
Heroes Rising

The time has come that it should no longer be left to a single person to save lives using their magical power, new strength comes in a group of people who believe they must do what's best and sacrifice themselves for those weaker, who lack the confidence and courage to stand up for themselves. A time of change and revolution comes, as magic refuses to hide anymore, as those who were once weak realize how much strength lies within their souls. There will be no more spirits who were killed unjustly as a group of heroes rise to the occasion to take back what was rightfully their's in the first place. It's time for a Hero's Rising to begin.

Cannibal_Alien · 奇幻
36 Chs

Little Red Head(1.23)

Elijah coughed up blood, lying on the ground in the pitch black room he was being kept in. He tried to pull his long hair out of his face, but his hands shook and he found it painful to move. He stared at the bottom of the door, hoping someone would bring him food soon.

Cat sat, taking notes in the back of the classroom. He didn't like that he was spending his time in this weird building that took away people's individuality, when he could be looking for Blue and making sure he was okay. His notes weren't filled with anything to do with the lesson that was being taught, instead it was just a list of reasons why he didn't like school.

A boy leaned over and read over Cat's shoulder, his smirk growing wide as he took the page from his desk. Though the hand writing was god awful, he knew he could get the new student into a bit of a panic, just by reading the list off to the class.

Jaxon watched Avery raise his hand, with Cat glaring at the boy and their teacher acknowledge the risen hand. He could tell just by Avery's smile, Cat would get in trouble soon. He had no clue how the former Masks would react to being shoved around by other students, but he had a feeling it wouldn't be pretty.

The teacher called on Avery as he noticed he had his hand raised. "Do you have a question Avery?"

"I'd actually like to offer you this list Jasper so kindly wrote down about the class." He smirked, looking back at Cat, who was glaring at him with very large signs of aggression. "Since I know how much you like it when students leave feedback, even though I doubt you'll like this kind of feedback."

"Just hand the page over boy, if I don't like it I'll have the author present it himself."

Avery handed the page over to the teacher, before sitting back down and giving Cat a shit eating grin. Everyone sat quietly waiting for their teacher to return to the lesson, but instead he handed Cat the page with his eyes narrowed with annoyance.

"Care to share your opinions with the class, young man?"

"Gladly." Cat took the page out of the man's hands and gave everyone in the class a vicious glare before looking at his page. "Here is a list of reasons why this class is bullshit." He announced. "I could be out in the world helping my best friend," everyone looked amongst themselves, "I could be practicing my fighting skills, I could be getting money to buy myself food, I could be with my parents, I could not have to listen to anymore evil old men." Cat shot his teacher a look. "I could have my own individuality, instead I'm listening to another old guy go on and on about why I should listen to OTHER PEOPLE."

"Can you even tell me why this class is important Jasper?"

"Importance in knowing all we've done is start wars and hurting people?" Cat narrowed his eyes. "The only important thing about this is that I know that it all still hasn't been fixed." He hissed. "I should be out changing these problems instead of sitting in the tiny little room!"

Jaxon sat watching Avery giggling to himself about Cat's growing rage, he noticed Elizabeth getting up to try and calm the red head down, but quickly giving up and sitting back down. Cat still glaring at the teacher.

"I'll need to phone your parents," the man muttered, "though I doubt they'll care since they haven't raised you properly." The last part was said under his breath, but Cat heard it.

Cat finally slammed his fist in his teacher's face, forming his ability's power in his fist in order to hit him as hard as possible. The man was slammed in the wall opposit himself, blood trickling from his mouth.

The teacher's jaw was obviously broken considering the condition it was in, it seemed like Cat had knocked him out completely with that hit.

Elizabeth shook her head as Cat glared down at the unconscious man on the floor, hatred burning in his eyes as he stormed out of the classroom. He had to push past the students who had gathered at the sound of whatever was going on.

He dashed for the woods, like he always did when he was in trouble. Why couldn't he just be normal for a few days..? Why was he the one who got in fights? Why did he have to be the one taken from his family when he was just little?

Eventually he stopped running and sat against a tree, catching his breath. He pulled his old mask out of his bag, staring at the golden color and stripes along the mask, made to look like a cat's face. He sighed, before breaking down into a sobbing mess, pulling his Blue Jays ball cap over his head.

He could hear the shrill cry of a raven up in the trees, a medium sized bird leaving it's feathers fluttering down as it realized he was there. It took flight quickly, but seemed to panic and dove down onto the ground instead. It shrieked at Cat once more before hopping away and flying back up into a nearby tree, acting as if it hoped he couldn't see it.

Cat sighed and got up, before heading back in the direction of school, his hair falling in his eyes every few seconds. He hoped he wouldn't have to go back to that awful place, but he was sure it would happen eventually.

He reached the tree line and spotted the authorities immediately, as he noticed them he spun around and dashed back into the woods, scared one of them might recognize him from the other day. He didn't want to be caught, especially if he needed to rescue Blue from them.

He wouldn't be caught.