
Here we go, Desert Rangers!

Tired of just playing video games all day, a young man was ready for a change. He wanted a real challenge, something that would give him a sense of purpose. So, he joined the army, thinking he'd finally found his calling. But life had other plans. Bombings were happening left and right and before he knew it, he was gone - vaporized in an instant. Or so he thought. Next thing he knew, he woke up to the sound of a beep and the strong smell of alcohol. He looked around and realized he was in a place he didn't recognize and had no idea how he survived the blast. Talk about a crazy twist of fate. 3 - 4 Chapters per week. I need to take it easy and improve the quality of each chapters. Sorry. ------------------------------------ My fan-take on Wasteland 2 story and tackling the Wasteland 3 story to gain a more in-depth perspective on this fictional world's apocalypse! PLEASE SUPPORT THE WASTELAND TRILOGY! AN UNDERRATED GAME! ------------------------------------ I DON'T OWN THE PICTURE. Kindly contact me should you want me to change it. Thank you.

CarbonatedDrink · 游戏衍生
36 Chs

Front Row Seats

Three Rangers hurriedly walked back inside to the protection of the Citadel's gate.

Lt. Charles Adam thought that these newcomers weren't really that impressive. He walked backward as he trained the iron sights of his M16 rifle at the center mass of the unknown in front of him. Throwing their weight around, telling people that they're from the U.S. Military. It leaves a sour taste in his mouth.

"If you're all from the military, where the hell have you been when we needed you a century ago?!" He thought. It didn't sit with him about anything about them. No, Sir. It did not.

General Vargas saw the three corporals, Cpl. Richie Sadao, Cpl Donald Quinn, and Cpl. Bernadette Lee. Hefting an inch thick block-shaped objects. Completely colored black all over.

Vargas observed the objects, pointing out to himself that they seem to be like the folder bag he had back at his office.

"We'll play with you," He amused himself. Whistling as he goes. "Let's see how long your act can last, and how you gonna kiss your ass out of this mess."

The three corporals appeared before General Vargas, dropping it before him and neatly organized the documents on the ground, and saluted.

"Sir!" said Lt. Adam. Appearing behind the three, and saluted. "We've taken a total of 17 objects. each for the x outside, Sir."

"Upon closer inspection, there's a see-through around the handle. Inside, there's a brown envelope with a bird logo on the middle, Sir."

Before General Vargas could do anything to the folders, his guards took one on the ground and inspected it.

As both guards were proficient in both weird science and explosives. They tinkered around the container for a few seconds and deemed it safe for any hazards.

Staff Sgt. Pia was the first one, among the two of them, to recognize the object as an office bag. She discussed it with her counterpart, and both agreed to open it.


After a few tries, they successfully opened it by pinching the middle part and pushing it out. They tightened their gas masks, expecting any form of dangerous gas that may spill out, but nothing came out.

Relieved. The two slowly took out the brown envelope. The bird logo can be clearly seen with an inscription above it, "DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE," And a diagonal stamped, "CONFIDENTIAL."

Before scanning the contents of the folder, General Vargas quickly snatched the documents from the side.

The guards can see their General's hurried expression, even with his black aviator glasses, panicking as he scanned each document.

Vargas threw the folder at the chest of Cpl. Sadao, "Hold it!" He quickly walked forward with the support of his cane. "Quickly! Open up the others and give it to me!" He said to his guards.

Each folder was opened, and each time, General Vargas flick through the documents, and when he was done, he threw it again at Cpl. Sadao. He repeated this until the last folder was opened, and Vargas was sure he didn't miss anything.

"Ah!" his face dimmed. "To hell with it!. Sgt Jackson, give me the microphone."

"This is General Vargas, All Rangers stand down." He clears his throat. "Let them in." and slam the radio back at Sgt Jackson.

"Shit! What the hell is going on?!" Agitated as his problems keep on propping up one thing after another.

He took his hat off as he weaved his hand through his hair. He kept the hat back on and composed himself. Kept his eyes on the encroaching figure from "Project: SAGA-DAEDALUS."


"Do you think they bought the "Project: SAGA-DAEDALUS." thing?" Said one of the Division Agents. Skeptical and unnerve, like the rest of them.

"I don't know." One of the agents replied. "Can anyone suspect it's a fabrication made by God?"

"Ah, uh, well, you're right about that." The agent stuttered. Untucking his clothes as his sweat makes his clothes annoyingly stick to him. "Huu, I think I started to miss New York due to this heat."

"What? That shithole? Don't forget, Keener shot you to death back then."

"Yeah... Except for that one. But having that cold is better than this stinking heat!"

Even as everyone heard the General inviting them in, they weren't that naive to expect that everything would be okay. Some took to silence while the others still give Houmin some shit in the comms.

Houmin stood up and dusted his knees. He took a glanced at his right, as Skylar looked back at her.


He quickly shook his head.

He glanced to his left. The Ghost stood there like a post.

"Lead the way, kid," Joe said.

Jitters run through his skin. Houmin first of action was to put his magazine to his dump pouch. Re-attach the rifle to the sling, positioning it to his liking. As he was done, he started walking ahead.

Skylar quickly followed, then the Ghost, the Division followed in a zigzag formation.

Houmin saw the Rangers looked at them suspiciously. No one stated a word, but their mannerism tells him they were still considered as hostiles.

Spit, snarls, and whistles were heard as they walk their way to the gate. Upon entering, Houmin paused as he stared in wonder.

"Last time, I played the game. This place wasn't this huge." He looked from left to right. "We can practically set up shop here and still have plenty of space for training, manufacturing, and storage."

The middle was a mountain with a big blast door on the base of it. Around were wide spaces in various elevations, but there are some considerable flatlands here and there. A canal flows down from the right irrigation tube that seems to be coming from Highpool, as Houmin suspected. No one around he can recognize from the game except for the General.

He stopped the urge to be awed at the sight of the new Ranger Citadel. He continued walking forward until the silhouette of a man in a cowboy hat got ever closer.

"General Vargas, Sir!" Houmin saluted. Everyone else did the same. And held on to that stance as they waited for the General to salute back.

The Rangers broke out in commotion when they witness this happened.

General Vargas knew if he let this on, dissent within the ranks will foster. He wouldn't want that now, as there is too much at stake as it is. Nevertheless, he's the only one who knew that these 17 individuals are actual remnants from the old world. Moreover, they were tasked to restart society under the U.S. Government, except there's no longer a government of that caliber around here. So it's a big question mark what they are doing here.

"At ease, soldier." Rather than returning the salute, he waved it off. Ensuring his fellow Rangers not get the wrong impressions. "I Apologize for getting on the wrong foot. Let's be honest, why did you come to us?" General Vargas gave up on the formalities and didn't beat around the bush.

"Specialist Houmin Whitbeck, Special Activities Division," Houmin shouted as it was on his personal file.

"Specialist Skylar Kennedy, Special Activities Division,"

"Master, Sgt. Jose Ramirez, Group for Specialised Tactics,"

"Division Commander Viñia Aleso, Strategic Homeland Division,"

And so on and so forth.

"Sir," Houmin spoke out. "You're unit was the only one we encountered so far in any military frequencies. We figured that making contact with your unit can give us a SITREP when we were at "Sleep."

"How did you--" General Vargas almost said something due to reflex. He was accustomed to only having the Rangers using the secured military line, forgetting that the ones in front of him are actually military personnel. "Nevermind, How can the Rangers help you?"

Houmin shook his head.

"Thank you for listening to us, Sir." Houmin happily replied. "We are fully aware and trained in the event particular to this; however—the nuances and circumstances established from the start of the apocalypse until now are not within acceptable parameters."

"Sir, we are here to join the rangers, judging from the hardiness of your people, we reckon you people need to test us first, am I correct?" He asked. "Additionally, as you may have read on our files. Our assistance to your cause can help boost the capabilities of the Rangers."

General Vargas looked at the two of his guards and looked back at Houmin. "This... times should be a crazy experience for all of you. I'm sorry that the worst came to our country, but like my predecessors. We make do." General Vargas proudly stated. "However, I would like to ask. How did you found out that we're rangers? And how'd you found about us?" Vargas sharply asked.

Houmin smirked under his respirator. He wasn't called Snake Vargas for nothing. He was sharped to find a loophole.

"Sir, as stated earlier, we listened-in the military frequencies and inferred your unit called itself the Rangers. For how we learn your location, we figured it out when we dispatched a bandit ambush, Southwest from this position, and interrogated one of them."

"Wait-" General Vargas quickly asked. "Southwest? Did they mention something about patrol routes?"

"Yes, Sir. They did." Houmin replied.

General Vargas closed his eyes and gripped hard on his cane. "Since you have been listening in on the radio, I'm sure you are aware of the situation out west?"

Houmin nodded.

"Good." General Vargas changed his posture, straightening his body. "Yes, the assistance of this so-called Project of yours is impressive, to say the least. But I can't prioritize this from the current lives that are at stake. If I have to choose, I will choose saving lives even with low ammo, a bullet hole in the chest, and dehydrated than not saving lives. Isn't that right, Rangers?"

"Ho-ah!" his fellow Rangers shouted out.

"Sir, If I may, can we use that opportunity as our initiation to the Rangers?" Houmin asked.

General Vargas quickly turned his head to him. "You drive a hard bargain, Son. How would you fare against 40 - 60 bandits?" He asked.

Viñia stepped forward. "Sir, my team can provide you a real-time video feed of the battle so you can make your decision based on evidence. And give out your impression of our capabilities. In fact, we can set up the equipment right now. We just need some power, a lot of tarps, tables, a lot of cables, and water."

Joe stepped forward. "Sir, my team and the 2 Special Activities Division - Operators will conduct the tactical operation. We'll get it done, Sir. We just need 15 minutes to gear up, and a guide to the AO."

"The Division team can also act as our collateral," Houmin added before the General could say anything. "We're brought in by the government for contingencies like this. Your unit is our best bet to start helping people, as our mission statement is similar."

General Vargas smiled. He felt like his brain was open like a book, and he was always being pulled by his heartstrings.

"I'll be counting on you folks," General Vargas said. "The combat team will be guided by Lt. Adams and Sgt Jackson. Be warned, any suspicious "mistake" from any of you, and we Rangers will not be telling it twice for you to leave. Forcefully, if we have to."

"Affirmative," said Skylar. "You can just sit pretty, Sir. Enjoy the front row seat to the show."

♪ It's A Sin To Tell A Lie · The Ink Spots. ♪

I just arrived from a Birthday Party.

Too sleepy to properly do a complete flow.

The chapter will be a bit fragmented. Sorry about that. I tried to make the chapter have a better flow, but I'm too sleepy to concentrate.

I'm sorry.

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy!

CarbonatedDrinkcreators' thoughts