
Heroes Rising

The time has come that it should no longer be left to a single person to save lives using their magical power, new strength comes in a group of people who believe they must do what's best and sacrifice themselves for those weaker, who lack the confidence and courage to stand up for themselves. A time of change and revolution comes, as magic refuses to hide anymore, as those who were once weak realize how much strength lies within their souls. There will be no more spirits who were killed unjustly as a group of heroes rise to the occasion to take back what was rightfully their's in the first place. It's time for a Hero's Rising to begin.

Cannibal_Alien · 奇幻
36 Chs

Next Step(1.25)

Elizabeth barged into Cat's room, a VERY annoyed look on her face. She slammed a slip down and glared at him.

"Sign it." She growled.

"What is it?"

"A suspension slip, because you beat the shit out of a teacher." She hissed. "Now sign it, and agree you won't go on school property for the next week!"

"Uh ok.." Cat was trying to hide a smile, he was excited about being able to spend a whole week looking for Blue instead of going to that stupid school.

He signed his name and smiled, he couldn't hold his excitement any longer.

"I get to go looking for--"

"No actually, you won't be leaving the house alone." Elizabeth hissed.


"Since you seem to not know how to behave, you have to have someone looking after you when you go out." Elizabeth glared down at him. "Meaning you have to stay home, until someone gets home and is able to go with you."

Cat looked down, what a mess. All this time would be wasted now. He needed to find Blue before it was too late.

"Can't we make an exception..?"


"But Blue is in danger!" Cat cried. "I have to find him.." He looked down, glaring at the floor. What kind of punishment was this? Blue needed to be found and quick.

"I'm sure Elizabeth and I would be happy to help you find Blue this week." Swan butt into the conversation out of no where. Blowing her curly white hair out of her face.

Elizabeth looked over and glared at the demon, crossing her arms. She obviously wasn't pleased with Swan, whatsoever. Cat noticed how Swan always acted like she was best friends with Elizabeth, even though Elizabeth seemed to be annoyed.

Elijah slammed his body into the door again, trying to knock it down. But he was too weak from the lack of food in the past few days. He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs, as the shadows around him seemed to already be changing and distorting. But he knew there was no point.

"Let me out.." He sobbed. "Please I just want out..." He cried and slammed his fist into the door.

He had spent hours in the dark room now, the only thing to focus on was his own heartbeat and the darkness around him.

He stumbled to his feet and slammed himself into the door again, trying and trying over and over again to knock the door down. But it was obvious he couldn't do it, not with the lack of strength he had at the moment.

Malachite sighed while listening to the door being slammed into. It was obvious Blue was already terrified of being in that room.

He opened the door slightly and glared at the boy. "If you want out, you must agree to my orders." He hissed and slammed the door shut again.

Elijah stared at the door, hatred burning through his glare as he slammed into the door again.

Once more he slammed into the door, but this time he fell to the ground and began coughing up blood. His head spun as he got up, he could barely see as is, but now his vision was blurring.

He stumbled to the door and punched it, almost missing it as he felt dizziness overwhelm him.

Elijah fell to the ground once more, coughing up blood and groaning in pain. He held his hands over his face as everything went dark.

Cat walked through the forest, Elizabeth and Swan on each side of himself. Swan seemed cheery and excited to be outside, whilst Elizabeth was irritable yet calm.

They reached the ravine by dawn, Cat immediately started looking for signs of a struggle anywhere.

Swan climbed a tree to get a better view of the area, while Elizabeth found the bridge and checked it over for damage. She tied her hair back as she stared down the side of the ravine, it was so far down that not even someone with perfect vision could see the bottom.

Swan could see Malachite's base from her level, she found it unnerving that the place was so near by. But at the same time, she felt calm that she could watch it from so far up, a safe little hiding spot only herself and a few other people could reach.

Cat spotted a piece of what looked like yellow fabric in the bushes and grabbed it immediately. He found it unnerving that the only sign of Blue was the piece of yellow fabric, which meant his sweater was torn.

As he looked closely, he noticed the small spots of dry blood and narrowed his eyes. He walked over to the edge of the ravine and called for Elizabeth immediately.

Elizabeth climbed up from the old bridge and walked over to Cat. She noticed the piece of yellow fabric in his hands and sighed, a sign that Blue was here recently.

"He was here, and there's dry blood on it.." Cat cried. "Malachite must have caught him!"

"You need to calm down." Elizabeth took the fabric and shoved it in her bag, before starting in the direction of home.

"Aren't we gonna go save him?"

"Not until we have backup." She hissed.

Swan noticed the two leaving and hopped down to follow them. Her tail revealing itself for a few minutes as she hopped from tree to tree as she followed.

Jaxon walked down the hall to get to the cafeteria, a bag of chips in his hands as he walked through the door. He noticed most of the tables were taken, so he headed to the last empty spot and sat alone.

He pulled out a sketchbook, starting to draw out a portrait of someone. He pulled a piece of hair behind his ear as he sketched, a smile crossing his face.

He was so wrapped up in his art, he didn't even notice the person sitting across from him, watching him draw in great detail.

"You know I bet you could win most art competitions." Spencer smirked.

"Wha--" Jaxon almost fell out of his chair, dropping his chips everywhere. He looked at his fallen lunch in disappointment. "My lunch..."

"I'd hardly call that a lunch.."

"What are you doing at my school..?" Jaxon muttered, still looking at his chips in dejection.

"What are you doing at MY school?" Spencer smiled, his brown eyes flashing an electric blue for only a second.

"You switched to this dump..?"

"Mhm.. I did switch to this dump."

Jaxon raised an eyebrow and sighed. It wasn't too bad to have a new friend now anyway, it seemed like Spencer would be friendly with him, even if sometimes he was a little harsh.

Jaxon picked his sketchbook up and shoved it in his bag, before trying to clean up all the chips he had dropped on the floor.

"Doesn't your custodian clean up messes?" Spencer looked down at Jaxon. "Or can this school not afford to hire one."

"No, I'm just a decent human being." Jaxon shot back, rolling his eyes.

"Good point.."

Jaxon finished cleaning up and started heading for his next class. Spencer seemed to follow close behind, his pretty purple hair definitely caught a few stares from the other students.

Jaxon went into class and sat at his desk, Spencer deciding to sit himself right next to him. His hair falling in his face as he dragged his stuff out of his bag.

Elijah woke up chained to the wall in the dungeon again, he was bandaged and tended to in some spots, but not all of his injuries were dealt with.

He could hear Malachite and a stranger's voice coming from outside. They both seemed to be arguing, the stranger seemed to be intimidating Malachite with every word he spat out.

"Just form the truce with me you stupid old coot."

"You're barely a man, why the hell should I listen to you?"

"Because if you don't it'll be more than just a couple of your recruits that disappear." The stranger hissed, he sounded quite annoyed with Malachite as he paced back and forth.

Elijah tugged at the chains slightly, but just that sent pain all through his body, as if they were enchanted to shock him. He screamed in pain and held the cuffs around his wrists as more pain shot through him.

He coughed up blood and lay in pain on the ground, curling himself up so he could at least keep a bit warmer in the room.

Elijah heard two sets of footsteps enter the room, and knew that Malachite was bringing his new friend to see him. He glared up at them both and almost gasped.

The stranger had a long prehensile tail lined with scales, which were coloured bright pink and purple with the highlight of black and cactus green, horns rose from his skull which were solid black. The man seemed to look a lot like a Dragonbreath, but Elijah found that almost impossible, since they were said to be an extinct magic species.

How the hell had Malachite of all people found one? Elijah knew he was rare too, but he still couldn't believe his eyes.

He accidentally pulled at his chains again and screamed in pain as it shot through him. After a bit he coughed up blood and lay back down.

The Dragonbreath stared down at Elijah, his eyes narrowed to slits. "What's up with him?"

"He's a traitor." Malachite hissed. "He planned to sell us out to the authorities."

Elijah looked up and glared at Malachite. He spat blood at him and grinned.

"You and I both know I couldn't even if I wanted to you liar." He coughed up more blood.

Malachite raised his staff to hit Elijah with it, hatred burning in his eyes. Elijah flinched away and cowered against the wall, making himself look small.

"Seems like I'll be taking my leave, make sure that one gets fed at least twice a day." The stranger ordered Malachite, while heading for the door. "I don't want anyone that could be of help being neglected and weakened."

"Right.." Malachite muttered.

Jaxon entered the house and looked around, he had invited Spencer over for dinner that night, so the lavender haired boy had come home with him after school.

"Oh look everyone's home, perfect." Elizabeth sighed. "Sit your asses down."

Once Jaxon and Spencer had sat down, Cat began laying out a plan to go and rescue his friend, Blue.

"You think you guys can help, like right now?"

Around every 25 chapters, we'll have a few extra long chapters in celebration of getting that far :)

Cannibal_Aliencreators' thoughts