
Taking over

A/N Hi again! 2k reads can't believe it!

Um....I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who's reading this! And it feels like a '' thank you" isn't enough but it's all that I can say. I'm huge greatful for all the coments and votes you've given me! Escpecially to;


@ Slytherins_Princess

@ SlytherinPrincess20

@ harrypotterology

Soooo.....yeah keep enjoy reading!


Draco and Hermione were hidden in a a flat in London while Blaise and Ginny were in flat a few blocks away. Draco and Hermione tried to find a way to find Darkeye and finish this, while Ginny still was very hurted and needed Blaise's help.

Blaise and Ginny sat in the sofa amd watched some muggle-tv ( Hermione had told then how to use it)

" Blaise sweetie can you go and get me some water, please?" Ginny asked kindly.

" Do it yourself" Blaise snorted. Ginny was taken aback and couldn't understand what he said.

" Um....okay" she tried to stand up on her own and slowly walked into the kitchen. Her stomach hurted very much after the scars and she would gladly lay and rest for a while.

She slowly drank her water and heard Blaise's voice " Are you coming or not?" His voice sounded irritated and impatient.

" Yeah take it easy I was only gone for like two minutes" Blaise dragged her down in the couch and put his arm around her, but it wasn't in a smooth and caring way. His embrace felt agressive and like he wanted to take control.

" Ouch my arm, Blaise. I have a bruise there" " Does it look like I care?" He retorted.

" You should care!" Ginny said angrily. Blaise looked at her, when did he get so dark eyes?

Out of a sudden, he kissed her roughly. But it wasn't like the one in London, no this was more like he wanted to put all his anger on something.

" Blaise, slow down" Ginny said and pushed him away a bit. " Are you rejecting me?" He said coldly.

" N-no I just...." " Good" he kissed her again and pushed her down in the couch, she laid on her back and Blaise took of her shirt.

" Blaise I don't feel like it" She said. " Stop being such a boring thing like your friend, okay?" He said with a dark voice.

Ginny felt a tear streaming down her cheek when he said that. ' A boring thing?'

He took off her trousers and postioned himself between her legs.

" No Blaise not now. I'm so tired and I need some rest." With all his force he pushed her off the couch and yelled angrily " okay fine! You don't have to! Bloody bloodtraitor"

With that he walked away and into the bedroom and shut the door, left Ginny on floor with one thought in her head ' what the hell happened?'