Meet Daniele Berti, a reincarnated person,At least he learned that when he turned 5 But unfortunately the world he is in is more dangerous than he thinks.
Daniele pov
I was currently half-sitting, leaning on Regulus, staring open-mouthed at Xenovia in front of me.
A confession..this was surprising of course but that's not the problem here!!!
"Xenovia!!!What are you doing!!! Also why 'Bride'!!!"
Irina grabbed Xenovia's shoulders and shook her back and forth.
Xenovia tilted her head as Irina asked the question I was wondering about.
"The nuns at the church said it would be more effective if I did it this way."
Those three again!!!! Also, they are absolutely right, it is very effective, guaranteed to make faint!!!
I could feel the others' eyes on my back while this was happening. It's embarrassing!!!
Irina also blinked her eyes and then breathed a sigh of relief.
"I understand it's a jok—"
"I'm not kidding, Irina. I want to have a child with Dany.
While everyone was screaming in surprise, Azazel was giving me a thumbs up while Michael and Vasco were smiling at me while Issei was punching the ground with tears in his eyes.
Irina was still yelling at Xenovia while Asia was a blushing mess
"Xenovia!! you can't shout that in front of people"
"Why not, after all, I love him"
At that moment, when the whole area fell silent, I felt my face turn slightly red.
"Hmmm, Dany "
When Gabriel's voice calling me caught my attention, I turned and looked at her
She was looking at me with thoughtfully pose
"Does Dany want a child?"
At that moment we heard the sound of something breaking, Issei punched the ground even more furiously and Azazel joined him.
"Gabriel wasn't even interested in this!!! Why ?!?!"
"What nonsense are you talking about, you cow!!!"
"That's so rude, Sera-chan."
Gabriel pouted adorably
"Don't call me 'Sera-chan' you damn shotacon, stop bothering Dany-tan, you want to do perverted things like sees his naked body!!!"
"I'm not bothering Dany, and besides ---"
Gabriel finally came to me, who was about to stand up, and hugged me, burying my face in her breasts.
I ignored the pain howls from the two perverts in the back
"I've already seen Dany naked...though I don't see what that has to do with anything."
I choose to keep ignoring
Serafall shattered the staff in her hand and just as she opened her mouth to say something, Sirzech came from behind and blocked her mouth , but I'm sure that Mahou Shoujou definitely didn't say polite things.
Finally Azazel intervened and we barely managed to digress and the topic turned to Incinerate Anthem
"I smelled an impure light from the user's body, but something completely prevented me from understanding what was happening. "
"It means impure light, but if you say you're not sure, it could also be to hide his identity."
Azazel muttered as he held his chin.
"Well, we have nothing to do, it's better to investigate this matter privately. "
The others nodded at Sirzech's suggestion.
Michael then turned to Sirzech
"Don't forget about Diodora"
Michael said very seriously
"Okay, see you guys."
Azazel was also humming as he lazily walked towards the door.
"Red for women, white for power and gold for protection.....Pffft, while all three are this simple, let's see where the future will take us."
What was he muttering to himself?....he finally went crazy, wait, I guess he wasn't normal at first.
We were currently reclining on the sofas at Shidou's family home.
"Ahh~~ more comfortable than church, 'if only' someone hadn't forgotten the existence of 'their' house before"
With each word Irina was getting more and more startled.
"Xenovia-san, it doesn't matter if Irina-san makes such a mistake, after all, everyone makes mistakes."
Irina's eyes filled with tears and she looked at Asia happily.
".....Of course, even if it seems a bit foolish"
When Irina took the pillow next to her and attacked Asia, Xenovia also took the pillow next to her to protect Asia.
I watched them play with giggles
Michael, Gabriel and the old man Vasco told us to stay here for a while and take a break and that the training would will increase when we returned to the church ... In short, we are doomed.
A pillow suddenly hitting my face forced me out of my thoughts.
"You seem distracted, Dany. "
Xenovia's grinning words made my eyebrows crease.
"You little!!!!"
So I grabbed the pillow nearby and attacked them by taking the pillow that was thrown from earlier as well.
We played there for about an hour or an hour and a half and used the whole house as a play area, and now I was chasing Xenovia, who had escaped into the room.
Where is Xenovia
Hmm, this is Irina's parent bedroom...I have to get out of here
The sound of the door closing caught my attention. When I turned around, Xenovia had closed the door and was leaning on her back.
"Come on Xenovia we shouldn't be here after all it's other people's priv---"
"You still haven't answered me Dany"
This question made me stay silent.....what should I say?
"Are you.....rejecting me?"
When I heard Xenovia's words, I immediately interrupted her.
"Then why"
"*sigh* Look, it's's so sudden. Can you let me think for a while?"
Xenovia looked and looked and looked at me
"Okay, I'll wait"
Xenovia approached me, gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked out the door.
[....How do you plan to handle this issue]
<I wish I knew, Regulus knew>
After that, when I left the room, we continued the game halfway, but I couldn't focus much, but Xenovia continued to play normally and slaughtered us all.
Finally we come to that cursed time again
"Well, although I really don't want to use my parents' bedroom, there seems to be no other option, unless someone want to sleep on the floor."
You know I really can't deal with it today
"You three sleep in the room upstairs, I'll sleep in the living room."
"What? I can't make you sleep on the sofa in my own house"
"Is there a reason, Daniele-san?"
"But –"
The expressions of the three girls made me sigh and I smiled towards them
"I want to sleep alone today...please"
Even though all three made complicated expressions, they eventually went to the upper room.
I was lying on the sofa and looking at the ceiling.
After standing for a while, I rolled over onto my side, then onto the other side...I can't sleep.
[Thinking about Xenovia.]
"Seriously, what should I do Regulus, I can't keep Xenovia waiting too long"
[Do you hate the girl]
"Of course no "
[Then problem solved, go and accept her confession]
"It's not that simple, partner. First of all, I have feelings for Xenovia, I like her but do I love her? This is a relationship not a blind date "
[It seems to me that you are the one making a big deal about it]
"Maybe you are right "
Finally, when we couldn't figure out what to do, I chose the only logical solution that came to my mind....I called my father.
third person pov
Carmello was currently watching TV on the couch, but suddenly his cell phone, which he placed on the table, rang.
"Hmm, Dany?
Carmello reached over, picked up the phone and put it to his ear.
"Hello dad, it's been a while "
"Didn't we talk yesterday?"
"A-ah right ahahahahaha"
Carmello frowned, he definitely knew his son
"Okay, what happened?"
"Nothing~~~~ what could it be~~~ it's not like I've confessed or anything"
Carmello's eyebrows were furrowed and he blinked his eyes, once , twice, with a confused expression.
The expression on his face changed to a playful one
"So who was it, Irina, Xenovia or maybe someone else?"
"Come on~~ don't make your father keep in the dark "
"Wow you really got a confession, I was trying my luck"
Carmello pulled the phone from his ear to block out the sound and burst into giggles.
"Okay okay, I won't joke around anymore. Well, isn't this a nice thing? What's the problem?"
" *Sigh* Regulus said something similar too, but I....I don't know, what if I don't have similar feelings to Xenovia, what if I can't make her happy, I ....*sigh* I'm confused."
A soft smile appeared on Carmello's face. In fact, he was happy that his son was dealing with such problems.
Of course, he wasn't a sadist or some such nonsense who took pleasure in his son's problems. He was just happy that his son could live his youth even in the supernatural world.
"You seriously resemble me beyond appearance."
"Well, what do you think was the most reckless, impulsive action I've ever done in my life? "
"Heh Of course...I have no idea"
"It was to marry your mother "
Carmello shrugged.
"Well, Aki already told me about the supernatural long before we got married. That's why I was never sure of myself, what if I wasn't worthy of her, what if I became a burden for her, what if her reputation would be damaged because of me and things like that. "
"So, what happened next?"
"Well I finally stopped thinking"
"You, what???"
"As you heard, I stopped thinking, said whatever was going to happen, and went straight ahead recklessly like a idiot.As I said, this was my most reckless move, but it was also the thing I'm most glad I did. "
Seeing the silence on the phone, Carmello continued
"You are undoubtedly my child, and like me, you have inherited my habit of thinking too much about things, so my advice to you is to sometimes go straight ahead."
"*sigh* Regulus said something similar too."
Carmello let out a small laugh
"Well, great minds think alike"
"...Thank you dad"
"Of course little one"
They talked for a while before hanging up the phone
"Hmm, who are you talking to?"
Carmelo looked at his wife coming from the kitchen, wearing a nice apron and drying her hands.
"I was talking to Dany"
"What?! Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Well, it was a man-to-man thing"
Aki muttered 'boys and their weird things' and similar things
Carmello continued with a smile.
"Well, let's just say you won the bet with Griselda and Aria."
It took Aki a few seconds to understand the situation.
"Yes!!! Finally the grandchildren are closer "
[Well you seem to have decided ]
"Yes, I will go straight"
[That's my partner]
Daniele quickly walked up the stairs and when he finally reached the girls' room, he breathed a sigh of relief when he heard giggling.
"They're still awake "
There was silence for a while when Daniele knocked on the door.
"It's me, Irina, I need to talk to Xenovia."
At that moment, a sound of falling and a few things falling to the ground was heard from inside.
"X-Xenovia, slow down!! You destroyed the room!!!"
Xenovia was looking at Daniele when the door opened at that moment
Xenovia was wearing a blue pajama that emphasized her curves. The bottom part was short shorts, showing off her thighs, and the top part was a shirt type. The only problem was ---
"Button up your front please, Xenovia."
Xenovia looked at Daniele, then looked down, then buttoned up her front and looked at Daniele again.
This careless operation caused Daniele's eyebrows to twitch slightly, but he still did not forget why he came.
He gently pulled Xenovia downstairs by her arm.
"Xenovia, about the answer, I want you to spend the whole day with me tomorrow, then I will give you your answer."
"Is it like a date?"
Even though Xenovia asked with a tilt of her head, the slight happiness in her voice did not go unnoticed by Daniele.
"No ,It's not like a date"
And that happiness disappeared but Daniele's words continued
"A direct date."
The happy expression from before not only returned but also increased.
"It suits me "
"Tomorrow then, good night Xenovia."
After saying this, Daniele leaned down and kissed Xenovia lightly on the forehead.
Xenovia gave a bright, toothy grin that she normally didn't, the slight blush on her cheeks making her look even more pleasing.
*Badump!* *Badump!* *Badump!*
Seeing Xenovia running upstairs, Daniele also breathed a sigh of relief. The smile just now seem like a heavy blow to Daniele
Daniele finally leaned back in the chair, his heartbeat calmed down, but the slight feeling stunned his, after all, something like this had only happened the first time he met Gabriel.
Daniele laid down on the sofa again, his mind is more relaxed now and he can have a good sleep.
[Have you planned the date, partner]
Or he can't get a good sleep
Meanwhile, Xenovia was being interrogated by the girls.
Daniele and Xenovia had prepared
Daniele was wearing white jeans, a black t-shirt and a black half-sleeved jacket
Xenovia wore blue jeans, a cream sweater and a red jacket
Even though the color combination is basically different, it wouldn't be ridiculous for people to think they are a compatible couple.
"So what are we gonna do "
Daniele answered Xenovia's question with a playful grin.
Under Daniele's guidance, the two walked for a while, the familiar location surprising Xenovia.
They were in church now
Finally, a possibility occurred to Xenovia.
"Are we going to teleport to another Church?"
"Yep "
The truth is that teleportation or transfer could be done between churches, but it had 3 restrictions
1-The other party needs to be aware of this and make preliminary preparations from that side. (Daniele informed yesterday)
2-The church must be structurally intact and active (The church was already completely)
3-Teleportation to the Vatican or other major centers is prohibited
Of course, for the 3rd restriction, the upper management has some backdoors, and they have this backdoor because Daniele and Xenovia are Vasco's apprentices and have accomplished many tasks.
But they still prefer planes because it takes a long time and is troublesome.
Although it doesn't matter now because the place they went to is still in Japan.
The two removed the magical barriers before entering and proceeded to the back door.
When they arrived in front of the big cross, Daniele took out her phone and checked the time.
After checking the time, he extended his hand to Xenovia, and Xenovia took Daniele's hand without retreating.
When the appointed time came, a golden magic circle appeared under them and the duo disappeared accompanied by light.
Japanese -Tokyo
Catholic Honjo Church
Daniele and Xenovia appeared with the light appearing in front of the cross
"Here ---"
Xenovia muttered as she looked around.
"Warrior Daniele and Warrior Xenovia"
Accompanied by the voice, the duo turned to the person who came.
He was a middle-aged priest
Of course the priest knew Xenovia and Daniele, after all they were both quite famous in the church
While Daniele has nicknames like 'The Lion King' and 'paladin' because of his Longinus and balance breaker's appearance
He also has a few nicknames like 'dragon slayer' because of Ascalon
In Xenovia's case, she has nicknames like ' Decapitating Princess' or 'Heir of Strada'
"Thanks for the arrangements and I'm sorry for the trouble"
The priest smiled at Daniele's words
"It's not important, just ...please don't call in the middle of the night again "
Daniele could only scratch the back of his head
The priest reached into his back pocket and pulled out two cards.
"This region is controlled by the Kushihashi clan, one of the 5 principal clans. This card will allow you to easily go to the place you want and you will not be subject to any scrutiny."
"So, are there any limitations?"
"Well, if you are going to a shrine, be especially careful to follow the rules of the shrine .Otherwise, it will break our agreement and cause problems."
Daniele and Xenovia thanked each other and then left.
"Where are we now, Dany?"
"Well, we're in Tokyo"
When Xenovia blinked in surprise, Daniele quickly pulled out two helmets and his motorcycle from the space storage.
When she threw one of the helmets at Xenovia, the blue haired beauty came to her senses and caught it.
Daniele put on his helmet and got on the motorcycle and gave it a little gas.
"Then shall we go?"
Xenovia's sparkling eyes were a sight to behold
After that Daniele and Xenovia rode motorcycles in Tokyo
Xenovia hugged Daniele tightly from behind, causing Daniele to feel her big presences
"Now I remember , how's your motorcycle license going?"
Daniele got worried that she couldn't hear because of the sound of the engine and asked raising his voice
"Almost everything is OK, when I get back to Italy I will take the exam and get it directly!!!"
Daniele grinned under his helmet when Xenovia shouted a similar tone.
"Then when you get your driver's license, we can travel together!! But now "
"LETS GO!!!"
The duo first went to visit Kanasaki Shrine
Daniele read the statement in his hand
"Let's see, this is a temple that worships Susanoo-no Mikoto"
"Tsk, so a pagan go—agh!"
Daniele reached over and squeezed Xenovia's cheek.
"Do not provoke others in other people's territory"
"You know your friend is right"
When they turned around at the new voice, Daniele was surprised to see a familiar person.
He was a handsome young man in his early 20s, with gray hair and yellow eyes, and glasses.
"Seiryuu Kushihashi??"
"What's with that confused reaction ,'The Lion King'. you are now in territory my clan supervised"
"Oh, right.But again, why did he come directly to the head of the clan?"
"Because there was no way the others could beat you. They'd probably attack you directly or something."
"I guess it's true"
Seiryuu's eyebrow twitched when Daniele nodded.
"By the way, why are you here?"
Xenovia reached out and took Daniele's hand.
"We are on a date"
"Date? Seriously?"
Daniele scratched his cheek a little, but nodded without denying it.
"....And your first place to visit is really the temple where Amaterasu-sama is worshiped?
""Wait, isn't this the shrine of Susanoo-no Mikoto?"
Daniele showed the guidebook in his hand.
"....*sigh* seriously what did I expect."
Seiryuu then silently cursed, saying 'I hate those books' or 'If you're going to show them, at least show them in detail'
He reached out to the nearby tree while cupping hisface with his hand.
A blue aura was released from Seiryuu's hand, and two cards emerged from the tree as if they had come to life.
He took out wood cards and handed them to Daniele and Xenovia.
Only the dragon pattern was engraved on the cards, but someone involved in the supernatural could tell that a unique blue aura was wafting through these cards.
"Get these. .İt allows you to move more comfortably."
"How is it different from what we get from church? "
Seiryuu rolled his eyes at Xenovia's question.
"The difference is that I gave it.Follow me, this is an area where you need to be particularly careful."
As Seiryuu walked away, the two looked at each other, then shrugged and followed behind.
The moment the two literally crossed the border, Daniele felt a momentary dizziness and lost his balance.
Xenovia quickly caught up with Daniele
Seiryuu quickly approached as Xenovia pushed Daniele into the corner
"What happened, is there something wrong?"
"I don't know. I felt a momentary dizziness, that's all."
Seiryuu frowned and began to think
"Maybe ,You may have had a reaction because of your longinus , but since it's nothing else, it might just be a warning or something."
Daniele nodded uncertainly as well and looked up to see Seiryuu handing his a water bottle.
Daniele reached out and picked it up, draining the bottle in one gulp.
Finally, when Danielide felt better, they stood up.
<What happened there, Regulus>
[I don't know, but what that Seiryuu brat said is wrong. You didn't receive any external reaction, instead it was your body that reacted]
<Can you find out what it is>
[It would be very easy if it had something to do with the soul, but this is something that comes from the body itself. For now, just go with the flow and focus on your date]
Daniele looked at Xenovia, who didn't let go of his hand.
<You are right>
Daniele eventually let the matter go and they toured Shrine under Seiryuu's leadership.
"Even if you don't worship God or pray, at least follow the procedure"
Daniele and Xenovia nodded and cleansed themselves with water before shaking the bell and clapping their hands twice.
Of course they didn't say any prayers, it was more to show the Gods that they were not here with malicious intent.
The two then tried the luck and relationship compatibility tests shown by Seiryuu.
Daniele had medium luck while Xenovia had excellent luck
When it comes to relationship status
Xenovia hummed and, with slightly red cheeks, pressed the paper to her chest, which made Daniele feel a little embarrassed as well.
Seiryuu's eyebrows were twitching due to this situation.
'Do I have to endure this? '
Some of the people working at the Shrine around frowned when they saw the cross around their necks, but when they noticed Seiryuu, they respectfully nodded. and continued their work.
They took a few photos before leaving and needless to say the person who took the photo was Seiryuu
Finally, as the two were leaving, Seiryuu took a photo of the two and sent it to a certain Himejima clan chef
After that he turned to the nearest employee
"Bring me a very hard filter coffee,thanks to these two are , I've eaten enough sweets."
But what no one noticed was that the moment Daniele entered the temple, the sun shone a little brighter, and this lasted until Daniele left the temple.
While Daniele and Xenovia continued to ride around on their motorcycle, they eventually went out to eat and they were in Japan, so----
They came to eat sushi
It was a medium sized store and basically you sit next to it on a movable table and pick up plates as they pass by and eat them.
As Xenovia went directly to the table, Daniele noticed the slightly tense expressions of those around them.
'There is a problem '
People were slightly startled when he sat across from the chair where Xenovia was sitting.
They both hung their jackets on the seats and placed the cards they received from Seiryuu on the outside of the jacket.
There was one Sushi on each plate
While Daniele was buying something that caught his interest, Xenovia wanted to taste many different species and was buying and eating it.
Even if it didn't go too far behind, it was a continuous flow and they had to wait at least 2 or 3 minutes.
But every time Xenovia took a plate, everyone was sweating more.
"O-ojou-chan, maybe you should wait a bit."
"Why, isn't the concept of this place to take?"
Xenovia said as she continued eating unconcernedly.
"T-that's right, but ---"
"Because you need to know whose place you're eating at!!"
A man in a suit stood up from the seat behind Xenovia, he had a colorful dragon tattoo on his neck.
Men in suits stood up from a few tables and had knives and pistols on their waists.
"What I said is the concept of this pl----"
"Who the hell cares?!?"
The man hit the moving table next to him, eventually knocking over the plates passing by, and both the sushi inside and the plates were broken and scattered.
Xenovia also stood up angrily, after all, it's bad to waste food like this.
Daniele is about to stand up to stop Xenovia from killing those guys –
"Now that I think about it, I'm in a good mood today. I can forgive you for your disrespect. If you spend some quality time with me and my men, I might even forgive you and see a real man instead of the brat in the back."
Since Xenovia had taken off her jacket, she was wrapped in a sweater, showing off her upper body better and emphasizing the blue haired girl's big breasts and slim waist.
but the tattooed man and a few people surrounding Daniele were now looking at this body with lust and desire
The man took the knife from his waist and held it at Xenovia's chest level. Everyone around them bowed their heads silently.
At that moment, the little kindness inside Daniele gave way to a deep cold gaze.
Daniele, who was half standing, leaned back and grabbed a passing plate and popped the sushi into his mouth.
"....not transcending human limits (translation:not using supernatural abilities)"
"Heh coward!!"
"Of course a diffident like you doesn't deserve this chick "
"Don't worry, we'll have a good time with him."
But while the people around were lost in thought, a cruel smile appeared on Xenovia's face.
Xenovia quickly reached out, grabbed the man's hand holding the knife, twisted it, and smashed one of the plates on the table in his face.
Even though the men were screaming, Xenovia continued regardless, grabbing the nearest man and slamming his head hard on the table.
She quickly raised her leg wrapped in jeans and kicked another man in the temporal bone
"You whoreee!!!!"
Daniele picked up the screaming man and slammed his head on the table like Xenovia did
He then reached for the broom in the corner, threw it at Xenovia, and threw an empty plate at the boss, who stood up and pointed a gun at Xenovia.
The plate traveled directly horizontally and hit the bridge of the tattooed man's nose
Grabbing the broom, Xenovia took a stance as if holding a sword and hit the man screaming in pain, first on his waist and then on his head.
When the boss fell unconscious, Xenovia quickly took care of the rest.
She received cheers from the surroundings when she stepped on the men lying on the ground, especially the boss, and posed.
Daniele giggled at Xenovia's current proud pose and took a photo
After a while, the police arrived and one of the police officers looked at Daniele's jacket in the corner as if he sensed something. His eyes widened when he saw the wooden card with a dragon pattern.
Daniele of course noticed this and the police nodded respectfully when he took the jacket to show that the card belonged to him
Before finally leaving, Daniele paid the money anyway, along with the broken furniture, even though the shop owner refused
Finally, the duo found themselves on the bike once again.
"That was so fun"
Xenovia said with a happy face
"It was"
"Where do we go now?"
A smug expression appeared on Daniele's face
"To the main event of course"
"Main event???"
Xenovia was now staring at the scene in front of her with luminous eyes.
"Ohhh~~~ Katanas, Tantos, Wakizakis....swords.....swords everywhere!"
When Xenovia shouted with excitement, Daniele stifled his laughter from behind.
Xenovia had two main hobbies
The first of these was the Motorcycle
The last one was swords, Xenovia wanted to collect special swords.She also had a love for all kinds of swords.
Daniele was aware of her hobby, so she specifically chose Tokyo
Because there's a great venue for that in Tokyo
Xenovia grabbed Daniele's hand and dragged his to various places inside
While reading the histories of various swords, he continued until he came across a particular sword, causing the two to flinch.
"This is--
"It does not emit holy or demonic energy, in short, it is a spirit sword.Considering the feeling it gives off, it's one of the weakest "
"But why was it left here?"
"There shouldn't be such a mistake in an area that Kushihashi controls, so the reason why this sword was placed here---"
Daniele then turned around and looked at the approaching man.
"----For determination purposes, in short, a trap"
"Now when you put it that way it sounds wrong .I am Hoderi Akio and my family owns the museum."
'Hoderi? Where did I hear this?'
Daniele couldn't help but think, he heard this somewhere, he's sure, but where?
"So the sword was really a trap"
Xenovia frowned.
"No no, of course not. We have a special exhibit for supernatural guests, we basically use it to determine, after all, a spirit sword among normal swords cannot help but attract attention."
"Well that's true "
Daniele nodded.
"Especially not to mention that you two have holy swords on you."
At that moment, the two quickly became alert.
"And how do you know that?"
Daniele frowned, literally the swords are in space storage, impossible to discover by normal means
"Don't get me wrong, I didn't have any bad intentions. My family collects special swords and we have a special method to feel the swords."
"You're displaying a spirit sword here, aren't you worried about it being stolen?"
"Of course, we took precautions, the glass protecting the sword was enchanted and strengthened by high-level mages, and we also have an agreement with the Kushihashi clan. "
He pointed his fingers at various people
Even though the men looked like normal visitors, they released auras from their bodies for a moment.
"Well, where is this exhibit?!"
Of course it didn't matter to Xenovia and she quickly set her priorities
"Okay follow me"
<Regulus >
[He never lied and I felt no ill will]
When they entered the private room, they entered a room with 8 or 9 swords, of course they were few, but every sword was valuable.
Inside, protection was increased.
Xenovia then disappeared and began to examine the swords inside the glass.
"She seriously reminds me of my little brother"
"Your little brother?"
"Yes, he is also very excited about situations like this, but since he is the youngest in the family, we tend to worry about him too much."
"Did something happen? Of course, I apologize if it is a private matter."
"No no, it doesn't matter, my family, and of course me and my sister, were very worried about him, so we stopped his supernatural initiation ritual ."
"how does this work?"
"Well basically he have to fight a supernatural being .But we postponed it on the grounds that 'it would be too costly'.
"I assume this is not the case"
"Of course not, after all, even a single spirit sword can be sold for excessive amounts of money, and if we include the strays, it is unnecessary to even spend money."
"Of course he didn't take it well"
"Pretty, I hope he doesn't do anything stupid"
"Well, I hope he doesn't...well, would you like to explain why you're telling so much?"
Akio let out a laugh.
"Was it that obvious?"
"A little "
"Well, the wooden card you hang on your jacket has an intense aura. Add to that the fact that I know who it is."
"'It's best to be on the good side of someone close to Seiryuu,' right?"
"Well, I hope I didn't offend you"
"Of course not, that's not a fundamentally bad thing "
Xenovia's voice caught Daniele's attention and he waved at the blue haired girl who waved back at his.
"Well, it's best not to keep her waiting too long, then, God willing, let's meet again."
After the words Daniele ran towards Xenovia
The two examined the swords there for a while and left with Xenovia feeling a bit upset.
Under the sunset Daniele was driving to the final point
Finally the two arrived at the beach.
They went to a place where there were no people
"Water feels good~~"
Xenovia had taken off her shoes and socks she had rolled up her jeans and was walking where the water was shallow.
Daniele did the same thing and they were walking together
When they finally reached a certain place, Xenovia stopped and took off her jacket.
She threw it into the space storage she opened, along with her shoes and socks.
Then, instead of closing the magic circle, he reached out his hand and pulled out a blue gold sword with predominantly blue
"You made me wait so long yesterday, so you will answer at least earn this."
Of course, Daniele, who had known Xenovia for a long time, understood the meaning
'I waited so long yesterday and it was frustrating so bear with it'
[Puahahah this is what I'm talking about!!!]
Daniele sighed when he felt a twitch at the corner of his mouth.
Daniele threw the extras into the space storage, just like Xenovia.
But unlike Xenovia, he then closed the magic circle
When he extended his hand, Regulus Nemea appeared in his hand accompanied by golden light.
Daniele also took his own stance
[Let's go partner, for hope of losing your virginity!!!!]
"Not for this!!!!"
Xenovia attacked with slightly red cheeks
She was swinging the Durandal at the bottom, even if the sword did not touch the ground or water, the abnormal destructive strength would still split the water and sand.
Daniele didn't hold back either and swung Regulus Nemea
Accompanied by the metallic sound created when an ax and a sword collided, both weapons retreated and the sand and water around them split from the force.
Daniele and Xenovia lashed out at each other once again without backing down.
Once again two weapons clashed
As Durandal glowed, Xenovia increased the power and Daniele quickly bent his ax to deflect the holy sword.
Even though the attack was directed to the other side, the devastating-holy power flew towards the back and made a hole in the beach
But neither of them cared right now
Using his angle, Daniele changed Regulus' power type nature to 'technical type' and swung its around to attack Xenovia.
Xenovia slid back even though she used Durandal to block the attack
Both Daniele and Xenovia knew each other's techniques by heart, but----
As Daniele attacked again, Xenovia used Durandal to block, but Daniele slid the ax downward as it made contact with the sword.
When he reached the lower parts of the sword, Regulus Nemea exploded with a momentary golden aura, and Daniele swung his axe upwards with the aura explosion.
This was Siegfried's trick with Gram in the fight against Daniele
When Durandal flew from Xenovia's hand, it sank from the air into the sand on the beach.
Because of the force of the previous force, the water under them exploded and the explosion rained down on them as if it were raining now.
"Did I deserve it now?"
Xenovia didn't say anything, she just squirmed slightly.
Then she looked at Daniele again
"I...I love you Dany"
" Well, how should I say it?Since when "
This was something Daniele wondered, when did this childhood friend in front of him fall in love?
"I think this was the first time we stayed at your house and I started noticing it with the whole Vampire hunting thing."
'That long?!'
Daniele screamed inside
"Even if you reject me today, I won't give up until I make you fall in love with me."
She looked directly into his eyes as she said this
Daniele looked at blushing girl in front of his, her hair wet from the rain earlier.
'In the end, Regulus was right again'
[You're welcome]
Daniele had already made up his mind before going on this date.
"You seriously stupid, Xenovia."
"What does this m----mmmhp?!"
Daniele cupped Xenovia's cheek with his left hand and kissed it.
As Xenovia's eyes widened in surprise, she lost her balance and was about to fall back, but Daniele let Regulus Nemea disappear from her grasp and hugged Xenovia's waist.
When Xenovia's eyes opened in surprise, her eyes slowly closed and she wrapped both arms around Daniele while surrendering herself to the kiss.
When the two finally parted from lack of air, Daniele looked at the girl in front of him.
"You keep saying rejecting me or make me fall in love're too late for that, idiot."
Daniele untied Xenovia's arms and held her right hand with both hands
Even though he felt the burning in his cheeks, he decided to continue.
"Xenovia Quarta I..... I love you.I want you to be with me now and in the future."
Xenovia felt wetness on her cheeks as she looked at Daniele in front of her.
"You're the one who's late!!! I was very scared when you didn't answer right away!!!! I was afraid that you would reject me even though I said I wouldn't give up"
Daniele smiled and wiped the tears from her cheeks
"I'm sorry….so what's your answer?"
Xenovia looked at the boy she had a crush on in front of her and didn't want to bother talking.
She wrapped her arms around Daniele's neck again and pulled him to kiss her again.
Unbalanced, Daniele fell to the ground and propped herself up with one hand, holding her upper body upright and wrapping his other hand around Xenovia's waist.
When the two finally parted again, their cheeks were red
As if they both agreed without saying anything,Their eyes met and they leaned in for one last kiss
Even though Daniele stiffened when he felt the tongue entering his mouth, he was quick to respond.
Adjusted his sitting position in shallow water and wrapped his other hand around Xenovia's waist.
Xenovia sat directly on Daniele's lap
They both kissed passionately and hugged each other tightly as if they wanted to mingle with each other.
When they finally parted there was a silver bridge between them mouth and they were both panting with red faces.
Xenovia hugged Daniele and buried her face in her shoulder
"You tell again "
Of course Daniele got what she wanted
"I love you Xeno---"
"Like you said when we were a kid"
It made Daniele stiffen.
"Why suddenly?"
"You're the one who suddenly stopped saying that"
"I love you....Via"
Xenovia hummed happily and buried her face further into Daniele's shoulder.
When he was a kid, Daniele called Xenovia 'Via', but in church they were teased many times about him and Xenovia being a couple, and eventually Daniele decided not use it.
"The sun has set, let's go home"
"Carry me"
"Okay okay princess "
Daniele hugged Xenovia like a princess and stood up
First, when he walked closer to Durandal, Xenovia, who was still hugging Daniele, stretched out her hand and took the Holy Sword into her storage.
When they were completely out of the water, Daniele created a magic circle around them and dried himself and Xenovia.
He walked towards the sand and left Xenovia on the sand
She took out his shoes and socks from the space storage and handed them to Daniele.
This action made Daniele's eyebrow twitch, but he still took the shoes and socks.
First he started to put on her socks slowly, then he put on her shoes.
After putting on his own shoes and socks, he looked at Xenovia with her arms outstretched towards him.
"Seriously "
Daniele picked up Xenovia again and walked towards the Motorcycle.
"What will we do with our relationship?"
"Of course I will tell everyone. Why?"
"What about Asia and Irina"
"What happened to those two?"
Xenovia looked at Daniele wearily.
"I will tell those two about our relationship"
"Huh, why?"
"Girl thing"
"Wow our Xenovia knows girl stuff. Griselda is going to shed a tear "
A tick mark formed on Xenovia's forehead and she moved closer to Daniele's shoulder
Daniele screamed in pain
"Why are you biting???¡!!!"
"Because you're stupid "
There was silence between them
"So Dany, when will we get married?"
"*Sigh* We are only 17 years old, Via. It's too early."
Daniele eventually decided to call Xenovia to 'Via' again, when they were alone, of course.
"Then engaged."
"I can work with this
"Umu, engaged "
Xenovia leaned her head on Daniele's shoulder again
Next day
Daniele and Asia were currently waiting in an empty area of the church with Vasco and Michael
Daniele looked at Asia, for some reason she felt his gaze and immediately turned her head when their eyes met, but why were her ears red?
'What did Xenovia tell them? '
When the expected person finally arrived, everyone became serious. Even Vasco had an icy expression on his face, only Asia had a tense expression.
The person who came after a green magic circle was Serafall dressed in business clothes and a person in noble clothes that she brought with her.
But only the clothes of the person who came could be considered noble, and even they were tattered.
He had swelling on his face and blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth.
His arms and legs looked as if they were broken and forcibly straightened.
Devil with dark cyan hair finally barely opened his golden eyes
His eyes widened when he recognized Asia
'Asia ahh~~~ my sweet Asia , she can heal me!!!!'
With this thought, he ran towards Asia, but at that moment, a hand appeared on Asia's shoulder, pulled him back, and a fist with a cross attached to it hit him right in the face.
The punch sent him straight into the wall and created cracks in it, sending several teeth flying out of his mouth in the process.
"Stay away from Asia you creep"
This is how Daniele Berti and Diodora Astaroth first met