
Talks With Nanazin (Part-1)

Along the way back to the mansion, Pasha Farzah talked with Alexander about the various limitations of the crossbows and the doctrines of their use.

While Alexander described in great detail how he had employed them to defeat the Jahal mercenaries.

Pasha Farzah had not been clear on the details of the battle tactics before, so listened to the recount of events from the man himself with rapt attention, nodding, agreeing, asking, and commenting on the various battle tactics Alexander had used.

"Haha, well brat, it's good that Ural had not committed more of his forces on that last attack" Pasha Farzah half breathed a sigh of relief, and then pointed out, "I hope you have now learned to keep a bigger reserve of units in the back, especially when facing an outnumbered cavalry."

But overall, the aged man was quite satisfied with Alexander's tactics, feeling that if he was in his shoes, without the power of hindsight, he might not have done much better.