
Heroines are obsessed with me

After Alex's death, he finds himself in the body of a villainous character from a Chinese novel—a character who was killed off in the early chapters. Aware of his doomed fate, Alex desperately tries to change his destiny and escape death. However, all his attempts end in failure, and he meets his end once again.But his story doesn't end there. In a pivotal moment, Alex is sent back in time, now armed with a mysterious power that could be the key to his survival. He now has one final chance to rewrite his fate and alter his tragic end.Will Alex succeed in defying destiny and escaping his dark fate, or will he remain trapped in the same cycle of death? Join Alex on a thrilling journey through time, filled with challenges and dangers, as he fights for his survival.

Farouk_ben · 奇幻
43 Chs

Hero of destiny

Third POV

At the Mo Family Hotel, on the ninth floor:

"Coming!" the guard called out as he slowly opened the door. But the moment the door opened, a powerful punch landed on his face, sending him crashing to the floor. He tried to get up, but a brutal kick to the head knocked him out cold. The other person in the room turned anxiously towards his fallen friend, his eyes frantically searching for the source of the threat.

"Who are you?!" he yelled, his voice trembling with shock.

Before he could finish his words, the intruder leapt at him like lightning, driving his knee into his head with immense force, causing him to collapse to the floor, unconscious. Alex muttered to himself, "The reason villains always fail is that they talk too much." Then he turned to face the girl on the bed. When he noticed her stunning beauty, his face momentarily tensed as he thought about something, but he quickly dismissed the thought and focused on the situation at hand.

Jue Xin'er POV

I was trying to open my eyes, but I was paralyzed with fear because of the disturbing sounds echoing around me. With each moment of tension and anxiety, my heart pounded harder. Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching me, intensifying my panic. I gathered my courage and slowly opened my eyes.

To my surprise, I saw a tall young man with black hair, wearing a mysterious mask on his face. His dark eyes and sharp eyebrows revealed his striking handsomeness.

But what was behind him was even more shocking; I saw the two men who had kidnapped me lying unconscious on the floor, their bodies limp and motionless.

I looked at the young man and asked in a trembling voice, "Who are you?"

"There's no need for you to know who I am."

He glanced at the door for a moment, then turned and left. I wanted to call out to him or say something, but he paused for a moment, poked his head out the door, then closed it and headed towards the balcony.

Alex POV

When that girl asked me, I wanted to tell her my name, but I remembered a famous saying: "Beautiful women always bring trouble." So, I turned to leave. Moments later, I heard hurried footsteps approaching. I poked my head out the door and looked; I saw a fat man with green hair like a traffic light, followed by men dressed in black. "Damn my bad luck!" I muttered, then shut the door and quickly headed for the balcony. I looked down and saw a pool, then turned to the girl who asked me nervously, "What's wrong?"

I answered her, "It seems that the people who kidnapped you are coming."

Jue Xin'er immediately asked in panic, "What should we do?"

I replied, "You have two options: either jump into the pool, or wait for the people who kidnapped you to arrive."

When Jue Xin'er heard this, she felt despair, but she gathered her courage and looked down from the balcony. After seeing the pool, she felt scared at the thought of jumping, but she knew that if she stayed here, she would face a worse fate. She mustered her courage and looked at Alex, saying, "I'll jump."

"Good choice," I said.

Just as Alex was about to jump, Jue Xin'er grabbed him and said, "Can I hold your hand, and we jump together?"

When Alex heard that, he knew the girl was scared, so he said nothing and took her hand, saying, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

When Alex held Jue Xin'er's hand, she felt her heart race, and her face turned red. Hearing his words, she felt safe and comfortable, not knowing why she felt this way, but she didn't dislike it. "Alright, I'll count to three, then we jump." Jue Xin'er nodded her head, "1, 2, 3."

Jue Xin'er closed her eyes and jumped.

Moments later, the door was opened.

Third POV

In a Ferrari driven by a fat young man with green hair, followed by other cars, was Mo Han, the young master of the Mo family. When he learned from his servants that Jue Xin'er had been kidnapped, he became extremely excited and headed straight for the hotel.

"Ha ha ha, you slut, today I'll make you beg for my forgiveness. Who said you could refuse me?" he shouted angrily as he pressed the gas pedal, determined to exact his revenge.

Upon arriving at the hotel, he went straight to the room where Jue Xin'er was, followed by several guards. When he opened the door, he found a scene he hadn't expected. "What's going on here? Where is Jue Xin'er?" he shouted in anger and confusion.

One of the unconscious servants regained consciousness, clutching his head and speaking with difficulty, "Young master, someone broke into the room a few minutes ago and rescued her." Upon hearing this, Mo Han grabbed his gun and shot the servant directly in the head, then looked outside in terror.

When he wanted to say something, he heard a noise coming from outside. He rushed to the balcony and saw two people emerging from the pool. He shouted at his guards, "Hurry down and catch them!"

Alex POV

After jumping into the pool, I got out and looked up, only to see a green head shining in the dark. I muttered, "What, is he an environmentalist?" then turned to the girl who was completely soaked. I saw her staring at me in astonishment and asked, "What's the matter?"

She snapped out of it, her face turning as red as a tomato, and said, "Nothing."

"Women are truly strange creatures. Alright, let's go. I think they'll be coming down in a few minutes."

Jue Xin'er POV

When I got out of the pool, I looked up and saw the person who saved me. I noticed that his mask had fallen off, and I was stunned. I was sure he was handsome, but I didn't know he would be this handsome. When I looked closely at his body, I saw his white shirt clinging to his body, revealing eight chocolate bars printed on it. I felt a warmth in my body when I saw his toned abs and chest. After hearing his words, I felt embarrassed. I thought he had realized that I had been staring at him, but thank goodness he didn't notice.

Third POV

In one of the black cars sat a young man with a dark aura, his hair black, his eyes brown, and his eyebrows round. His physique resembled that of a bodybuilder, standing at 1.87 meters tall. This person was Jue Xin'er's personal bodyguard, Xiaoyu Fan. While he was at a nightclub trying to pick up some girls, he received a call from Jue Xin'er's personal servant informing him that Mo Han had kidnapped her. After learning this, he called someone and said, "You have two minutes, find Jue Xin'er's location."

He didn't wait for a reply and hung up the phone. A minute later, a message arrived on his phone: Mo Family Hotel, 9th floor, room 12

Xiaoyu Fan drove straight to the hotel and said, "Mo Han, you dare lay your hand on the woman I love."

Minutes later, Xiaoyu Fan arrived at his destination, and upon getting out of the car, he saw a tall, handsome young man with black hair holding a woman's hand. When he looked closely at the woman, he saw that it was Jue Xin'er. He was extremely angry to see another man holding the hand of the woman he loved, so he released a killing intent and rushed directly towards him, aiming his fist at his chest.

After Alex and Jue Xin'er exited the hotel, Alex had a bad feeling. The super soldier's senses warned him of an incoming attack from behind, so he quickly turned around and saw a fist coming towards his chest. He immediately raised his hand and caught it, and suddenly heard a voice in his mind:

[Ding: The hero of fate has been detected.]


Hello, this is the author. I wanted to apologize for any issues with the translation quality in previous chapters. I'm actively working to improve it. This will be the last chapter I work on today, as I plan to take a break starting at 2 PM. Writing and translating can be quite demanding, so I need some rest to recharge before continuing.

I truly appreciate your support and kind feedback; it's what keeps me going. Rest assured, I will keep publishing regularly until I reach chapter 50. The chapters are ready and just need translation and some final adjustments.

Thank you once again for your support and understanding. I hope you continue to follow and enjoy the story.