
Nations of Eastern Region

Eastern Region have 3 Continents.

Westy Continent

Laxima Continent

Lireo Continent

Lireo Continent is considered as the oldest continent that gave birth to the first civilization known in Eastern Region 'Ten Thousand Years' ago.

Westy Continent was under the total control of the North Empire, a country in Lireo Continent. It was invaded on year 197 and was captured on year 210. Since then, it is under the occupation of the North Empire, ruling it from year 210 up to the present, year 2175. It's a colonial territory of North Empire for 1,965 years.

Laxima Continent composed of 10 nations 400 years ago until the arrival of the South Empire on year 1775. South Empire is also a nation from Lireo Continent, formerly known as Southeria which transition to South Empire after successfully occupying the 10 nations of Laxima Continent.

North and South Empire are rivals with benefits. They like to compete with their economies and military prowess. However, these two nations have an iron clad military alliance and partnership against the other nations existing in Lireo Continent that are against their regime.


Lireo Continent have 16 countries.

1. The Authoritative Nation of Lizardia, this is the country of dragons. It is a monarch nation and the only nation in Lireo that doesn't have military equipments thus it's military prowess is always put as unknown in the press.

•Population - 156,000,000

2. Dwarfa Federation, a nation of Dwarves known for their excellent craftsmanship and smithing.

•Population - 120,000,000

3. Elvina, the nation of Elves. The best herb gardeners in the region.

•Population - 10,000,000

4. Ferdilyn, a nation of humans. They specialized in mining gold and silver deposits present in their territories.

•Population - 34,000,000

5. Lyndon, the nation of barbarians. A nation full of bandits. They specialized in the creation of cannon balls.

•Population - 67,000,000

6. Geramana, the land of scientist. One a fierce nation that caused the 3rd Continental War.

•Population - 144,000,000

7. Furnoidland, land of human beings thay have animal furr. They specialized in coat crafting.

•Population - 56,000,000

8. Thunderry. A nation of Vampires and humans. A country rich in iron resources.

•Population - 128,888,000

9. Menil Empire. Established by Lovain Menil on year 1675.

•Population - 256,000,000

10. North Empire. The land of Dungeons.

•Mainland Population - 333,000,000

•Westy Population - 900,766,000

11. South Empire. The land of where human and Demons co-exist. It is the biggest empire to ever exist in the Eastern Region history.

•Mainland Population - 569,000,000

•Laxima Population - 2,000,000,000

12. Dukedom of Kiriba. A nation landlock by the whole country of Menil Empire.

•Population - 1,000,000

13. Dukedom of Magantano. A nation landlock by the whole country of Lovain Confederation.

•Population - 2,000,000

14. Dukedom of Felisha. A small nation bordering Lovain Confederation. They are expert fishers.

•Population - 17,000,000

15. Principality of Spezia. A nation sandwich between Lizardia, Lyndon, Menil Empire, Lovain Confederation and North Empire.

•Population - 35,000,000

16. Lovain Confederation, former Lovain Region of Menil Empire which revolted and gain its independence.

•Population - 14,000,000


The size of the Continents

Laxima Continent - 28,988,990 km²

Lireo Continent - 27,402,004 km²

Westy Continent - 11,500,400 km²

Sizes of total land area of Island nations and other uninhabited islands or infested with pirates that are not part of continental plates of the 3 Continents; 2,000,000 km²


The size of each nations

1. North Empire (mainland) - 6,700,000 km²

Including Westy Continent- 18,200,400 km²

2. South Empire (mainland) - 5,135,000 km²

Including Laxima Continent - 34, 123, 900 km²

3. Menil Empire including Lovain - 4,900,000 km²

Without Lovain- 4,000,000 km²

4. Authoritative Nation of Lizardia - 2,515,671 km²

5. Geramana - 2,000,000 km²

6. Thunderry - 1,850,000 km²

7. Ferdilyn - 1,535,000 km²

8. Drwafa Federation - 1,000,333 km²

9. Elvina - 950,000 km²

10. Lovain Confederation - 900,000 km²

11. Lyndon - 561,000 km²

12. Furnoidland - 200,000 km²

13. Principality of Spezia - 30,000 km²

14. Dukedom of Magantano - 13,000 km²

15. Dukedom of Kiriba - 7,000 km²

16. Dukedom of Felisha - 5,000 km²