
Herobrine in Marvel

I am new to this but let's try anyway Here is the synopsis. What happens when Herobrine (Alexstar -Mc) interacts with Marvel as a human again? When Marvel becomes his playground. When he seeks entertainment. There was a hidden excitement when he learned that his world was not as simple as it seemed for some people (us) it was the source of entertainment for some a living place. Some thought they could conquer it but they had to fight against Herobrine because it was his playground and his family also loved this place. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "You can't kill me for I am immortal, but you can be killed for you are not immortal." "Hmm, indeed you are right about me not being immortal. But you are a bit wrong the reason I don't call myself immortal is all immortals have something in common with you too. You know what it is." "We are strong." Though the speaker now felt uneasy. "Yeah that too but that's not what I am talking about. The common characteristic of all immortals is they die they can be killed, and so you that is why I am not immortal for I am Herobrine." "What are you talking about? I have never been killed." "Are you sure?" NOTICE --- THE STORY IS HAVING SOME REWRITE CHAPTERS FOR BETTER STORY YOU COULD CHECK LATEST CHAPTERS FOR THAT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx King among mortals. God among kings. And among Gods? well... he is Herobrine. NOTE: A FEW READERS ARE CONFUSED ABOUT THE ORIGINS OF MC AND I HAVE GIVEN AN EXPLANATION IN A CHAPTER IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THEN I AM SORRY THOUGH I WILL SUGGEST NOT FOCUSING MUCH ON THE ORIGINS AS THEY WILL BE REVEALED IN THE VERY LAST OF THE STORY. Note Mc is Herobrine (Overpowered) There are elements from other universes. and for more read the novel. The image is from Google. Minecraft belongs to Microsoft. Marvel belongs to Disney. And other Belongs to their respective owners. READ THE NEW BOOK!

Timepass_ · 漫画同人
56 Chs

27 Rings and systems.

(I have removed the 4th wall element the one I can found)

It went more easily than I expected it looks like I underestimated the power of my legend writing which helped a lot.

The witches, looked like they were high on something the moment they stepped on my land.

The magic in the air shocked them, they expected it to be good but this was much more than their expectations.

If it was some Chinese cultivation novel it would be a scene like the opening of some secret realm made by some ancestor.

Currently, he is walking with the Witch Queen.

"This! I hadn't felt this much magic even in Otherworld."

Now this was new I hadn't expected that she had gone to the Otherworld, I mean as a Witch Queen she should know about that place but, isn't that place closed or something?

Unable to contain my curiosity I asked "So you have been to Otherworld?"

She paused and then looked around at the busy witches observing their surroundings their eyes full of curiosity and excitement some were sleeping on the green floor after feeling the fresh air and abundant magic of this place which was only getting better with time.

There was an emotion in her eyes as she said "I found a way to go to the Otherworld but, their people were too arrogant for that, they wanted us to be their slaves, I mean they didn't say it directly but were meant it. So, I secretly freed Morgan Le Fay unfortunately I couldn't see what happened after that as she went on a rampage there killing any mage in sight. Thankfully those old coots don't teach magic to common people otherwise it would have weighed on my conscience."

I couldn't help but take a double look at her was she the girl who was fooled by Mordo, I pity that guy now thinking what would happen when he tries the same shit here.

"But, to think it would backfire those old men teaching all magic to their families and not commoners."

But Isn't Morgan Le Fay some villain?

Is releasing her is a good thing?

Meh, I will deal with her when she comes.

(A few hours later)

"Cats are even worse than the Witches" I could not help but say seeing all Cat People while the Progenitors Helene and Flavius gave embarrassed smiles as we looked at the cats who were lying on the ground some were sleeping some were crying with happiness, some were acting like a cat testing all things, some were drooling. Heck, I even spotted some of them rubbing each other's bellies.

(Image of the Progenitors)

"My Lord, our guardian Tigra will arrive in a few days, she has found something that has gotten her attention but she will surely come to see your great self. Sorry for making you wait, My Lord."

I just looked at them and said "Don't worry just start making good houses that are worthy of standing in my land, look at witches they even started making their houses and some are even finished."

I said pointing towards the zone where witches were living except Lilia and some high-level witches all witches will live in the outer zone for now, they will be moved along with their house if they behave as he wanted and don't create trouble.

The name of the zone is now the Witch District, which looked like one but it was a bit scary it had its allure, though not all were scary some witches who used nature magic had houses that blended with nature, water users had water-type houses, and so on. It was possible since he had provided them with materials and Minecraft magic that would allow them to build their houses, though the magic would end after some time.

The witches had taken an oath that they would remain loyal to him which facilitated the time they would move in the Inner Zone. (suggest a name for the inner zone)

Both Helene and Flavius looked more embarrassed as they hadn't made their I just laughed and said "This part of Nether Zone is for you guys but you have to make it look like someone lives here otherwise future residents will take away your place." My voice was loud enough which I did intentionally and all felines froze not due to what I said but also my presence which they hadn't sensed till now sending a collective shiver down their spine.

After introducing them as their king and ordering them to make houses and such I went to my palace.

I was thinking about my Hell Bringers and the Ring Holders.

There were no Ring Holders as I wasn't interested in Makluan Rings and thought they were just pieces of technology but now I know they are more than that.

They are powerful individually and even more when are together but they are of use to mine the only thing I am interested in is reverse engineering those rings and the cosmic warriors inside them.

Reverse engineering is something that I can do easily but that would not be very productive and it will make me lose interest in them as they will not be unique and cosmic warriors I will think about them later for now I have a crazy idea.

Individuals across the globe will receive one ring each and a system that will assist them, wait don't I sound like some god kidnapping people to Demon King, well I am Overlord of Nether so I should be one but I am getting distracted from the topic.

I will use a machine I made in the past called [Destiny] which will help me distribute rings to those who are suitable for using them and will do good deeds with them they will also receive a system that will assist them and give other items on doing good deeds or quests.

The rings after reaching a specific level will attract each other obviously to not fight but form a team and when their bond will reach high I will tell them I have chosen them as the guardians of the Ring Holders who will protect my people.

They will not believe me or not accept it then I will take the Rings back, hell no it was just a failed plan.

The moment they get the Ring they will know its true purpose if they accept to protect my people which will be their priority and World then they will get the Ring and if not then the Ring will go with their memories, why memories? Because I have watched Shazam.

And it would be a lie if I say I am not excited to see the future Ring Holders, the villains they will face, and most importantly the world's reaction when they will know who they are.

I am sure many people will connect them to Ring Holders of Genesiheim and if not then I will make them do.

Hmm looks like I have to start taking over the Internet and Darkweb which are not even a thing currently and my biggest obstacle in this will be hidden organizations namely Shield or Hydra but they would be defeated anyway.


Though I am curious about who will get the Rings it can be anyone as long as they are human or along the lines like Metahuman, Witche, Sorcerer, Cat People, Normal Human, Suoer Soldier, Human on the verge of death, Normal Human, Human Mutate, etc.

Hmm, I am also thinking even if the person is a villain they should be given a chance to turn a new leaf unless they are shits that should be removed.


The rings are (suggest which character should get which one

1. Matter-Rearranger Ring- Remaker (worn on the right thumb) - Can manipulate atoms and molecules but can't transmute elements.

(The owner chose it like an OC if you want this ring for another character you can tell which ring you don't like I can give it to OC 😋 but the guy is a scientist so it will be fine)

2. Vortex Beam Ring, aka Spin (worn on the right middle finger)- Can manipulate wind (It was vortex wind but anyway)

3. Disintegration Beam Ring, aka Spectral (worn on the right ring finger) - Cna disintegrate atoms and molecules needs to be recharged in 20 minutes (give me ideas about this)

4. Black Light Ring, aka Nightbringer (worn on the right little finger)- Can create or manipulate Darkforce.

5. White Light Ring, aka Daimonic (worn on the left thumb)- Can generate and manipulate Electromagnetic energy.

6. Flame-Blast Ring, aka Incandescence (worn on the left index finger)- Can manipulate Infrared and Fire.

7. Impact Beam Ring, aka Influence (worn on the right index finger) - Can generate or manipulate physical force. (I don't understand this one so simple explanation you give me a detailed explanation that doesn't include science.)

8. Ice Blast Ring, aka Zero (worn on the left little finger)- Can manipulate Ice or drop the temperature.

9. Electro-Blast Ring, aka Lightning (worn on the left middle finger) - Can manipulate lightning.

10. Mento-Intensifier Ring, aka The Liar (worn on the left ring finger)- Can manipulate Psionic energy.

(Note: All these depend upon the owner's strength, willpower to resist -ve influence of rings (which MC has reduced a lot)and bond with Ring, etc. Factors)

The rings were sure strong and I changed my previous statement they are Overpowered together literally they had control over almost all elements and forces man.

But it depends upon the owner too but if I use them then they will break or will not exceed their upper limit that is why I am gonna make an upgraded version in the future though they will just be decoration or ornament as they will still not increase my strength I can give it my children as a gift or when I want to make a new superhero or villai*Ahem forget the last one.

Now let's talk about Hell Bringers there were not many of them in the past but all of them are alive so I am thinking of calling them. (Any ancient character you like?)

And I also want a cool Hell Bringer just for the sake of being cool and if someone looks badass with a flaming skull, if not Johnny Blaze then who? Sorry Mephisto I am gonna poach your talent.

And now that I think about Ghost Riders they become like that after bonding with Zarathos, I wonder how Zarathos would look like, I mean he is the reason the Ghost Riders are so cool, sorry Mephisto looks like I am gonna take your demon away too.

I am also curious who is stronger Hell Bringer or Ghost Rider let's see in the future chap *cough.

I will search for Punisher or Robbie Reyes in the future, I think Frank Castle is still a child or a teenager currently.

But anyway I have to design a system for the Ring Holders.

Should I make those irritating systems that would berate them all the time, Nah, I don't like those systems, friendly systems are good or should I make the non-sentient system?

Hmm after some thought assistant system is good. (Like the Great Sage of Rimuru)

I took out Command Block who is the father of the Mother Box, metaphorically, by the way, I have some Mother Boxes in my treasury as well. In the past I found them in some black hole, I didn't know what they were in the past but now I know what they are but now there is a question. Why were they there?

Because I have Command Block which is better than Mother Box.

But let's start making systems.

"So Arkea V.2 how are you?"

"Always fine sir. How may I help you?" Arkea's voice came from inside the command block which is also the core of Arkea boosting her Technomancy to another level.

"First I would ask you to make an interface that should be untraceable or found by any means be it magic or science or reality warping." I don't want someone to think I pushed some chip in their mind not that I am going to.

"Done sir." Noice.

"The person should be able to interact with the interface mentally, if the system somehow leaves the person's body it should not leave before erasing their memories."

"It should be connected in different stages first their body then mind, then spirit, and then their core."

"It would be done sir but you will need to constantly feed them energy." She replied.

"No problem" 'Energy is the least of my worries.' "The interface or system should also be connected to a subspace where time is frozen so their items could be retrieved and sent."

'This way I could send them quest rewards, and shop items and they will also have inventory.'


"There should be stages of the system that should be passed with doing quests, good deeds, and bonding with the rings, but prioritize my bond with the rings above theirs."

I keep giving instructions and preventing any loopholes from being used.

Hell, I even added a customer service option let's see who will get the rings and who will be the new superheroes.

(There will be a time skip in the next chapter.)


Power Stones?