
Hero Prison

It was a cell, dark and damp, with a musty smell in the air. A figure sat cross-legged in the middle of the darkness, with a calm expression and an ancient well, like a Buddha. There is nothing in the cell, not even a person to talk to, day after day, year after year, until death, many prisoners choose to commit suicide because of despair. But this man is not desperate, he is waiting for an opportunity.

Dao5203 · 游戏
181 Chs

Chapter 112 :outside the window.

Lin Yi shook his head slightly, he did not specifically pick the record of heaven to break, all this is a coincidence, the tower of the gods to break the record reward is very important to him, he can not give up.

Now, his experience level is 35 and 97, and he can fight again.

Next, he brushed the 20th floor again, this time he did not deliberately release water, directly with all his strength, broke a world record again, and rose to level 36.

Then he went to the 32nd floor to brush the remaining times, which would be the last time he brushed the Tower of the Gods for some time to come.

As night falls, the largest city in the distant mainland of Japan, Tianen City, begins its rich nightlife, with the laughter of players everywhere.

At this time, on the roof of a tall building in Tianen City, a man in white with a Japanese sword hanging from his waist was looking at the east. His eyes were deep, like the starry sky overhead. The night wind gently blew his cloak back, showing a natural and elegant temperament.

"Your record has been broken by him three times."At that moment, a voice came from the air behind the man in white.Then the air suddenly flashed a circle of ripples, and a man in black came out of the void, as if he had come through the other world.

The man in black was black all over, and his face was covered by a black mask, so he could not see clearly.He also had a Japanese sword hanging from his waist. There was no scabbard. It was so white. The tip of the sword was dripping blood all the time. It seemed that he had just finished killing people.

"Records exist to be broken."The man in white said faintly, his eyes still far away in the east.

The man in black stepped forward, looking down at the city, and said in a dignified tone: "Now, there are more and more Chinese players, such as Blade, Dragon Thorn and Thor. Needless to say, the recent seckill has already made us feel great pressure.".It's been less than a month since he appeared, but he has broken three world records in a row. Such a person has only appeared once in the world, and that's you.

"Is this a compliment to me?" The man in white turned to look at the man in black and smiled.

The man in black shook his head. "In a sense, he is more terrible than you.".Since his appearance, the organization has been highly vigilant and sent spies from mainland China to investigate, but there is no result yet.In addition, in the real world, we have used all our power to find this person, but the strange thing is that we can not find him by any means, he is like a mass of air, does not exist in the real world.I suspect that seckill is probably a spy sent by the United States to China.

"If seckill is their spy, then the spy is too silly, even to help China win a little national honor value, so swaggering to appear."The tone of the man in white was calm, but the irony in his words was not hidden.

"Don't laugh at any suspicion of the organization. There is an old saying in China that when the false is true, the true is also false. It is sometimes difficult to judge the false and the true."Said the man in black, glancing at the man in white, then his body gradually faded, and finally disappeared into the void, as if he had never appeared.

The man in white was still looking at the starry sky in the east, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, hidden in the night.

When night fell, Lin Yi finally finished brushing the tower of the gods for the last time and re-transmitted back to the transmission square of Thorn City.

At this time, the transmission field is still bustling, it seems that the people here are always living this kind of life, playing the tower of the gods every day, drinking in the pub every day, not thinking about the distant past, nor thinking about those distant dreams, simply living here.

Lin Yi left the transmission field and walked in the bustling streets.The night of Thorn City is still so calm, players walk in twos and threes, couples hold hands, and happy laughter comes.In fact, these players are really playing games and savoring this peaceful life.

In contrast, Lin Yi is more like a wanderer, constantly moving forward in this vast continent, no matter how strong the wind blows, no matter how cold the night is, no matters how desolate the forest is, no matters how majestic the rainy season is, he will always go on, go to the vague distance, and pursue the belief of freedom.

In a sense, he is the emperor, with fame, honor and strength.But in the same way, he is also a beggar, no love, no freedom, no home.

As he walked, Lin Yi came to the garden again. Perhaps only when he came here could he calm down like an ordinary player and not think about those complicated things.

The dim street lamp shone quietly, a few moths held a dance around the light, the garden surrounded by carved iron bars was calm and serene, and Lin Yi stepped on his shadow and walked into the depths of the fragrance of flowers.

Further inside, there were no street lights, and the moonlight fell quietly, covering the petals on the ground.In the distance, there was a circle of players sitting around the flower pond. In the middle was a bard. At this time, he was holding a harp, playing and singing some classic old songs. The melodious songs came from far away through the night, full of serenity and tranquility.

Lin Yi stood in the depths of the fragrance of flowers, standing in the bright moonlight, quietly looking at the window of the girl, at this time there is still an orange light inside, the girl's silhouette is still low head, full of warmth.There were thousands of windows in the city, but he only saw this one.

He was going to leave soon, and he would never see the girl again. He didn't even know her name, what she liked, what she looked like. The only thing he could remember was her hazy silhouette.

The night was deeper, the breeze was blowing, a little cool, and the bard in the distance sang an old song many years ago.

Goodbye, beloved dream girl.

I will go far away to find the future.

If I return to my hometown with honor one day,

And tell your feelings outside your window.

Goodbye, beloved dream girl.

Say treasure to your shadow,

If I never come back,

Just keep the moon outside your window.

When the song fell, Lin Yi looked at the window for the last time, and finally moved his feet and walked out of the garden. He was going to leave for a distant place.

Out of the gate of the city of thorns, Lin Yi looked out at the desolate fields and darkness and took a deep breath.Then he turned his head and took one last look at the peaceful city of thorns.It is so beautiful here that the lights of thousands of families, like stars in the sky, illuminate thousands of houses, thousands of people, and his loneliness.

Thousands of lights, which one is for me.