
Here we go, Desert Rangers!

Tired of just playing video games all day, a young man was ready for a change. He wanted a real challenge, something that would give him a sense of purpose. So, he joined the army, thinking he'd finally found his calling. But life had other plans. Bombings were happening left and right and before he knew it, he was gone - vaporized in an instant. Or so he thought. Next thing he knew, he woke up to the sound of a beep and the strong smell of alcohol. He looked around and realized he was in a place he didn't recognize and had no idea how he survived the blast. Talk about a crazy twist of fate. 3 - 4 Chapters per week. I need to take it easy and improve the quality of each chapters. Sorry. ------------------------------------ My fan-take on Wasteland 2 story and tackling the Wasteland 3 story to gain a more in-depth perspective on this fictional world's apocalypse! PLEASE SUPPORT THE WASTELAND TRILOGY! AN UNDERRATED GAME! ------------------------------------ I DON'T OWN THE PICTURE. Kindly contact me should you want me to change it. Thank you.

CarbonatedDrink · 游戏衍生
36 Chs

Wrong Party

Yunca Village

Eastside - Raided

Current Time

A bandit stood guard outside of a well-lit two-story house. A wide smile and a satisfied look on his face, he shook his groin, trying to make it comfortable. Not knowing that close by, a man with an integrated silenced 1911 pistol with its red-dot trained on his head.

Houmin shuffled his feet as he crouched down behind a rusting roof sheet metal. "1 standing guard outside," He said to his mic.

His headset buzzed on, "4 guys around a table. 1 girl ON the table." Skylar heavily implied.

1 girl on the table? Houmin didn't like the sound of that.

"Break," He says. Changing the frequency from just the two of them and patching himself to Deus. "Actual, This is Voider. Can you relay again about the position of the 5 bandits?"

His headphone buzzed again, a clear and leaderlike female voice followed, "You got 1 guard on the 2nd-floor entrance. Followed by 4 bandits around a table, per table sides, one is currently... engaged. You got a limited time window, Voiders. Between that and the three hostages, you have to move quickly."

Houmin did a play-by-scene on his head. Imagining a blueprint section of the 2nd floor and where the bandits are. "Understood, Deus. Voiders out."

He weighed in two factors he has-and quickly losing: Time and Surprise. Two choices laid in front of him, take the house together, or split up and save the other hostages.

With a split-second decision, he grabbed the edge of the sheet metal, guiding his body out of cover. Heading into the stairs where the guard is just outside the 2nd-floor door. He chose the option of taking the house together, but they have to do it fast.

At the same time, Skylar frowned as her expression tensed up. She gazed at the happening on the 2nd-floor with her goggles' zoom in feature.

She can clearly see them on a 4x zoom. They were horizontally positioned by the window like it's a theatre show. Her heartbeat skipped from the scene. 4 men surrounded the girl on the table... all of them are naked.

From the girl's feet, her body, and her head. The 4 men were using her. Starting from the legs, one of them was drooling as he humped her laboriously while the girl's feet were up in the man's shoulder. Followed by 2 men on each side, one has his right leg hunched over the table as he leans his head down on the woman's body. The other one is standing there, stroking away while his other hand is stabbing both his member and the girl's side with the same needle with an unknown substance. Lastly, a man is shaking his hips wildly as he forced his member down to the girl's throat while the girl's hands embrace his hips.

She shut her eyes tightly, a rush of cold stream course through her. She had enough, she thought. Her mind darkened as painful memories flashed back to her.

"Psst! Hey, I think they're doing the boogie."

Just like that, the many voices that stalk her about her past was replaced with his annoying voice. So what's exactly a boogie? Bleh. He needs to tone down with the stupid jokes, she thought. But... She appreciated his impeccable timing.

"W-what?" She angrily asked back. "You're literally just outside of them. You can hear them raping the girl, you stupid fuck!"

"I. -uh, hmm." He stuttered back. "So no boogie-boogie?"

Skylar's eye twitched hard. She now knew! That he always choose times like this to mess with her.

"Arrghh!" She grinds her teeth. "Moron! Stop fooling around!"

Skylar exhaled as she composed herself, "Okay, okay. We'll do it like this, it's a 4 man group, around a table. Pretty much occupied."

"H-How, I mean, HOW occupied?" He was intently curious.

"They are having an orgy." She straight out said, "Like hardcore on it."

Houmin gasped back, which sounded like a fake surprise. Skylar got curious how exactly the guard can't hear him gasp so loud like that. She pouted. Men are fucking idiots, she thought.

"So, I, uh-- How ha-hard, Like how hard?" Houmin slowly asked. Skylar knew he was stalling.

"With drugs--What the heck do you want?!" She snapped at him. "Knock it off! We have to save her!"

"Tsk," Houmin sounded back.

"Don't use that tone to me, asshole." She warned him. "I'm gonna shot you myself if the girl dies."

"I'm listening..." He quickly changed his tone.

Skylar sighed with a frown on her face, "Simple. Go in, make a mess, and make sure you line up the one on the right side of the table with the one on the far end. Parallel to each other and to the window." She slowly said, "Easy right, Bandana Boy?"

Houmin smirked at that and didn't mind the hint. Heck, Houmin appreciated the thought. It's just that... to him. Big Boss will always be better, to him anyway.

Houmin did a 4-second count interval breathing technique, "Ready?" He asked.

"On you," She buzzed back.

With that confirmed, Houmin focused his thoughts and blocked out the sounds of moans, groans, and screams of pleasures. Just the weight of pistol on his hand. He already conceptualized a general plan of action, and still, he needs to make room for any unnecessary stuff happening.

He slowly crept his way up the stairs, hugging the wall—the entrance was to his right and the guard on the left overlooking the edge, in what seems to be him airdrying his crotch.

"Oh, fuck. That looks infected," Under the lumination of the single NVG, He can somewhat see a lump- no, a lot of lumps. That bulge on his crotch is due to that compounding lumps.

The guard jumped as he got spooked when he heard that, Houmin too, was surprised that he voiced his thoughts. The two looked at each other. Horrified yet for different reasons.

The guard's knees shook as he saw a man's form but only a partial portion of his face- resembles a man's face. The rest are things he hasn't seen before.

When the guard turns to him, both Houmin and everyone on the Ranger Citadel gagged. The looks of little him and the general area around it somewhat resemble a ripe fruit, a very mutated fruit.

Even so, Houmin dashed up the stairs. Due to the weight of his rig and the rifle on his back, he had to exert extra effort to lift himself up in the stairs.

Once he got close, the guard panickily swung down his machete-like weapon. However, before he can fully swing it down, Houmin blocks the guard's forearm with his pistol. He quickly sweeps it down and swings it to the other side.


He squeezed the trigger just as the muzzle pointed at the enemy's left thigh, making him flinch back. He grabbed the arm and bashed the guard's wrist, letting the melee weapon loose.

Right now, with the guard's body is relatively perpendicular to the door behind him—a perfect opportunity for Houmin. He stepped inside the room by moving backward with his right foot. He used this move to pivot himself to twist the bandit's arm in a clockwise motion.

Impressed with himself, Houmin smiled under his respirator. He pulled the bandit's arm, and he stepped back with his left foot at the same time. He twisted his left foot, now his body facing the room, and used his pistol arm, placed it to the bandit's right shoulder for support, and threw him to the orgy at the table.

The bandit's thin body flew through the room, and he landed on the one who continually stabs both himself and the girl with drugs, both fall down on the ground. In doing so, the bandit on the girl's face lost balance and attempted to keep himself steady by grabbing the other's guys arm. Alas, the friend he held on, with his right foot on the table, loses balance, and both of them stumbled back.

Across the building, Skylar crouched down and kept her eyes on the optics of her rifle. She saw the opportunity came closer and closer. Waiting for the stumbling two to line up just right. She squeezed the trigger on her AR-15, and it flew in quickly into the room. Hitting the closer one in the neck, then it passes through and hits the other on the side of his head. A pink puff of smoke then both fell down.

She quickly snapped the rifle back to safety and dropped down from the shanty house's 2nd floor. She made her way to the room as fast as she can.

Simultaneously, Houmin locked his right arm to the bandit's neck, still humping the girl, and threw him back to the wall.

"Hoo` That was fast."

He exclaimed. He stared down at the body he threw. The man's face was in constant euphoria as he still is drooling, and his eyes are stuck looking up, indicative of overdosing on a substance mainly for increasing pleasure. He glowers at the man as he didn't quit on humping, rubbing his waist on the floor.

Houmin didn't felt anger or hate for the guy. Only disgust. He aimed at the ecstatic face.


Houmin sidestepped to the left and scanned the two dead bodies on the other side of the table with his pistol. Double-checking it.



He sweeps his gun and points at the two bodies whose stack on top of each other.


Houmin shot the one under first, but as soon as he trained it on the one on the top, the bandit shouted and begged.

"Stahhp! Stop! Stop!" He waved away wildly. "Don't shoot- Don't shoot! I know, I know what you're 'er fore'."

Houmin humored him. "Let's try." He pushed up his NODs.

"Hero Porky!" The bandit's crawled away. Yet, stopped doing so when his hands got covered in a white sticky substance from the floor.

"Errww," He flicked his hand away. He rubbed it off to the pants of his dead colleague. "Yo- You're the Boss' proud shooters—the Special Porkers. H-here to nab them all! Aren't y'all? To get back at those Libertarders Rangers and vermin that ruined Great Merica! in one all good fell swoop. Plus! Get the one sucker who organized this and get em to our Great Comeback!"

Houmin chortled. Mainly to the "Special Porkers," He stopped and told himself to not break character.

"Ahem... The one that organized all of this." Houmin motioned around the room. " is it a ranger?" He asked.

"Rangers?" The bandit asked back, his eyes told Houmin that he was an idiot for asking such questions. "Da hell you asking that 'fore??!" He started roaring. "We're here to snatch that conniving tricky-tatter who witched us, gangs, to come 'ere. That something likes to watch--"


A sharp hollow shot rang out from the doorway. The back of the bandit's head puffed up in a pink mist and fell down face-first on the ground, blood oozed out on the hole just below the left eye.

"Ahh, fuck. I hate it when it turns cliche'."

Houmin cranked his neck and clicked his tongue in displeasure. He was reluctant to turn his head. He already knew that Skylar shot the guy. He finds it uncomfortable that the snap sound from the 5.56 round going supersonic that close to him.

"Just a few seconds more. That's all I need."

Houmin grumbled. Despite that, Skylar continued to ignore him and fixed her eyes on the girl. The girl's arms swing around as she was dancing with something on her hand. Skylar concluded that it must be an effect of the drugs pumped into her, and the girl is still smiling like it's the best day she ever had.

Skylar's heartbeat skipped as she heard the girl laugh and giggle, talking to herself.

Skylar's eyes watered momentarily, and her throat became tight. Flashbacks ran again through her. "You poor thing..."

"Move," Skylar said without taking her eyes off of the girl and shoved him away.

She hastily clutched the tattered curtain under the window and tossed it the girl. She moved quickly and used it to wipe all sorts of substances off her body. Content with what she's done, she motioned for Houmin to come closer.

Skylar noticed Houmin jumping his eyes back and forth from the girl's left thigh and a bandit's back. Curious what's that about, she titled her head to look at the girl's thigh.

A teardrop shape black tattoo is placed in the middle of the outer thigh. The body of the teardrop has skull imagery strewn to it. Skylar eyed the dead bandit's back, which also had the same tattoo on the base of his neck.

Skylar and Houmin looked at each other. No words were expressed between them. But both knew that whatever happened here, it's hard to wrap their heads around it. They were from the same gang, so what's going on?

"Help me with her." She called out. "Bend her knees up. We're gonna lift her next to the doorway since that spot is clean enough."

They silently decided to not speculate on what happened here. Throwing this scene in the backs of their heads.

Skylar pulled out a white plastic gun and a plastic vial with a red glossy substance in it. She twisted the covering from the gun's muzzle and placed a disk with 6 holes in it that had 3 small needles on each hole upon closer inspection. She jammed the vial onto the top opening of the gun. Pulled back on the slide as the air builds up and the trigger ready to release.

"A Jet injector?"

"Yeah." Skylar didn't look back but pointing her finger behind her. "Grab a curtain. We need to cover her up."

She buzzed her comm, "Deus, This is Voider. Tag this area for detainee retrieval, Over."

"Copy that."

Skylar placed her support hand to the girl's head and shifted it a bit so her neck can be exposed.


The red substance can be seen slowly trickling down on the gun. When it was finished, Skylar simply tossed both the needle cap and the vial away, replacing it with a new one. And continued again, injecting her with it.


Skylar seized the curtain and tore it away so it can be longer. She hurriedly, in a careful manner, wrapped it to the girl.

"What's in that thing anyway?"

Houmin was intent on finding that out. Not only did it brought the girl out from pale skin, but just two of those shots had instantly brought her complexion back to normal.

"A medical paste. Got it from Medic."

Before Houmin can get a word in, their comms crackled on,

"Kid, Predator 3 here." It was Bear from the Ghost Team.

"Time's a-flyin' kid, could you too hurry it up? It's not looking great for those people. Also, don't forget about the three hostages. You wasted too much time there." Bear added.

The two, Skylar and Houmin, nodded to each other and switched to their primary weapon. They make a last glance at the girl that still looks like she seeing stars and butterflies.

"Hee~ Desert foxxxx~ just like the poster~~," The girl said as she looked at Skylar.

Houmin reached out a hand and placed it in her shoulder, "C'mon."

Skylar sighed, "You're on point,"

"What?! That's not fair, you got that long can on your gun. You're on point!"

"Geez, get a move on. Stop bitching, will ya?" She said with a smile.

♪ Kenny Lee - Blues Party ♪

Hard work and no pay.

I got too busy with work. So sorry.

Why I always felt something wrong with my pacing. Argh! Now I realized that I sucked at writing fight scenes. Too detailed.

Please, I need help and some pointers on how to do a good firefight! Haha!

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy!

So sorry about the late chapter!

CarbonatedDrinkcreators' thoughts