
St. Mungos

Ron and Harry had celebrated Christmas with the others and after that, Harry took Ron to the St. Mungos. " I'm better now Harry, really. There are no voices now" Ron assured. They sat down in the waiting room, Harry had booked a time for Ron.

" This is going to sound weird buddy but, I think....." " Parkinson?" Ron looked beside Harry and stared at a dark brown haired girl further away. Harry turned his head at Ron's direction.

" Yeah it looks like it. Anyway, I think your voices are....." " What is she doing here?" Harry sighed " I don't know, go and ask her. Could you listen to me?"

" No" He stood up and walked over to the Slytherin-girl. She looked slightly concerned about something.

" Um....hi Parkinson" Ron started. Pansy looked at him with a confused look. " Weasley" she said with a cold tone. " Finally realised how mental you really are, did you? "

Ron didn't argue on that one. Maybe it was true, what if he was mental? For real?! " Why are you here?" Pansy was taken aback when he didn't argue with her or even threw an insult at her.

" I'm....just checking things out....that's all." " Okay" Ron nodded and started to walk away. Actually that was all he wanted to know.

" How are you anyway Weasel? Not that I care or anything." " Fine" He lied. " What about you? You look like you're in good shape. Not that I check you out or anything."

" I'm fine" A huge lie from her side. " Mr Weasley?" A doctor asked in the room. " Coming. See ya Pansy"

He walked away quickly when he realised he had just called her by her first name. Pansy hade a tiny crooked smile on her face.

" See ya, Ron"


" So Ron. I'm doctor Sanders. But you can call me Sam" Ron shook hand with him and sat down in one of the armchairs and Harry sat down beside him.

" Ron tell me your story, please?" Ron told him all about the voices he heard everytime Hermione was around and Sam wrote notes as he listened.

" Tell him about the other thing" Harry encouraged him. " Um...okay. When the voices are around, they tell me what to do to....this girl. It's horrible"

The doctor was pale in his face, like he just have seen a ghost. " Do you now what it is, doctor?" Harry asked worriedly.

" It sounds like, you young man is being possessed by someone.....or something"