
High King of the Rivers

born after the awakening of the elves but before being forc.... found and taken to Valinor this is the tale of the first and only High King of the 4th clan the Cantëayr King Of The Rivers one of the first of elves in Middle-earth and with the Valar. (I OWN NOTHING FROM THE WORKS CREATED BY JRR TOLKIEN OR THE 6 MOVIES I ONLY CLAIM MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

Nerdy_stoner · 作品衍生
17 Chs

The Bay of Cuiviénen (Pt. 1)

(12 months later)

We made it to the bay Cuiviénen 5 months ago the Nënluyár, Tatyar, Nelyar, and Minyar clans quickly set about setting up their tents even now you can see the beginning of division amongst us Eldar.

the Tatyar have settled down in the thickest part of the woods surrounding this bay that seems to reflect any lights and make it a thousand times more beautiful and shimmer in what seems to be welcoming settling in the East of the bay.

The Minyar settled in right next to the bay close enough to both the water and trees to the West side of the bay.

The Nelyar settled on the south of the bay where the trees are more open and you can have more space to build, tinker, or be able to see your surroundings better. and living inside the thickest of the trees without being able to communicate with them like Enel and Enelyë's people could is just as bad.

My people the Nënluyár are directly north where a descent sized river at least the length of 6 horses in a line but it seems deeper then it is wide but the current is calm and soothing too our fäe.

Currently I am with my people with talking with them with 2 that have become my right and left hands Cavyër and Caviön twin's male and female with that being the only difference Caviön is only slightly bigger.

"What do you mean you want to try building into the river Cavyër?"

I asked her while Caviön answered

"We have been living in tents since we woke and while it is surprisingly easy, I still would like to sleep in safety of a town, City, or fortress to leaving it to Chance"

Cavyër agrees nodding her head, so I nod and look out to the river

"If we are going to do this, we will need help from the other branches of the Eldar because while we can build and maintain weapons and our own clothing. the wisdom of Imin and Iminyë would give us some insight on how to start, then the Nelyar... Yes, I will have to ask Tata and Tatië for assistance with this project, it would also be good to let Tatyar Know. so, you two let the people know we will move ahead and build our new home. When you are both done letting them know Cavyër you will go to Enel and Enelyë and ask them to come to a meeting in the Minyar, Caviön do the same with Tata and Tatië, I will go immediately to Imin and Iminyë and ask for a meeting with them"

With that they both left my side I walk through the camp and let Lijës, know he is in charge till I return the go to where Vöid was and when I see him pat him while giving him an apple then mounting him.

"Take me to Imin and Iminyë boy to the Minyar"

With a snort Vöid shot off without a sound my siblings and my horses were all like that I can only think they aren't entirely just horses but as I feel the air in my hair as it whips around, I enjoy the moment smiling and beginning to sing subconsciously.

halfway to the Minyar both Vöid and I feel like we are being watched by something and it feels like darkness. I slow Vöid and look to the forest surrounding the lake Cuiviénen until I see 2 yellow eyes at the very end of my vision, so I tell Vöid

"Leave as fast as he can and take us to Imin"

With out anymore prompting he shoots of like an arrow and shortly later I'm Infront of the Minyar the smallest of us but wiser than any other branch I dismount Vöid and walk through till I see Imin and Iminyë talking to some of their people when they see me, they both turn to me with smile's

"Sister good to see you what you are doing here"

I smile at both before saying

"Brother, sister my people the Nënluyár have begun asking to build an actual home for themselves I am tempted to agree now more than ever for while we have 91 Eldar we are already living in separate parts of the lake so for insurance to their safety I ask that us and our siblings come together and discuss building 4 forts for now that will grow to towns and keeps to Citys and fortresses. For not just have my people been wanting this on my way here I felt like I was being watched by something dark and when I slowed, I saw yellow eyes staring back at me at the very edge of my vision."

Imin and Iminyë both look concerned and confused before he said.

"Some of my people have Also reported feeling like they are being watched.... I can call for a meeting here I'm assuming you already have an idea where you want to build sister"

I nod to them and say

"My people want to try building over the river and stabilize the fort by driving giant logs into the riverbed we are thinking if we harden them the same way we did with the spear poles and then use them as the foundation that water would slowly enter the logs and they will end up petrifying with time. but they would be stable enough to build the base of our fort right before the mouth of the river and it rushes from the bay.... What do you two think"

Iminyë grabs my shoulder and says

"It's a sound idea I can only think of 2 issues with doing it, they are how are you planning on dropping the logs and it would require that we fell more than a few trees"

Imin nods in agreement so I say

"We will take every sapling that we find from the trees we fell, and we can replant them to grow new trees to replace the ones we fell and as long as all 4 branches of the Eldar don't fell the replanted tree saplings with time they will grow and never bring the thinning the forest around us. as far as I am hoping we will need to build rafts to guide the logs and keep it from entering the wrong spot while we drive the logs into the riverbeds. I'm hoping we can build 2 temporary bridges just far enough to use some of the Tatyar rope so people up there can keep the logs in place as the ones on the rafts drive it into the ground with precut out areas that the driving rods rest for us to hammer it in with double handed hammers like the hammers used for the forge just as I said enough room for two hands two swing it down on the rod in the nooks of the logs"

Just then we see my left and right hands Cavyër and Caviön leading Tata, Tatië, Enel and Enelyë towards us and Tata says

"That sounds interesting sister please tell us more about this for 4 of our siblings only know that you are asking for a meeting between us for help building the first elven fort for your people to live in and grow safely"

Enelyë says while holding Enel's hand

"Yes, we to heard this from Cavyër here who says she is your right hand while her brother is your left hand what does this mean sister"

They all look at my 'Hands' in confusion then at me.

"Ahh right I set up a casting system for my people there is a civilian of the Nënluyár which all of my people are then there is the blacksmiths/craftsman cast who at this time is 8 people and led by Cavyër the best blacksmith of my people even over me then is our guardian or warrior cast led by Caviön who is the only of my people to beat me in all but the spear they have 8 people. then is the ruling/leaders cast who are only 7 at the moment led by me the chieftain of the Nënluyár the last 8 are our hunter/gatherers led by Lijës. But that is not why we are here, and Tata is right my siblings let us go to Imin and Iminyë's tent and discuss the building of the 4 forts/settlements of Cuiviénen"

With that we retire to Imin's tent.