
Herobrine in Marvel

I am new to this but let's try anyway Here is the synopsis. What happens when Herobrine (Alexstar -Mc) interacts with Marvel as a human again? When Marvel becomes his playground. When he seeks entertainment. There was a hidden excitement when he learned that his world was not as simple as it seemed for some people (us) it was the source of entertainment for some a living place. Some thought they could conquer it but they had to fight against Herobrine because it was his playground and his family also loved this place. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "You can't kill me for I am immortal, but you can be killed for you are not immortal." "Hmm, indeed you are right about me not being immortal. But you are a bit wrong the reason I don't call myself immortal is all immortals have something in common with you too. You know what it is." "We are strong." Though the speaker now felt uneasy. "Yeah that too but that's not what I am talking about. The common characteristic of all immortals is they die they can be killed, and so you that is why I am not immortal for I am Herobrine." "What are you talking about? I have never been killed." "Are you sure?" NOTICE --- THE STORY IS HAVING SOME REWRITE CHAPTERS FOR BETTER STORY YOU COULD CHECK LATEST CHAPTERS FOR THAT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx King among mortals. God among kings. And among Gods? well... he is Herobrine. NOTE: A FEW READERS ARE CONFUSED ABOUT THE ORIGINS OF MC AND I HAVE GIVEN AN EXPLANATION IN A CHAPTER IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THEN I AM SORRY THOUGH I WILL SUGGEST NOT FOCUSING MUCH ON THE ORIGINS AS THEY WILL BE REVEALED IN THE VERY LAST OF THE STORY. Note Mc is Herobrine (Overpowered) There are elements from other universes. and for more read the novel. The image is from Google. Minecraft belongs to Microsoft. Marvel belongs to Disney. And other Belongs to their respective owners. READ THE NEW BOOK!

Timepass_ · 漫画同人
56 Chs

Chapter 17 Sarah Summers is a normal girl?

[Sarah Summers PoV/ (For those who don't remember or know she is the female version of Cyclops)]

[Time - After giving Shi'ar a gift and before banging the most dangerous villainess of X-men.]

[Location - State Home for Foundlings]

Her life had taken an unexpected turn.

When the plane was going to crash she was very afraid tears were threatening to fall from her eyes but she didn't show them on her face, her little brother would cry if he saw her like that.

Their parents pushed them from the plane with a parachute her brother was with her she didn't want to go but her parents said they would meet again but the next moment she saw the plane it had turned into a giant ball of fire.

She was shaken her eyes itching and irritating her a lot but she had to ensure the safety of her brother.

She calmed herself thinking it was a dream or her parents would come and surprise them, but they didn't a whole day had passed, the longest day of her life.

She and her brother were saved by a scary-looking but cool woman, she was a superhero, and she saved them in the air, she was flying. She saw hope she begged when they came to the ground safely. But the woman who introduced her Claudia Renko said she would try but failed.

She was crying in the corner of her room her brother completely clueless was playing outside but he also had been somewhat restless as he had not seen their parents for a whole day.

Miss Renko tried to find them but there was no trace of them.

Suddenly Miss Renko came to her with her usual cold face, but this time there was a slight smile on her face.

As she said in her usual cold tone with a hint of warmth "Sarah I think your parents have arrived-" she didn't even wait for her to complete her sentence, she ran at the fastest speed she could run and ran towards the entrance, she didn't how she knew but she ran.

Then there were her parents at the entrance consoling her brother who was a mess with crying, she immediately felt guilty for not understanding her brother's situation and just crying in the room, she just stood there watching her parents and her brother suddenly a voice came from behind it was pleasant to hear she turned towards the voice and her brain short-circuited for a good ten seconds as she stared at him in daze what could she do that person in front of her was so handsome. (Alex usually hides it but he has yet to realize that Metahumans could see his charm due to some Celestial gene bullshit I made up, in past he didn't have it because he didn't care about the mess he will make due to his charm)

"-llo, Hello, excuse me." She came out of a daze as the person tapped on her shoulder, her face immediately flushed due to the embarrassment when she felt she had been staring at him like an idiot.

"Ar-Are you talking to me?" She stuttered and she immediately thought.

'I have ruined my first impression.' she regretted acting like an idiot though it was not her fault.

"Yes, don't you want to see your, parents? they were worried you know" He said pointing towards her parents but she immediately said regretted afterward "No"

The man, no big brother looked at her weirdly and asked "Why?"

"Because they are taking care of Alex(Havoc) I don't want to make it difficult for them." 'And I want to know about you.' she wanted to say but didn't dare to.

"You are surprisingly mature for someone of your age." He looked at her with raised eyebrows complimenting her.

'He praised me.'

Her cheeks regained the pink hue feeling butterflies in her stomach she smiled at the compliment.

"I-it is no-nothing. What is your name bi-?" She shut her mouth before she could make a blunder.

"My name is Alexstar (No spelling mistake) and what is your cutie?" He joked at the latter but she seemed to miss the joke as her heart started beating wildly making Alex worried that she had a heart attack, so he crouched down to her eye level and asked with a little worried tone "Are you okay? Your face is red do you have a fever?"

Alex had a guess what happened but no way a 13-year-old girl could. (Oh, he had no idea.)

She immediately held his hand that was touching her forehead to check the temperature and hugged it with her hands much to Alex's surprise and said "My name is Sarah Summers and I am fourteen years old." She lied about her age but she would turn fourteen in six months so it is not a lie?

"Okay but can you leave my hand it is not good to hold a stranger's hand you know. And there are your parents what if they misunderstood I am doing something wrong?" He asked her calmly.

She puffed her modest chest while trying to envelop his hands but failed miserably and said "Don't worry I will tell Mom and Dad and we are not strangers as you told me your name."

Alex's lips twitched a bit and she felt as if someone was talking bad about her when Alex suddenly said looking into space "Did you think it would happen again? Nope."

She was confused and asked him "Who are you talking to Alex?"

"Nothing. But you have to leave me Sarah, I have to talk about something with Miss Renko. So can you stop holding my arm? You should talk to your parents they were worried about you, you know?" He said as she puffed her cheeks in annoyance and rushed to her parents. Her dad was looking at her with a stiff smile while her mother was still talking to her crying little brother.

"What were you talking to Mister Alexstar dear?" Her father asked he looked at her with a stiff smile.

Instead, she asked "Dad could we change Alex's name? I don't think it is suitable for him."

Her mother looked at her stunned, her father collapsed on the ground and her brother looked at her as if she had stolen his candy, which she would stop as she is a mature gir- no a woman from today.

As she looked at Alex who was talking to Miss Renko with a smile she was annoyed 'How could he talk to someone else with that smile? He must be polite to everyone, no?" But when she looked at Miss Renko's dazed expression and a bit of blush she was even more annoyed and couldn't help but curse in her mind 'That bitch! How dare she?'

Immediately plans formed in her little mind about how to keep Alex for herself and she giggled which would have been cute if not for the disturbing smile on her face, which thankfully none of her parents had seen unfortunately, her little brother saw her smile and buried his face in his mother's chest and started crying.