
Chapter 14 You will be safe here

In the bedroom, Princess Karin slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes still blurred as she looked over the burning chandelier before she suddenly grasped her chest in pain which made her awake. There was no injury anymore, but she could feel it still throbbing a little. With her forehead full of sweat, Princess Karin concentrated and activated her healing magic. At once, refreshing feeling slowly being transmitted from her hand to her body.

She sighed in relief before a smile appeared on her face. 'I did it! Healing magic!' her eyes shine in delight and she decides to visit Mary to show it. She then jumped from her bed before her eyes noticed something from over the windows.

Looking over, she saw hundreds of soldiers walked to the front gate in a row. When she wondered what has happened, she noticed that their uniforms are colored blue with feathered cap, it was Mary's personal Army.

Expression of surprise and curious appeared on her face. 'Why does she need so many soldiers with her?' she thought while walking through the door.

Opened it up, she noticed that the hall are quite dark with only a few torches. 'Where are the maids?' She suddenly remembered the assassins attack when she saw the darkness and her body trembled. She almost decides to go back to her room, but she shook her head and stepped out.

She slowly walked while holding the wall to her left. The silence was quite scary, but she persists to move forward, albeit slowly. Before her step stopped as she saw a shadow in front of her, she gulped down her fear and stepped backward.

Only to hit someone on her back.

"Princess Karin." "Hiii!!" Princess Karin shouted in fright because of the tension when someone behind her. She closed her eyes while hurriedly turning around with her both hands stretched out while she chanting something.

Before long, her hand seized by the person in front of her and she was pulled up. "Wait, what was that magic? Did you learn offensive magic? Did I said to not learn it?" the person said in an angry voice.

Princess Karin opened her eyes and saw Natasha's face and she sighed in relief. "Wait, Princess did you hear me? Answer me."

Natasha feels a bit troubled that the Princess just sighed in relief without noticing what her fault, so she pinched both of Princess' cheeks. "Aw aw… Ids hurd, Nadasya…" Princess said grasped Natasha's hands in tear.

Natasha lightly smiled and released her hand. Princess Karin stroked her painful cheeks. "I not learning any offensive magic you know… That just now is wind magic to blow someone…"

Natasha then twitched her eyebrows. "Depending with the power, isn't that the same?" She then pinched Princess Karin which made her squeal in pain. Seeing Princess Karin cutely covering her face, Natasha smiled again.

Princess Karin then turned around and noticed that the shadow she saw a moment ago was Odelle, the maid. Surprisingly, she only stands there in silence while staring at this location with her eyes wide open and her hand over her mouth. 'What is surprising?' Thought Princess Karin while tilting her head.

Natasha smile froze before her serious expression returned as she glared at Odelle. The latter flinched and turned her head down and bowed down. "I-I am sorry, your Highness… Did I surprise you." She said while still bowing. Her expression paled under the gaze of Natasha.

Princess Karin walked up and helped Odelle to stand up. "Don't worry, it's all right."

Odelle smiled for a second before she averted her eyes then stepped back. "I-I am sorry your Highness the Cooks needs me at the kitchen, I will take my leave. Good night your Highness." She bowed again before walked pass Princess Karin and Natasha in hurry.

Princess Karin surprised because Odelle would always call her "Princess" since when she becomes so formal again? And the location she walks just now wasn't the way to the kitchen, right?

Unknown to Princess Karin worry, Natasha then tapped her shoulder. When she turned around, Natasha still smiled at her. "I think Odelle has her own job to do. Now Princess, let me escort you back to your bedroom."

"O-okay…" Princess Karin nodded and walked beside Natasha. Before long, she remembered something. "Oh, I just remembered. I saw Mary's soldiers below, where is she going when its night?"

Natasha still smiled and she slowly explained to her. "You don't need to worry. We just got a report of the enemy movements and decide to gather 'Everyone' here. Mary just going to take her peoples here, that's all."

"Hm?" Princess Karin stared at Natasha in wonder. Weren't she speaking something that actually has the same meaning?

Before she asks something, Natasha turned around and grasped her shoulder. "Oh look, we arrived at your room, Princess."

"I-I see… C-can I ask something?" Princess Karin feels a little scared because of Natasha who suddenly becomes different.

"No no no. It's night right now, Princess. Please go back." Natasha shook her head and smiled before her expression warped into seriousness. "And from now on, you aren't allowed to go out of the castle. From your safety."

Princess Karin shocked and she stepped back in fear. Natasha ignored her expression and opened the door. "Now, Princess. Please go. Inside."

Under Natasha cold glare, and like under control, Princess Karin legs stepped up and listened to Natasha and she walked inside. Princess Karin then stopped just after the door and she turned around. "Natasha, I want to ask-"

Unfortunately, she only saw the door going closed and a sound of a click. In a surprise, she tries to push the door while turning the doorknob many times. However, the door was unmoving. Princess Karin then slowly slid down and sit on the floor with a tear streaking down her eyes.

"Just what is happening... Natasha, Berthold, Mary, Paul, Northon, Cain, Gardon, Dorkhas, Ethan, Harold…Please be safe." Princess Karin called the name of the Lord Knights that still alive and prayed for their safety.

"Sir Marcus, Arslan, Reynald, Manfred, Nina. We will take revenge of your sacrifice… Mother, Father… I will become a good Ruler, I promise." Her eyes then shined as she wiped the tears on her cheeks. She then stands up while staring over the window, her gaze looked far to the direction of her childbirth, the place where she grows up and 15 Lord Knights that always with her, and all the people of the Kingdom of Kavalon.

Her determined eyes shone along with the light of the moon. And unknown to her, the Pendant on her neck also shined. The two light then moved in the rotation and feel energized. But, because she thought she feel energized by her will, she doesn't check anything. 'First, I need to study Magic!' Princess Karin then walked to the thick book near her bed.


Inside the wide dark dungeon under the Kingdom Castle, a man that had his hand soaked with blood while standing above the stone build-Altar, turned around at a certain direction. He stared in silent and feel his hair raised up.

"Oh, I feel familiar Aura… I see she awakened fast than I expected." He then smiled in cruelty. "Good good, with this I can focus…"

He then throws a knife on his hand and stepped down the Altar and ignored the sound of a splash of blood under his feet. Actually, she enjoyed the sound and his smile widened with his eyes closed. When he opened his eyes, It shines in red with a thousand of wicked thought appeared in his mind.