
Hermione and The Genius Magic Formula (Harry Potter Fanfic)

The boy who can decipher all and any kind of magic as if they were formulasーーLeonard Taylor. Captivated by magic, the boy used all his talents to research and overturn the common sense of the wizarding world. No one knows what influence his research would have on Harry and the dark wizards. Note: This is a translation

Ginormous_Madman · 作品衍生
93 Chs

Chapter 66: Disappearance

A room bathed in pink. It's Dolores Umbridge's room. There's no other room like it. It's two in the morning, a time when everyone would be in their dreams. Dolores Umbridge is no exception, sleeping with her toad-like head on a pink pillow atop a pink bed. A drop of invisible liquid was dropped on her forehead. But she didn't notice it, as it made no sound and she felt no sensation.


She woke up to the dazzling morning sunlight. My morning, Dolores Umbridge's morning, begins with elegantly brewing tea. There's a lot to do today. Reforming Hogwarts, investigating Dumbledore, and extracting information from Leonard Taylor. Yesterday, I successfully made Leonard Taylor's girlfriend, that cheeky Granger, submit. It's not usually allowed, but I'm a senior official at the Ministry of Magic and also the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts. And the other party is plotting something. It's a justified act.

"Well, your lover must have chatted a lot. Today seems to be a very good day. I'm looking forward to making a report to the Minister." 

This will improve my reception from the Minister. If I find something decisive against Dumbledore, I can immediately expel him and become the headmaster of Hogwarts, and eventually, it's not a dream to become the Minister of Magic. I left the room in a good mood and headed for breakfast in the Great Hall. I passed students in the hallway, but no one looked at me. No matter how hated I am, I should be noticed. Slytherin students should at least greet me to curry favor. But I was in a good mood and didn't care particularly.

(At that time, I didn't notice anything. That this day was the beginning of hell.)

After breakfast, I immediately had a class and headed to the classroom. The first period is Gryffindor's fifth year. There's a student to watch out for, Harry Potter. And Hermione Granger, who I made submit yesterday, is also there. I have to be on my guard.

"Good morning. Let's have a fun class today!"

The students were already in the classroom. But no one looks at me when I come in. If that's all, it's the same as always. They must be envious and don't want to see me. But something was different today. It felt like no one in the classroom recognized that I had come in.

"Everyone! Stop chatting! Let's start the class!"

Even if I shout loudly, no one looks at me, no one listens to my voice. As I was getting more and more irritated, I heard a conversation from a student sitting in the front.

"By the way, is it self-study today?"

"Isn't it? The teacher... well, anyway, if the teacher doesn't come, it must be."

I'm right in front of you, and you're reacting like this!

"10 points deducted from Gryffindor for your disrespectful attitude! Per person!"

A large amount of deduction, but there was no change in the classroom. I let out a loud noise and light from my wand to force them to look at me. The students suddenly looked at me, probably because they couldn't ignore these.

"Huh...? Ah, teacher? When did you get there?"

"Is that person the teacher? ...Who was it?"

I still hear such voices. I ignored them and instructed them to continue reading the textbook. I had them read the textbook until the end of the time, but Granger, who usually argues, was not there, and Potter was quiet. As soon as the end-of-class chime rang, the students left the classroom one after another, but there were no students who greeted me. It was very annoying.

After the unpleasant class, I went to the Great Hall and saw the hourglass showing the points of each dormitory. Since I deducted a lot earlier, there should be almost no rubies left in Gryffindor. Seeing that, Gryffindor should be depressed and Slytherin should be happy. That was supposed to be... The number of rubies is not much different from the morning, and no one cares. Probably McGonagall competed and gave Gryffindor a lot of points. That woman has been like that since I was a student. She says she's fair, equal, but in the end, Gryffindor is the best and she hates Slytherin. As I was thinking about that, McGonagall came by.

"Professor McGonagall! Can I have a moment!"

But McGonagall ignored me and just walked away. As expected of Gryffindor. Both the students and the dormitory supervisor are the same.

"Don't ignore me! I can expel you from Hogwarts with the authority of the High Inquisitor!"

I grabbed her shoulder to stop her. As expected, she couldn't ignore it and turned to me.

"Who are you? Stop grabbing my shoulder all of a sudden."

"Professor McGonagall! I have something to say to you 'Who are you?' What?"

"Are you a student's guardian? Unfortunately, I have a class coming up, so if you have a matter, could you wait until later?"

"What, what are you saying! I am Dolores Umbridge! I am the teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts and the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts!"

"...Ah. is that so...? That right. You are too old aren't you"

With that, McGonagall left as if she had lost interest. As she says, she seems to have developed dementia with age. It seems necessary to get her out of Hogwarts as soon as possible.

(At that time, I was still optimistic. The usual harassment from Gryffindor, the dementia of an old woman. That's what I decided. But... I noticed something was wrong in the next class.)

The next class is a class of cute Slytherin students, who are also from my alma mater. Unlike the rude Gryffindor earlier, there are only good kids.

"Well, let's start the class, everyone."

When I entered the classroom, the same scene as Gryffindor in the morning was spread out. No one looks at me. No one recognizes me.

"Everyone! Look at me! Class is starting!"

Even though I shouted loudly, no one responded. Well, only one person, a female student sitting in the front row, looked at me.

I looked at that girl. I ended up looking.

I was not reflected in the eyes that looked at me. Only my figure was missing from the scenery reflected in her eyes.

"You guys should self-study! Please read the textbook!"

I was scared and ran away. Something is wrong. But I don't know what that something is.

Overwhelmed by an unbearable fear, I returned to my room and immediately crawled into bed and fell asleep.

Believing that everything will be back to normal when I wake up the next morning.

The next morning.

The awakening was the worst. I felt so bad that I couldn't even feel the morning chill.

I couldn't even taste the tea to wake me up.

Still, my body craves energy, so I headed to the dining hall for breakfast.

There are students in the hallway to the dining hall, but like yesterday, no one pays any attention to me.

I eat breakfast at the faculty table.

The food at Hogwarts was so delicious when I was a student that I couldn't help but have seconds.

However, this morning's breakfast was strange.

It doesn't taste.

Even though the appearance and aroma are perfect, only the taste is missing.

Looking around, it doesn't seem like anyone else is dissatisfied.

Is it just me? Is this also a prank?

No matter how hungry I am, eating food that doesn't taste like anything is torture.

I guess I'll have to have the kitchen make the food directly.

There were many house-elf servants in the kitchen, working with a sense of fulfillment.

House-elves are convenient. And they are absolutely obedient to wizards. Even if the whole of Hogwarts is pranking me, the house-elves won't ignore me or serve tasteless food.

They don't seem to stop working even though I'm busy.

"Excuse me. Any servant is fine, but please make some food!"

Normally, they would start serving me without a second's delay.

But there's no sign of them doing anything for me.

"Servant! It's an order! Bring me a delicious breakfast!"

Still ignored.

I reached my limit and cast a spell on a nearby house-elf.

However, not a single spark flew from the wand, and nothing happened.

Yes, as if a Squib was trying to use magic.

"No, it's a lie. That's... I'm a witch! Stupefy,! Expelliarmus! Accio! Wingardium Leviosa! Why!? Why isn't anything happening!?"

It was only then that I realized that this abnormal situation was serious and something was happening to me.

I've been cursed or something with a potion!

I ran at full speed from the kitchen to the infirmary.

I opened the door to the infirmary with enough force to break it, and asked Madam Pomfrey, who looked surprised, for help.

"Help! I'm cursed! Please, do something!"

I tried to get Pomfrey's attention by grabbing her shoulder as she tried to ignore me and close the door.

But my hand passed right through Pomfrey's body.

Just like a ghost. As if it didn't exist.

"Ah, aaaaaah! No, no! Nooooooooo!

I was about to lose my mind with fear. Somehow I had returned to my room and was desperately trying to keep my sanity wrapped in a blanket on my bed.

The next morning.

It seems I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was past noon.

I was supposed to have classes today, but it seems no one came to call me.

"What's going to happen to me? Am I going to die? I don't want that..."

As I sat there in a daze, I noticed that there was someone else in the room.

"Who, who is it!? Anyone, help!"

It was Leonard Taylor. He could be an enemy of the Ministry of Magic, I didn't care.

"Oh, Taylor! Taylor-kun, no, Lord Leonard Taylor! Please help me! Please! I'll do anything!"

"Ah, you haven't disappeared yet? Professor Umbridge. Well, according to my estimate, you have about a week left. Please enjoy your despair and fear slowly."

"...!? Huh?"

What did Taylor just say? No way...

"Now, the me you are seeing now is a pre-recorded image. Like everyone else, I probably can't recognize you anymore.

I administered a certain potion to you. It's the most terrifying one I've developed.

Its name is "Existence Dilution Potion". When you touch it, your existence gradually fades.

At first, you stop getting attention from those around you. Gradually, it becomes harder to recognize, and it disappears from memory.

Even your own senses start to become numb, and eventually you reach a stage where you can't be detected by any means.

By the time you reach this stage, your internal magic power has also faded and you start to lose the ability to use magic. If it has progressed this far, it's already too late. And as your existence fades, you also lose the ability to interfere with others. You could say that you are at this stage now.

This is a mechanism that plays the image of me you are seeing now when it progresses to this stage. Do you understand what kind of state you are in?"

I understand how desperate the situation I am! So help me! I'm scared, and as I sit here, I'm gradually fading away!

"Well then. What's the next stage? Next, your body will gradually break down. Slowly, from the tips of your fingers and toes. Oh, don't worry. There's no pain, and no blood. You just slowly disappear. And as your body disappears, your memory also slowly fades. By the time half of your body has disappeared, your mind and ego will also fade, and in the end, even your soul will disappear without a trace. As the density of existence decreases, the speed of progression slows down, so please take your time to experience this phenomenon for the first time in human history. You have about a week left, but as your existence fades, you won't die even if you don't eat or drink, and it's difficult to interfere with your existence, so suicide will be difficult.

Are you wondering why you're going through this?"

That's right! Why am I going through this! I haven't done anything wrong!

"You harmed my lover, Hermione. That reason alone is enough. Goodbye."

"Wa, wait! Stop! Ah, aaaaaaaaaa!"


One day passed.

My fingers disappeared. I can't even hold a wand anymore. I can't use magic anymore, but it was still a shock. The wand is proof that I am a wizard.

Two days passed.

It disappeared up to my knees. Now I can't even move from the bed. As Taylor said, I don't feel hungry or thirsty. The room has no color and has become a scentless space.

Three days passed.

My limbs disappeared. I'm just like a caterpillar. Most of my senses have faded. I can't see anything, I can't hear anything, there's no smell or touch.

Four days passed.

It disappeared up to my belly. My organs are spilling out.

...Why! Why! Why don't I die!? Just kill me! I can tell that my body is disappearing even though I have no senses! It's not painful, but I can clearly tell! I'm scared, I'm so scared. My existence is getting closer to nothing. It's fading and everything is disappearing.

I don't want to, I don't want to, I don't want to.

...What don't I want?

Five days passed.

I am Umbridge. My name is Dolores Umbridge. Dorelos. Andridge.

No! Dolores Umbridge! I am! Me...? Yes, I am Umbridge.

Don't stop thinking! Dolores! If you lose sight of it, it will disappear! What? That! What is that? Name! Dolor. My name. Disappear. Dolores Umbridge!

Six days passed.

I don't know. I'm scared. I don't know. Me. Disappear. Scared. Scared. Scared. Scared.

Help me. Why. Narrow. Small. Wide. Fine. Scared. Why.

Ah... Co...

Seven days passed.

I, who had become just a brain.

I, who had become vague about everything, was somehow aware of myself for some reason.

Is it the last piece of self that remains, shining brightly like the last flame of a candle?

I'm scared. I don't want to disappear. Ah... Why did it turn out like this?

What did I do wrong?

What was my life...?

I'm scared. There's nothing. I am, what I did is all disappearing.

No, no, I'm scared. Even if I die, someone remembers me. Family, lover, enemy, stranger. Someone remembers.

But no one remembers me. No, no, no, no, I don't want to. I'm scared.

Ah, everything is fading again.

Disappear, thin out, spread, become small, disappear, scared, nothing

But the fear of extinction never left me until the end.


Yes, I made Dolores Umbridge disappear.

She can't even become a ghost or be reborn because her soul has disappeared completely.

Even if you use the reversal clock, no one remembers it in the first place, so you won't do such a thing.

The original idea, or rather the reference, is the torch of Shakugan no Shana and the fate of a certain doctor.

Dolores Umbridge, who has been through a lot in various secondary creations.

She's been injured, fallen from power, killed,

I aimed for more than that with this ending.

This is what happens when you anger Leonard Taylor.

By the way, you can also disappear in one shot with a bow, but it's a dangerous item that you can't use so easily, so I won't use it.

The storage is also done in a container made of Leo's special magic.

The potion itself is gradually disappearing, so eventually the existence and records of the potion will disappear and it will be impossible to reproduce.

Dolores Umbridge, who was used before that, was lucky.