
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · 历史
21 Chs

The way of the pilgrims

When Asher got to his new school, He waited in the receptionist lounge.

Seconds flew by, minutes passed and soon hours were passing. Asher stood up in unrivaled anger, the heat was blistering.

The pilgrims college wasn't a large school. Asher was a very smart kid so he would zero to no problems figuring out locations in the school.

Where am I even going?

Asher asked himself when he calmed down a little and realized that he was just walking forward.

Apart from the heat in the receptionist's office where the only fan seemed to be bad, Asher couldn't stand the first year Junior students who were running around him. Because of his small size, they probably thought he was going to be their classmate.

Because of this thought, they decided to make his acquaintance even before he officially joined the school. This made them to start cracking jokes and making childish gestures which he found very irritating.

Asher couldn't wait to punish them already.

Something must be going on there. Asher thought to himself as he saw a group of students gathered beside a window.

Asher was unsmiling as he approached them. All eyes were on the young boy but he didn't really seem to mind.

He got that a lot. Asher was easily the most handsome boy most places he went.

As Asher stood in front of the crowd, a tall boy came out to meet him.

This boy was named Victory.

Actually Asher had seen Victory long ago. The boy was easily the tallest boy in the entirety of the pilgrims college. Asher wasn't even as tall as his shoulder.

Victory stared down on Asher as he spoke. Who're you looking for?

The principal. Asher spoke curtly. He didn't bother to take even a glance at Victory's face, he didn't have the strength to stress himself just to catch a glimpse of the boy's face.

A boy that tall....He wasn't even a final year student, what did he eat?

Asher instead, took a glance at the other students who were admiring his cute little self. She asked me to come get my uniform today.

Asher said this in a surprisingly poite manner. Asher Was very talented. He could draw, Sing, craft things and come up with a literary work. Asher was a complete art student.

He was also extremely smart and intelligent. save for the fact that he never read his books, Asher would have easily topped his classes all the time.

Asher could be surprisingly harsh and polite at the same time. It all depended on his mood at that moment and the apearance he wanted to take. Asher could also sweet-talk in a very polite manner that often got him out of trouble.

The way he switched character gears was a sight to behold.

In his house, Asher was known as a crazily rude and playful boy. In his street, he wasn't known at all. Just a normal Quiet and polite child.

Towering every other person, Victory nodded his head.

He turned around to face the window which they were all standing close to.

What's your name? Victory asked as he suddenly turned again to face Asher.

Asher. Asher said his name curtly.

Asher noticed the girls giggle on hearing his name.

Some distinct chatters could be heard. What a cute name!

Victory turned to the window again.

The principal was actually standing at the window.

Asher had noticed her much earlier, but he refused to pay her any attention or even speak to her so as to avoid being rude to her or lashing out at her.

To be candid, Asher was barely able to flash his everly radiant smile at the group of students who stood before him.

Asher was a mixed and complicated personality, He was rude yet polite. He was very harsh and yet he was the most friendly person you would meet.

Asher never really smiled, but he was always smiling. His perfect singing voice had suddenly started to fade, maybe it was the growing older syndrome.

All in all, he was a nice person who was fun loving.

But this kid had a side, A dark side unknown to even himself.

Victory's voice brought back all straying thoughts.

Ma, A boy named Asher is standing here. He said you asked him to come get his school uniform.

The principal looked up from the notebook she was staring at.

Yes I know, He's been here for a while. But I asked him to come by twelve and he came by two. Tell him to go and wait.

Asher couldn't believe this. She had known he was here all along?!

She never asked him to come by two pm.

But even though, He had been here for two hours so it was currently two pm.

So why was he asked to wait again?!

Asher was in the school untill it dismissed for the day.

He didn't know how it happened but he had been in the school till four pm.

He had stayed an extra two hours without even catching a glimpse of his new principal.

Asher now knew where the principal's office was.

He dragged his feets grudgingly towards her office.

I really don't know what is wrong with this woman!

Asher heard a really pissed off voice complaining. The voice didn't stop at that as itr continued it's unbrittled shout.

I joined this school when I was in junior high, That was a year ago! And I wasn't given a uniform untill yesterday! To worsen matters, I was given a spoilt uniform!

Asher came close enough to see a fat girl complainin to another slim girl who seemed to be her friend.

Don't worry, Queenette. The slim girl replied. You're still relativelynew to this school. You have to get used to it, It's the way of the pilgrims.

Screw the way of the pilgrims!

The irritation on Queeneeth's face was as clear as day.