
High King of the Rivers

born after the awakening of the elves but before being forc.... found and taken to Valinor this is the tale of the first and only High King of the 4th clan the Cantëayr King Of The Rivers one of the first of elves in Middle-earth and with the Valar. (I OWN NOTHING FROM THE WORKS CREATED BY JRR TOLKIEN OR THE 6 MOVIES I ONLY CLAIM MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

Nerdy_stoner · 作品衍生
17 Chs

Time Skip/ Bonds Formed, Different Skills

(3rd POV)

4 months later the 7 'siblings' of the first of the Eldar had their bags packed and ready to go they all decided that they would spend the next 2 months learning how to fight to defend themselves and also figure out their talents.

with 2 bows and trashed arrows that had just a minor flaw that 3 elves found, and they deemed it unusable those 3 were Enel Enelyë and Cantëaian. How they all instinctively knew these arrows were trash none know. after a week of training with them. The best with the bow is definitely Enelyë and Enel followed closely by Iminyë and Imin though Tata, Tatië and Cantëaian aren't too far behind.

When it came to the use of a spear Cantëaian was leaps above the other six Eldar with Imin and Iminyë again being the 2nd best with the weapon. then Tata and Tatië neck and neck with Enel and Enelyë but the same with the arrows there was 2 spears that were considered trash whether it was the spear head or pole both have a small flaw Cantëaian saw it and the only other 2 to notice it was Tata and Tatië.

When it came to dagger play the best was Imin and Iminyë with Tata and Tatië right behind them and Cantëaian followed by Enel and Enelyë the Imin and Iminyë.

When they weren't training their body, they were expressing their artistic sides Tata and Tatië were using the extra animal skins cutting it up and drawing. what looked like fortresses that looked powerful and dangerous to attack with square towers now it wasn't actual building designs. just drawings of forts that both said they saw in their minds eye we all tried it and while Tata and Tatië definitely drew the most secure looking places that by looking at it you will feel safe. Iminyë and Imin Had theirs surrounded by leaf's possibly the tree or trees themselves and a wall less city that made them all feel calm in in their fäe. Enelyë and Enel drew a skylight of different cities and Towns all deep within a forest if you didn't look hard enough you would just think it was a drawing of a forest it held an air of mystery and awe. Cantëaian she drew what looked like where her six siblings had found her, she is kneeling down and brushing her fingers against the water of the river and a tear dripping from her eyes. After looking at the rest of the painting and seeing almost exactly where they found Cantëaian her six siblings saw inside the river is a whole different sight. it showed 5 cities the main city in the center and the other for spread out north southeast and west all over rivers leading to the central city. but that's not the shocking part they all see a man attempting to brush her tears away. He has the same snow-white hair as Cantëaian but the sides of his head, was shaved and he had his hair braided, with silver and pearls in it. one eye of the man was pure ice blue, and the other was sea green just like Cantëaian's they all knew who it was Tatië, Enelyë, and Iminyë all hugged Cantëaian, in sorrow for what she longs for her son but Imin, Tata, and Enel all see another 2 other figures one is almost the water itself almost like a protector of Cantëaian or her son. The other has 3 shining objects on an obsidian black crown and despite the brightness of the objects the shadow around the figure is pure darkness you could almost pass it off as a light reflecting on the water if it wasn't for the orange fire eyes staring at Cantëaian's son and herself. from the feeling you get when it seems the eyes are on her son hatred and betrayal longing is the feeling you get but when it's looking at Cantëaian it's hateful and betrayed with longing and lustful overall it gives 4 distinct feelings hope by Cantëaian's son his kingdom and kindness for his mother all with a smirk, protection and overwhelming love from the water, longing for her family her visions show her, an unnatural fear from the dark figure.

(Cantëaian POV)

I hear the guy's gasp and Tata ask

"Sister how did you draw this I can see where you started doing a city and did amazing, I might add, and your son is a beautiful Eldar.... But the dark figure in the shadows? Or the one that blends into the water any idea who they are?"

My 'sisters' draw back and look at the painting again and so do I but I don't remember drawing either of the figures. the one that is the water or controls it is i feel my mate or fäe bond I don't know how but that's my feeling and the dark figure in the shadows of the drawing is frightening and you almost feel hopeless looking at it too long.

"I-I don't.... I don't know I feel in my fäe that the one that is the water or controls the water is connected or is my mate or fäe bond, the other one makes me sick like I'm looking at the true enemy"

Causing us all to shake for a moment and I continue

"Only thing I did was sing to Eru our creator while drawing when I came out of it I was showing my drawing.... He is so life like tho..."

I run my fingers over my Little Star.

(2 months later)

I look at my 'siblings' as each one of us has improved in these last 2 months we found out after repeat showings that if we focus too much on something we can force a vision and if you use your voice or songs or declaration in Eru's name we aren't sure about the Valar because of we don't know their names and it's risky to try the drawing is always on Cantëaian's mind what it could mean and everything else. But we have all discussed it and Imin and Iminyë will be in the role of leadership amongst us until we find our people after all Imin and Iminyë are the wisest of us while myself, Enel and Enelyë will take turns on watch while everyone else is asleep and Tata or Tatië will be sleeping right next to the one on watch that way we don't fall for any surprises.

"Alright ladies and.... Not ladies let's go Iminyë and Imin in the middle Enel and Enelyë in right behind them Tata and Tatië in the front I will be scouting ahead for us if you hear my bird call, you'll know it's not safe if you don't see me for more than 2 hours make camp and wait.... see ya suckers hahaha"

The girls laughed while the guys grumbled and Imin says

"Aren't we supposed to be in charge my light"

Iminyë looks at him while laughing and speaks

"A wise leader takes sound advice and having our best fighters Infront of us sounds just as good as having our best archers behind us and one of our quietest ahead sounds wise indeed my heart"