make a certain green leotard wearing man in a world of ninja wizards proud. The silence was deafening.

Than a low chuckle escaped from pointy hat before it slowly became full blown laughter. The woman next to her also started chuckling and I swear I could hear a muffled laugh from the person up in the shadows. Even the big guy behind me was trying his best to hold in his laughter if the shaking of his shoulders were any indication. The leader just gave a long amused sigh and just said, "You know what? Never mind" and walked to Naizer's corpse and crouched down to get a closer look.

"…Yeah it's him." An angry tone entered his voice before his took a breath. "At least that's one less thing to worry about." He turned to me.

"Whatever your…incredibly weird reason was for killing him, I thank you." He bowed low to me. Now I felt bad for messing with him.

"He was joking Adrian." The serene voice spoke up

The man, now called Adrian, looked shocked. "Really? Wow, I completely believed you!" His naive tone and expression made me feel worse.

"Uh yeah, it was a joke. He attacked my town and I hunted him down to get revenge for the people he killed." Adrian nodded his head agreeing with my decision before putting down his hood and reaching out his hand. "Adrian."

"Pierce." I shook his hand. Adrian was the typical ikemen that you'd fine in an anime. Black hair, tall square shoulders, and strong defined features with a winner's smile. The rest chose to pull down their hoods and I looked at them as they said their names.

"Samantha." The serene voice was a beautiful blonde woman with long hair, priest like attire, had a petite frame and held a small intricate book.

"Vargas." The tall man was a brown haired white man who was very muscular and had steel plate armor with a Bastard sword on his back.

"Maven." The pointy hat woman was pretty, and busty, with curly brown hair, and wore robes that looked high end and tasteful. A short staff was in her hand.

"...Aindrea." The silent man was a blond with shoulder length hair and a very attractive face but it was ruined by the way his face scrunched up, like he was constantly looking at trash. He had an expensive spear on his back with equally nice looking armor.

The person in the shadows jumped down from above and landed without a sound. She had long black hair, a gorgeous face and was wearing a leather suit that enhanced her stunning figure. She gave me a grin. "Hi! I'm Melissa." She put her hand out but I was too shell shocked to speak. She had daggers by her waist.

'Oh good God in Heaven.' (No wait; this is DxD so he's dead) I turned to each of the people in front of me and I couldn't honestly believe it. They were here. They were actually here. The greatest cliché to hit the great book of clichés. The one that every manga, anime, and light novel picked up in one form or another. Many weren't even subtle about it and just copied and pasted the idea on a blank piece of paper and rolled with it. The thought of actually meeting them never entered my mind but here they are, right in front of me. The Cliché of Clichés.

"The Hero Party…" In the silent, abandoned shed my words echoed clear as day.

"…What?" Adrian just tilted his head to the side not following.

At this point, my thought process took an unscheduled vacation so my mouth was on auto-pilot. "You're the Hero Party." I gestured towards them. Adrian's face never left its confused state.

I pointed to Vargas. "The tank/guardian." Vargas just raised a brow at that.

I pointed to Melissa. "The assassin/rouge/thief." Melissa innocently tilted her head.

I pointed to Maven. "The wizard." Maven did nothing before giving a small nod.

I pointed to Samantha. "The healer." Samantha shrugged before an interested expression appeared on her face.

I pointed to Aindrea. "…The asshole." Aindrea's glare could cut steel and most of them had to suppress their chuckles when I said that (Maven was outright laughing though). Finally, I turned back to Adrian, who at this point was looking at me with a mixer of mirth, confusion, and a bit of exhaustion.

"And you." I pointed at Adrian. "You're the Hero." Adrian's eyes widened before he spoke up.

"I wouldn't go as far as to call myself a Hero."

"Do you save people?" I interjected

"…When I can."

"Are you a swordsman." Gesturing towards the sword on his waist.


"Are you not on an Epic Quest given to you by some higher power or just plain old destiny?"

Adrian became cautious once more and eyed me up and down. 'Who is this guy?'

"I'll take that as a yes." I ignored the tension from asking that question. "You meet the all the requirements and aren't complete assholes (well, not all of them)." I clapped and stretched out my arms. "You're the Hero Party!"

No one said anything. Adrian just looked at his companions one by one and they all had the same look of confusion and amusement on their faces. Adrian looked back to me and just as he was about to interrogate me on why I knew all this, Maven spoke up.

"Can we keep him?" In an innocent voice, Maven asked her ridiculous request.

Any and all tension that was built came crumbling down like a house of cards. A loud smack was heard as Adrian hit his face with the palm of his hand and sighed. I didn't help when I said, "I'm very high maintenance you know?" He looked ready to say "fuck it" and get into an epic showdown that usually happens when someone kills a long sought after villain. Sadly, it never came to that.

"Well, it was nice meeting you guys but I think I'll be on my way." I saw nothing left to do so I tried to make my exit before stopping. "By the way, do you guys happen to know if there is a supernatural mercenary association or something like that around?" They gave me puzzled looks.

"I'm sorry, I don't think that exists." Samantha shook her head

"Oh…" My shoulders slumped a little. "Well, I could always be the first who knows."

"Wait." Adrian stopped me. "Are you a mercenary?"

"I plan to be. I don't have many talents other then beating the shit out of people or sewing." Not very well either since every time I made something my mom just said it was great (they weren't). "Why you want to hire me?" I joked. Adrian looked at his companions and they all either gave a shrug or nodded. "Actually yes, we are missing a member."

I wasn't really expecting Adrian to take him up on the offer. Narrowing my eyes, I gave my answer.

"Sure, I don't mind but I have to ask. What do you mean you need another member? What are you trying to accomplish?"

At this point, I was expecting a lot of things. A quest to stop a Devil King from destroying a princess's kingdom. A journey to find a Holy Sword to slay an Evil Dragon. Hell, I was even expecting him to say they want to explore every supernatural dimension in the world and reach the pinnacle of humanity. I was expecting many things.

"We need to kill a God."

...That I was not expecting.

1 Hour Later, In a Pub in Norwich

Music was being played as the waitresses in the pub went around bringing food and beer to the rambunctious crowd. Many who were refugees that were Dutch or Flemish, the majority that escaped the Catholic's persecutions and were looking for work. In a corner of the pub, 6 people were sitting around a round table full of food. "I hope you enjoy." A waitress said this before going to help other customers. Thanking the waitress, they dug into the food and the ordinary looking young man among them was eating a steak and sampling the ale.

"Wow this is pretty good." I was impressed with the mild taste, it was no Heineken but it wasn't bad.

"I know right?" Vargas spoke. "My grandfather used to bring me into this pub when we used to travel."

"It's alright." Melissa wasn't all that impressed. "Wish they had a more seafood dishes."

"Yeah but this steak sure is juicy." I bite into the succulent meat and it reminded me of my mother's steak. I passed the other half to Melissa when she was looking at it with a bit of drool. 'Next time don't order chicken if you want steak.' Melissa thanked me and dug into the steak with a vengeance. 'When was the last time she ate?'

"She always eats like that." Samantha answered my unasked question.

"Ah." Nodding my head, I turned to Adrian who was eating some pork with a side of potatoes. He looked up at me.

"So…" I started the conversation. "Kill a God?"

Collective groans were heard from every member of the party, while Adrian look left and right confused as to why his companions reacted this way.

"May absolute concedendum." Maven lightly spoke and waved her hand, a palm sized magic circle in her hand. Everyone around us gained hazy looks in their eyes before resuming their original activities. No one looked in our direction after that. 'That's convenient.' I turned to Adrian for confirmation.

"That's right." He nodded resolutely.

I just looked at him waiting for further explanation but he made no motion to continue. "Yeah…you're going to have give me a bit of context here." I finally asked

"A Greek God." Adrian added that like it answered all my questions (it didn't).

"…A little more please."

"I don't understand." Adrian was honestly confused by the request

I deadpanned at Adrian. I turned to Vargas and Melissa while pointing at Adrian. "Is he doing this on purpose? If it's because of earlier I said I was sorry." They shook their heads and Melissa rubbed her forehead. "No, it's not that. He's just naturally like this." They seemed exhausted with their leader's weird denseness as well. Maven placed her hand on Adrian's shoulder. "I'll explain the rest." Adrian looked like a small puppy that had no idea where he was but he nodded nonetheless.

Maven cleared her voice and began. "I guess we should start with the Emissaries…

30 Minutes Later

…and that's why we need to kill a God." Maven finally finished with that.

I just stared at her in silence. My mind was completely blank from the data dump that was just unleashed on me the last 30 minutes. I rubbed my eyes and spoke.

"So let me get this straight." I paused for a second. "The Greek God of Monsters, Zeth, declared war on Olympus (why is it always the Greek Gods?) and the Gods have tasked humans known as Emissaries to kill Zeth and his army of monsters before he can threaten Olympus. Did I miss anything?"

Maven shook her head, confused as to why I was repeating what she just said. "That's about it."

Deadpanning at Maven, I made my first problem known. "Then why didn't you just say that!?" I was nearly screaming. "Why did you go on a 30 minute lecture on what the Greeks Gods are, what they each represent, and you even went a little into your own personal life! Jesus lady, I like to ramble myself but there is a limit to things!" Taking a minute to catch my breath, Maven looked insulted before Melissa spoke.

"Finally, someone said it…" Melissa's eyes widened as we all turned to look at her. She must not have meant to say that out loud. She quickly tried to apologize but the damage was done.

"I-I don't ramble!" Maven blushed hard, a little angry before she turned to the others. "D-do I?" Adrian stared at his cold food like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Vargas at some point was looking at the chandelier in the pub finding it very nice to look at. Samantha was smiling but her face was so rigid it didn't look natural at all. Maven got her answer.

"Oh my God." Maven blushed even harder and pulled her hat down to cover her eyes. "I-I do ramble a lot." She seemed to shrink in her chair.

"N-no! That's not true at all!" Adrian tried to save any semblance of Maven's pride. "You-you just give lots of extra information!" Smooth.

"That's right." Vargas spoke up. "You say all the things that could be learned gradually in a short period of time." Not bad.

"I agree." Samantha joined the 'Save Maven's Pride' group. "You give an excess amount of information that seems useless at first but may prove useful later." Ouch.

"Uh huh! Uh huh!" Melissa just kept agreeing with everyone.

I watched the show in front of me and had to smile at what I was seeing. These guys were strong, their life force made that real clear but… 'They seem more like friends then soldiers.' Even now they were trying their best to cheer up Maven who looked like she was half a second away from teleporting to the other end of the world. Sighing, I leaned against the back of my chair and thought about what I was just told. 'And I just left my small town like what, 5 hours ago. My life really isn't ordinary.' I knew that the moment I discovered Chi but still what a turn. The Emissaries of the Gods, Adrian being one, needed to gather 6 members to help them on the mission to kill Zeth. Of course, I didn't think I stood a chance against a God and was about to deny their offer before Maven told me an important piece of information. Zeth was injured, really bad. Apparently, Zeth had the glaring problem most Gods, Greeks particularly, dealt with on a daily basis. He was insufferably arrogant. Sure, he had the strength to back up that arrogance since he was as strong as Zeus himself. But the dumbass chose to declare war on Olympus in the annual meeting of the Gods. Idiot thought he could say, "Well I'm going to raid your mountain, kill you all, and proclaim myself King of Olympus. Kay?" and just walk right out. 'Jesus, Kokabiel can take notes on being a war mongering douche from this guy.' After getting his ass handed to him by not only Zeus but all the Greek Gods, Zeth escaped, went into hiding and started amassing a monster army to raid Olympus. 'There's just one problem with the whole thing…actually no, there's a lot of problems with the whole situation but I have a hunch they didn't ask for more information than they were given.'

"Why me?" Adrian turned back to me when I asked that. "I mean I'm strong but I don't think I'll be much help against a God."

Adrian looked at me with a strange smile before asking, "How old are you?"

"16." Where did that come from?

"Pierce, I'm 23. Vargas is 25. Ma-"Adrian was quickly hit in the head with Maven's staff and Melissa just glared at him daring him to continue. Samantha just gave a menacing smile. Coughing, Adrian got to the point. "My point is that you took down a Mid-class Devil like Naizer like he was nothing and your 16!" When he put it like that I couldn't help but reevaluate my capabilities, and he was right I was pretty good. I just kept thinking myself as older because of my mental maturity and somewhere along the line I forgot I was still pretty young. "Beside, when we said Zeth was hurt we mean really hurt. Zeus not only beat him pretty bad in their fight but the others Gods put curses on him that will last at least 8 years!" Adrian gave that last bit of information with a confident smile. I weighed the pros and cons.

'Cons: We're going against a Monster God and his army of murderous yes men, I barely have any battle experience to be of any use in this mythological war, and the odds of me dying are so high it stopped being funny 20 minutes into Maven's explanation.'

'Pros: We might get to kill a God.' That was all that came to my head. If everything works and I live through this, I'm still most likely going to become a badass mercenary that rakes in the money (kind of hard not to with my abilities) and sleeps with beautiful women all over the world (can you tell I'm delusional?). And do you know what just screams badass with a side of holy shit? God-Slayer on your resume. 'No one wants a life only filled with regrets.' I know this wasn't what my dad meant when he said that and all things considered a logical person would have got up, said good luck, and ran like hell. 'Except, I'm really over being logical…' I was normal, logical person my entire past life and it was a good life all things considered but…I think I finally understand why every protagonist ever seems to get into things that are way over their heads. It just sounds so damn awesome.

"I'm in." I sealed my fate with those 2 words and the smile on Adrian's face said it all. If I was going to die again then I was damn sure going to take a God and his monster army with me. Now that's a way to go. "So what now?"

"Now? For now we make our way to one of the Gates that lead to Olympus." Adrian eye's then turned. "But first, let's see what you can do."

Outside the Pub, a Grass Clearing

Everyone paid for their food and made their way over to a flat piece of land to which Maven put up a barrier. The same one typically used in the canon whenever a big fight is going to commence (I'm assuming).

"Alright then." Vargas was in front of me cracking his knuckles. "You ready?"

"Yeah." I just nodded, activating Touki

"Oh! So you can use Chi!" Melissa spoke up shock in her voice.

"Yeah, I learned to use it when I was young." I kicked off the ground and sped towards Vargas my fist aiming for his chest. He placed both arms in front of him and blocked by attack, skidding back. I pressed forward with a round house kick to his face which he dodged and he grabbed me by the waist and flung me away. Landing on my feet I was on him again, sending dozens of attacks all over his body. Most of them landed but it felt like I was hitting steel. 'Damn, what is his skin made of!?'

"Ops!" I lowered my head, dodging a punch to the face and I uppercuted him into the air and kicked him in the stomach sending him flying. Falling to the ground he quickly got back up and smiled. He looked like he was having fun. Not going to lie, so was I. We ran towards each other and our fist connected, a small shockwave rang out as I barely had the upper hand. It became a slung match at that point with each of us hitting the other constantly and us dodging or taking it. It was only thanks to Touki and my relatively better reflexes that I stood proud while Vargas was on the ground with a large grin on his face.

"That was fun!" Vargas sat up wincing at the bruises all over his body. I wasn't all that better. I may have dodged a lot more of his attacks then he dodged mine but when Vargas' hits landed he made them count. Samantha walked towards Vargas, opened her book, and stood reading before waving her hand.

"Saucius Sanatur Caro." A magic circle appeared under Vargas and his bruises immediately disappeared.

"Called it!" I yelled out in glee seeing I was right. Samantha just lightly smiled.

"Do you want to be healed too?" She offered by I refused, Chi already fixing the bruises all over my body. My fatigue didn't go away but the nasty pain disappeared like snow.

"Oh right, Chi-user."

Adrian stepped forward at this time a big smile on his face.

"Did I pass the try outs?" All he gave was a big nod before turning to Maven.

"Maven, let's get Aindrea and be on our way." Apparently, the stupid blond didn't really care if I passed or not and just waited in the inn. Dick.

"Aye, aye." Maven waved her hand and a large teleportation array (?) appeared under us and was slowly shinning brighter and brighter.

"So where is this Gate to Olympus?" I asked as the array was activating


"...London Bab-" Then we were gone. My joke too soon for this world with us.

And finished. The clichés were done and the epic quest is revealed. I know this may seem rushed and convenient but I'll try to make the quest to kill a God as realistic as I possibly can. Wow, never thought I'd have to say that ever. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter and be prepared for more!

Omit_Everythingcreators' thoughts