
High School Chronicles: The Otherworldly Harem[Dropped]

In a world where the boundaries of anime universes have merged, a high school has emerged where characters from across the multiverse coexist. Our protagonist, Orion, has been reincarnated into this new world with the knowledge of all fiction ever created on Earth, giving him a unique perspective and understanding of the diverse cast of characters he encounters. As Orion navigates through this fascinating new environment, he finds himself attending a high school filled with a vibrant mix of students and teachers from various anime backgrounds, creating a melting pot of personalities and abilities. The teachers at this high school are not your typical ones, with Moka Akashiya, Yoruichi Shihoin, Rangiku Matsumoto, Boa Hancock, Hatake Kakashi, Momo Yaoyorozu, and Korosensei each bringing their unique skills and quirks to the classroom. Orion's interactions with the female characters from various anime worlds form the core of the harem aspect of the story. From the intelligent and resourceful science teacher Momo Yaoyorozu to the enigmatic and playful philosophy teacher Yoruichi Shihoin, Orion's natural charm and aura make him a popular figure among the female characters. Moka Akashiya's literature class is always full of surprises, as her two contrasting personalities can cause unexpected shifts in the classroom atmosphere. In philosophy class, Yoruichi Shihoin teaches complex subjects by relating them to cat-related analogies. Meanwhile, Rangiku Matsumoto's biology class is an experience in itself, as she unconsciously accentuates her figure and often leaves her students blushing. Boa Hancock's theatre class brings drama and excitement to the school with her daring acts and suggestive play selections, while Hatake Kakashi's PE class is a test of the students' physical limits. The unconventional and enigmatic math teacher, Korosensei, helps students overcome their struggles with numbers using innovative and engaging methods. As Orion's relationships with these teachers deepen, so too does his harem, creating a captivating and comical experience that keeps viewers hooked. However, the ever-present conflict between good and evil forces threatens to disrupt MC's high school life, making every day an unpredictable adventure. In this universe, characters' ages have been altered to fit into the story better, creating a unique high school experience that fans of the harem and slice-of-life genres will love. High School Chronicles: The Otherworldly Harem is a delightful and entertaining journey through the unique world where beloved anime characters collide. This novel focuses on harem and erotic content. The interactions between the female characters and Orion will be swift and effortless due to Orion's natural abilities, charm, and looks, drawing women towards him. Although romance is not the primary focus, the story will feature explicit sexual content. Additional Tags: Incest, Harem, Smut, Quick Romance. No NTR. Never NTR. No Yuri! With the exception of!!! Orion and his sisters have two mothers, no father. Orion's mothers love each other, and their love will not change even after Orion becomes a part of their love life. There will be scenes depicting their love, but there will be no sex scenes involving only two of them. Other than two of them, no other two harem member will have relationship.

TheFanficGod · 漫画同人
184 Chs

Games and Midway Attractions


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Promising to meet later, Orion left Levy's side, who reluctantly let him go. He felt a magnetic pull as he stepped away, a gravitational force that he had to consciously overcome. He headed over to the Games and Midway Attractions, where Mizore was waiting for him. She greeted him with a playful smile and a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"So, you're up for some games?" she asked.

Orion smirked, matching her tone. "Are you asking because you think I need practice, or because you want to show off?"

She chuckled. "Maybe a little of both."

"Bold. I like it."

Mizore led him to a shooting game, adorned with plush prizes and colorful targets. She gripped the toy rifle, aligning it with her target—a stack of tin cans artfully arranged in a pyramid. With a swift pull of the trigger, the cans toppled over. She looked at him with a triumphant grin.

"Your turn," she said.

Orion stepped up to the plate, shouldering the toy rifle. "Any tips?"

"Just aim and shoot," she advised. "It's not that complicated."

Orion lined up his shot, and just as he was about to pull the trigger, Mizore leaned in close to him, her lips nearly brushing against his ear. "Or maybe it is," she whispered, and he misfired.

"Hey! No fair!" Orion exclaimed, but he couldn't help laughing.

"I didn't say I was going to make it easy for you," Mizore replied, her voice tinged with delight.

Taking the rifle back, Orion focused his aim once more. This time he knocked down the stack of cans with ease.

"Not bad," Mizore admitted, handing him a stuffed animal she'd won earlier. It was a cute, oversized penguin.

Orion raised an eyebrow. "For me?"

"Just to keep the competition interesting," she said, her eyes twinkling like the stars overhead.

They moved on to a ring toss game. The air was filled with the scent of popcorn and the raucous sounds of laughter and bells ringing. Orion watched as Mizore expertly tossed a ring, effortlessly capturing a peg.

"It seems like you're a pro at this," he observed.

"What can I say? I have many talents," she winked.

"Care to reveal any other talents?" Orion flirted.

Mizore leaned in close, her eyes never breaking contact with his. "Maybe, if you're lucky."

"Ah, luck. I've always found it favors me," Orion said, leaning in to close the space between them.

Mizore smirked, "Did you even charm Lady Luck?"

Orion chuckled, considering the recent confirmation of his own luck-altering abilities. "She might have a soft spot for me, you know."

"Well, she'd better step aside, because tonight, you're all mine," Mizore teased.

"You're not the only one competing for that honor," Orion quipped, thinking about his other relationships but focusing on the magnetic moment he was sharing with Mizore.

"Is that so?" Mizore's eyes gleamed with playful competition.

"Absolutely. But right now, my attention is solely on this game—and you," he said.

"Let's see if your luck can keep up with your charm, then."

Orion picked up a plastic ring and eyed the pegs, carefully weighing his throw. But just as he was about to make his move, Mizore placed a gentle hand on his arm. Her touch was electric, sending a small shock down his spine.

He looked at her, a little thrown off. "What's the matter? Afraid I'll beat you?"

She shook her head. "Oh, I know you're good. Just thought I'd give you some...motivation."

And with that, she leaned in and kissed him. It was a brief, but exhilarating kiss—the kind that made your senses sing and your heart pound louder.

Feeling a surge of confidence—whether it was from his own superpower or Mizore's kiss, he wasn't sure—Orion tossed the ring. It swirled through the air and landed neatly on one of the pegs.

Mizore clapped her hands in delight. "See? I knew you had it in you!"

"Was it my skill, or did your kiss give me a stroke of good fortune?" Orion grinned.

"Guess we'll never know," she replied enigmatically, but her eyes were dancing with joy.

They roamed through the midway, stopping at a dart game. Mizore picked up a dart and, without much effort, hit the bullseye.

Orion shook his head. "You're making this look too easy."

"Like I said, I have many talents," she said with a wink.

"And yet, you keep them hidden. What a shame," he flirted back.

"Who says they're hidden? Maybe I'm just waiting for the right moment to reveal them," she said, her voice tinged with mystery.

"And when would that be?"

"When you least expect it, but most need it," Mizore replied, a secret smile on her lips.

"That sounds like something out of a movie," Orion said.

"Maybe our lives could be a movie. A romantic one, hopefully," she teased.

"Romantic comedy, more like," he chuckled, picturing the zany cast of characters that was their circle of friends and lovers.

Mizore nodded, "With a touch of action and drama, considering your flair for the extravagant."

"Extravagant, huh? I'd like to think of myself as 'memorable,'" Orion mused, his tone bordering on philosophical. He thought about how every action had an equal and opposite reaction, a credo he lived by.

Mizore leaned in, whispering, "Oh, you're memorable, all right. In more ways than one."

Slightly intrigued, he queried, "Is that another of your talents? Mind-reading?"

She grinned, stepping back from him slightly to give them both some room. "Indeed it is. Let me see." Closing her eyes and furrowing her brows in mock concentration, Mizore finally announced, "You're thinking of kissing me."

Orion gasped, his eyes wide, feigning a horrified expression. "Y-you, get out of my head!"

She giggled and playfully nudged him. "No, I like it there. A bit pervy, but warm."

Both broke into laughter, the tension eased, but the magnetic pull between them stronger than ever.

Orion picked up another dart. "So, what should I aim for? The bullseye, or your heart?"

"Try for both, if you can manage," Mizore replied, her eyes shimmering in the carnival lights.

Orion smirked, as he locked eyes with Mizore, not even glancing at the target he was supposed to aim for. The worker running the stall shouted in despair, "Don't throw blindly, damn it!" She lunged forward in an attempt to stop him, but it was too late.

The dart flew through the air, missing the board entirely. For a split second, Mizore's eyes twinkled with the anticipation of teasing him about his epic fail. But instead, the dart cut through a rope above the board, and a large plush bear suspended from the ceiling swung down. It hit Orion squarely on the head, sending him stumbling forward. Before he knew it, his lips found Mizore's. The kiss was tender, soft yet electric, a spark that jolted their senses, momentarily freezing them in time.

As they parted, Mizore's eyes went wide; she noticed the dart had ricocheted from the cut rope to land dead center on the bullseye. "You really did aim for both," she said, her voice tinged with awe.

Orion chuckled, rubbing the spot where the bear had whacked him. "I guess Lady Luck is still on my side."

The worker, who had been watching the improbable sequence of events unfold, was slack-jawed. She couldn't muster the words to protest as Orion grabbed the giant bear. "I'm taking this as my reward," he announced, before leading Mizore away to another game.

As they walked, Mizore couldn't help but question him. "How do you do it? Defy the odds like that?"

Orion glanced at her, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Who says it's all about odds?"

"Another game?" Mizore's eyes twinkled as they began walking away.

"How about a game of 'guess what I'm thinking'?" Orion proposed, falling in line with Mizore's earlier jest.

"Alright, what are you thinking then?" Mizore asked, amused.

"That I'm really lucky to be here with you," he replied, not breaking eye contact.

Mizore smiled, her heart visibly melting. "You're good at this game."

"It's easy when the person you're playing with makes everything seem like a win," Orion added.

"So, what's your next move?" Mizore queried, captivated by the escalating dialogue between them.

"Who says I have moves? Maybe I'm just letting the night lead the way," he answered, reveling in the excitement of their verbal dance.

"Ah, spontaneous, are we?" Mizore retorted, her voice laced with flirtatiousness.

"You could say that," he affirmed, winking.

Mizore tilted her head playfully. "I'll make you a deal."

"Go on," Orion said, intrigued.

"If you can win one more game fair and square, I'll reveal another one of my talents," she offered.

"Fair and square? Where's the fun in that?" Orion laughed. "But deal."

"Choose your game, then."

"Let's see if I can knock down some milk bottles," Orion proposed.

"You're on."

They arrived at the milk bottle stand. Orion grabbed a softball and weighed it in his hand. Just as he prepared to throw, Mizore leaned in and whispered, "Remember, I'm watching."

It was enough of a distraction, but Orion took it in stride. He threw the ball, knocking down the stack of milk bottles. A triumphant grin spread across his face.

"Your move," he said, handing the ball back to Mizore.

Mizore took her throw, also knocking down the bottles. "We're good at this."

"Aren't we?" Orion's eyes locked onto hers. "So, another talent reveal?"

"In a good time." She giggled away.