
Hero ! What a Joke !

Not being a hero isn't the issue. The only problem I'm facing right now is surviving in this world!

37 Chs

The Holy Treasure

The atmosphere inside the dining hall grew tense and cold as Keith and his two friends walked in. Keith, standing in the middle of the group, slowly walked in and spotted Thap, who had just finished his food and was about to leave. 

"Oh..." Keith muttered when he saw Thap.

Thap was confused as to why the three came to the inn again, especially since everything that happened with Isabelle was a misunderstanding, and even Isabelle had apologized to him.

Keith slowly walked up to Thap and stood in front of him.

"Emm... can I he—"

"I'm sorry about yesterday!" Keith cut Thap off midway and quickly bowed in apology to him.

"Eh... it's alright!" Thap acknowledged the situation and gestured for him to lift his head up.

Thap knew that these guys were kids around 16 or 17. They acted impulsively when it came to someone important to them. If someone made your important person cry, it was natural for them to get mad, and Thap understood that.

Moreover, he was somewhat relieved that Keith recognized his wrongdoing and responded accordingly. It showed a level of maturity and responsibility that Thap hadn't expected.

"Thank you for understanding," Keith said, lifting his head with a grateful look on his face. His friends, standing behind him, also nodded in agreement, looking somewhat embarrassed by their previous actions.

"It's really no problem," Thap replied with a smile, hoping to ease the tension. "We all make mistakes."

Keith's friends looked visibly more relaxed, and the tense atmosphere in the dining hall began to disappear. Thap felt a sense of accomplishment in defusing the situation without further conflict.

"Have you guys eaten yet?" Thap asked, trying to build a bridge of friendship. "My name is Thap, by the way."

Keith hesitated for a moment, then smiled. "No, we haven't. I'm Keith, and these are my friends, Liam and Noah, we are adventurers."

"Nice to meet you all," Thap said warmly, gesturing for them to join him at the table. 

"KEITH!" A female voice shouting from the kitchen lit up the dining hall. It was Isabelle. She dashed to where Keith was sitting.

"How many times have I told you not to cause any more problems? Yesterday you— Oh." As Isabelle was about to lecture Keith, she noticed Keith and his friends sitting next to Thap.

"... wait," Isabelle said, confused.

Keith quickly explained, "It's okay, Isabelle. We've already made up, so you don't have to worry about it." 

Isabelle expressed a look of relief after listening to what Keith had told her. She then asked the three if they wanted to have breakfast, and they agreed. She walked off to prepare their meals.

Thap, on the other hand, was perplexed to see how Isabelle was able to talk to Keith normally, unlike how she interacted with other male adventurers at the guild. This made him think that Keith must be really close to her, but their exact relationship was unknown to him.


The four started chatting and sharing what they had been up to. Thap told them about his amnesia and how he had been managing so far. Through the conversation, Thap learned that Keith and his two friends were adventurers, forming a party of three called 'Dreamer.' 

Keith is the leader of the party. Even though he is only 17, he manages the group well and is a good leader. He is tall and looks strong. Keith is an open-minded person who doesn't like to hide things or keep secrets. He got his class as a warrior, specializing in swordsmanship. Ever since he was a kid, Keith dreamed of becoming a powerful and knowledgeable adventurer.

The other guy was short and named Liam. Liam was a year younger than Keith and hasn't received his class yet; he will get it next year. Liam specializes in magic attacks. Due to his family's financial problems, Liam stopped going to school and started self-learning about magic theory. He joined Keith's party because of his capability in making plans and strategic attacks.

The last guy was around Keith's height and was the oldest among the group at the age of 19. He was well-built and had a muscular frame. His class was Vanguard. Today, he was in his adventuring attire with a huge sword on his back, similar to Bart. He was talkative and liked to joke around, unlike the other two. Although he was not very smart and was more of a muscle-brain, he always listened to Keith and followed his lead. 


After the three finished eating, Keith asked Thap what he usually did as an adventurer. Thap told him he only started doing difficult quests yesterday after he got his equipment. As Thap was struggling with money, he took the opportunity to ask Keith what the most effective way was to make money and get stronger as an adventurer.

Keith paused and leaned toward his ear, whispering, "Exploring dungeons."

Thap's mood lit up when he heard the word "dungeons." It made him feel like he was in a real fantasy world, similar to the ones he had heard about and seen in his world, where people explored, found treasure, and fought powerful beings.

However, his excitement was tempered by the realization that those were fiction and fake. But in this other world, everything was real. The thought of exploring it without losing his life or getting hurt made him nervous. 

"... hmm want to come with us ?" Keith snapped him out with his word. 

Thap couldn't give an answer as he was still considering all the possibilities that could lead his life to ruin if something happened to him during the exploration. He might lose his life, and on top of that, he was still unsure about his powers too. 

Keith then gestured for everyone to come closer and whispered.

"Why don't we find the Holy Sword before the Hero does?!" Keith suggested.

Everyone was surprised when they heard Keith's suggestion.

"When we find it, we could fetch a lot of money from the king, don't you think?" he continued, gesturing the money sign with his finger. 


The Holy Weapon can be lifted by non-heroes, but it won't activate its power unless it is held by the right hero's class. Currently, the Sword Hero has come to this city to seek his Holy Sword in one of the dungeons located between the border of this kingdom and the dark realm.

Some adventurers have already thought the same thing as Keith and are on the move, hoping to find the Holy Sword before the Hero. Since the Hero has been found, whoever retrieves the Holy Sword could demand whatever price they want. People don't care about world peace as much as they care about getting fame and wealth. This is the reality.

For many, the quest for the Holy Sword is not about fulfilling a noble cause but about seizing an opportunity for personal gain. The idea of getting rich and famous overshadows the greater good. The dungeons, which hold the potential for great power, become battlegrounds not just against monsters, but against the greed and ambition of fellow adventurers.

Keith's plan, though risky, promises a chance at great rewards. However, it also shows the darker side of human nature, where the pursuit of glory often outweighs the quest for peace. Thap, now faced with the decision to join this dangerous race, must consider his own values against the risky allure of the Holy Sword.


"Wanna join us?!" Keith asked Thap.

Thap was a bit skeptical but curious at the same time. What he wanted right now was wealth, knowledge, and a better understanding of this world. It was hard to make friends, and he wondered to himself, "Are these people trustworthy?"

He thought about Keith and his friends. They seemed genuine, and their apology earlier showed they were capable of admitting their mistakes. Yet, the idea of exploring dangerous dungeons with people he barely knew was daunting.

On the other hand, this could be an opportunity to learn more about adventuring and the world he was now a part of. He needed allies, and Keith's party seemed like a good place to start. But trust was a big issue. Could he rely on them in a life-or-death situation?

As Thap weighed his options, he realized that joining Keith's group might be the best way to quickly gain the knowledge and experience he needed. He took a deep breath and looked at Keith, trying to make up his mind.

"You can trust me, I'm doing this because I want to help Isabelle," Keith muttered, which made Thap reconsider the offer.

Thap looked at Keith, trying to gauge the sincerity in his eyes. The mention of helping Isabelle added a new layer to the situation. He had seen how protective Keith was of her, and if this mission was genuinely to aid her, it might be worth the risk.

Thap's mind raced with possibilities. Joining Keith's group could provide the support and companionship he needed in this unfamiliar world. The quest for the Holy Sword sounded dangerous but also incredibly rewarding. It could be the key to understanding more about this world and his own abilities.

He took a deep breath, weighing his options one last time. Trust was not easily given, especially in a place where danger lurked around every corner. But Keith's earnestness and the potential benefits of the journey were compelling.

Finally, Thap made his decision. "Alright, I'll join you," he said, meeting Keith's gaze with determination. "Let's find that Holy Sword."