
Chapter 7 The Meetings

Natasha was the first to convey her reports, about enemy forces number, strength, equipment. The enemies they are facing are so different from the other kingdom unit and thought that the enemy unit also not mercenary because of their uniform and good formation. She assumed that Steven already amassed an army in the dark and already planning to rebel.

Princess Karin face turned grim and Berthold reported that the other 6 Knights already preparing to march here. Mary reported that the total soldiers in this Fort around 680 people (plus 100 in her domain) from the three Knight troops.

After the three knights report, Princess Karin showed a troubled expression then turned toward Natasha. "Natasha, what do you think about the enemy?" Princess Karin hopes to know much about the enemy because she knows that Natasha also fighting with the black knight, and this topic also gets the attention of the other two who still don't know about the enemy they would face.

"I don't know much, Princess." She shakes her head. "But I have a feeling that the knight from before is not normal."

Natasha take a pause to let the other take in before she continued. "His movement and force are so strange. It looks like he doesn't bound by any restriction. His reflex, awareness, swordsmanship are too powerful. I don't know which place, Steven get him from."

After a moment of silent, Mary opens her mouth with a gulp. "Is he really that strong?"

Natasha only nodded and turned toward Paul who keeps silent. "What do you think, Paul?"

This question from Natasha surprised Princess Karin and two knights and they turned toward Paul. Why does Natasha ask Paul about this? He always never open his mouth in every gathering and always say "Yes!" every time.

Paul who see a curious expression from the others still keep his cool. "I also think that this attack is too strange. I was on the outer wall with Arslan at the time and noticed that the enemy soldiers are too bold."

He shakes his head as if to shake something that he doesn't want to remember. "They not fear our arrows, our spear cannot stop their march. I also notice that one soldier can keep moving even with multiple stabs of spears on his body."

When he stopped for a moment, he could hear someone gulped. "Our soldiers were frightened and the captain unable to calm the fear and we forced to retreat. But that's not all…"

Paul that glanced at the Princess with a worry before makes eye contact with Natasha. The latter nodded her head and opened her mouth. "We never face something like this before, hence we never have war for a long time in the first place. But it's not like we cannot win, if we cannot kill it by stabbed their heart we can crush their head or cut their neck completely."

With a moment of silent, Berthold opened his mouth. "If that's true, this battle going to be tough. I understand I think we need to do a little training to change our attacking tactic."

Mary who is in deep thinking murmured. "People with high endurance are from Herculean Tribes in the North or the Mountain Barbarian in the East."

"Unfortunately we don't have much information about that." Natasha shakes her head.

Princess Karin opened her mouth. "I see, this is getting serious if the Mountain Barbarian is helping my Uncle. As their number is too many for us to handle, but I believe they would never join him without a good reward because father once failed to even start a trade route with them. But at least we could send a letter to the east Fort for confirmation of this speculation. Are there any opinion left?"

She looks around and notices that no one is speaking. Princess Karin then nodded and declared that the meeting would end for now and before she decides to end it, she turned toward Mary "Mary, I know that it was so sudden. But could you please teach me how to use a magic? I want to protect myself and all of you…"

Natasha and the others were shocked hearing it. And Mary hesitated for a second before turned toward Natasha who shook her head. "No Princess Karin, it's too dangerous! You could hurt yourself, and I would never permit you!"

"I know, but at least I want to learn to use Barrier spell or Healing spell. I don't want to see you all dying again, and I also…" The Princess body starts to tremble as she is not finished her word and Natasha's face paled remembering Princess Karin was attacked two times and she doesn't know how much fears of the Princess feels. So she helplessly nodded her head. "All right, but don't learn offensive spell!"

With Princess nodding, the meeting finally started to reach its end.


The capital city of Kavalon Kingdom is still in chaos after the new king rising in power. Lord-no right now, King Steven who sitting on the bloody throne doesn't care about the resident and even ordered his troops to eradicate them all.

He doesn't need any human in his Kingdom. He doesn't believe in humanity anymore. The soldiers he gathered now releasing their own desires and let them do anything they like. But that was going too not long. Because why? Because he has a plan. King Steven coldly looked at the golden scepter in his hand. This scepter is the key to open the magical library of this Kingdom.

"It's not going much longer… After I got that Princess, I should able to revive her… Wait a bit longer, my love…" His smile looked so scary with his insane expression.

Before long a Knight wearing broken armor walks to the throne room and kneeled before King Steven. "I'm sorry my lord, I failed to bring back the Princess. A woman knight attack threw me far, and if I chase them it's too late."

"No no no, you did well. How about that necklace power?" King Steven coldly smiled.

"Yes, its power is the same as you mentioned. We manage to reduce its light twice." The knight bowed.

"Wonderful! So she only had three power left?" King Steven shifted his head upward with another cold smile."

"Do I need to finish them myself?" The knight eyes shine in red.

"No need, I could send an assassin to bother them. I already had a plan for you. The Princess may escape our chase, but we could just need to cut all her escape by slowly tighten the rope around her. She would not survive long." King Steven then laughed hard. The Knight raised his head and stared at the insane man. In the huge gap of his helmet, a white skull is what can be seen. The knight isn't human.