

"If you speak like that, I can't argue." As a servant, he can only give his opinion without being able to force his master to change his decision.

"We'll be leaving in 15 minutes, and we're gathering in the hall." Keiran had declared to head to Eshax.

"Yes, Young Master!" Rufus nodded and immediately left Keiran's room.

Alicia really hesitated to express her opinion because they had planned the takeover of Eshax carefully. And since they were about to head to the battlefield, she was afraid that she would be a burden if she had to come along.

"That goes for you too, Alicia." Keiran turned his gaze and looked at Alicia who looked worried.

She was surprised that Keiran asked her to get ready too.

With a smile she immediately lifted her face and looked at Keiran cheerfully. "O-okay! Can I take Belle with me?"

"It's up to you, because you are her master." Because Belle wasn't his maid anymore, so he left the decision to Alicia.