

" Ginny! Oh no, we have to get her to St. Mungos at once!" George exclaimed. Harry and Draco appeared and saw the whole mess.

" Oh my god..!" Draco whispered when he saw Blaise holding the girl who's covered in her own blood.

" Ginny! No, no! We have to do something!" Harry said while panicing.

" She's losing a lot of blood" Hermione cried. " We have to hurry. "

They left for St Mungos and let the healers take care of her. Blaise tried to escape the healers hold of him.

" I'm not leaving her!" Suddenly he punched one of the healers right in the face. " Blaise!" Hermione exclaimed.

" Slow down, for Merlin's sake!" Draco said and grabbed his arm.

" I can't leave her! Not now, Draco!" " You have to, let them take care of her. She'll be fine I promise. "

Blaise reminded himself that Draco himself had been hurted by Sectumsempra and he was healed some time afterwards.

He stopped fighting and looked at the direction Ginny had disappeard in. Draco took a hold of him and hugged him brotherly. " She'll be fine"


After many questions from Kingsley and wonderings about Ginny the healer came to them.

Molly and Arthur was also there now, they hadn't been inte the house during the attack or when Ron.....died.

They had been in Hogsmead for a Butterbeer. Just for having a nice evening.

Molly had been crying her eyes out when she heard what happened to Ron. And she was worrying as hell when she heard about Ginny.

" Kingsley's back" Draco said and stood up. The others did as well and Hermione took Blaise's hand.

" Well the healer said she have lost a lots of blood and does not look good....at all. This curse must have been a very strong one."

" What's your point?!" Blaise said upset. The healer sighed. " She might not make it....."