
Memories of Trey

- Where I am? - I wanted to say, but I realized that my mouth is missing

I watched as the light began to appear at first slowly then faster and more

A few seconds later, in front of me was the place that I did not think I would see, it was the castle in which I was born and grew up. There was a semicircular field in front of me, and guards and knights stood near it and laughed.

I began to slowly approach them without knowing how, I could already hear parts of the dialogue

- Have you seen what the princes are doing now on the training field? - With a chuckle, one of the guards asked the rest.

The others cast a glance at the training field, but from this distance they could only hear the sound of shaking their naked bodies.

- What are they doing? - Asked one of the knights, holding metal gloves on his armor.

I vaguely recognized him Sir Dray? No, sir ooland, yes sir ooland, I remember him teaching me how to use a sword.

- Yes, Prince Nreu teaches Prince Alurik the style of the Cray Empire, but apparently the younger prince does not understand his brother's moralizing. One of the guards laughed, I could see part of his teeth were missing.

Memories began to appear in my head, I gradually recognized the place, time and most importantly the day, this was the day when Nreu wanted to show me what he had learned.

- How long are they there? - asked Sir Oeland, glancing at the training field.

The guard thought and began to count on his fingers, constantly straying and started again.

- Two or maybe three hours. - Hesitantly said the guard who was missing part of his teeth, shrugging his shoulders

I've seen Sir Oeland listen to what's going on on the driving range. And how he went there after a while but a guard grabbed him by the hand.

- Prince Nreu ordered that no one be allowed on the field until he taught Prince Aluric the style of the Cray Empire. - The guard said in a low voice, looking into the eyes of Sir Uland.

Sir Uhland leaned towards the guard's ear and whispered something to him, I could not make out, but the guard's face turned white as chalk and he abruptly removed his hand from Sir Uhland's.

I slowly moved with Sir Oeland to the training field, I knew what I would see there. Approaching the fence, Sir Uhland looked at what was happening on the training field and I was watching from behind him.

Sir Oeland opened the door and went inside, and he and I heard Nreu's screams and mine.

- Little rat, how can you be so dumb and not understand the basics of the style that is passed down from generation to generation in the imperial family? - Shouted Nreu looking at me with furious eyes

And I sat covering my face and chest with my hands and wept, calling the emperor and empress, not listening to what Nreu said. Which made him even more angry and hit me with a wooden sword on my leg.

- You are a coward and a weakling, a little rat, and you will die the same way. - Nreu muttered angrily and began to beat with a wooden sword on the legs and arms.

Watching this, anger and anger at myself began to rise in me. Indeed, I was weak all the time, I had no talent for the sword or for magic, but I did not try to understand the technique of the sword until Sir Uhland took me. After that, there was a test for a talent for magic, I already knew then that I didn't have it, but after that the goddess Ges saw something in me and endowed me with her strength and gave me a talent that I didn't dare to dream of. Did I resist in this practice fight? No, I was sure that the tormentors would cope on their own, and I would just watch from the sidelines. Could I do something and win this fight? Most likely no.

But I had to try screaming louder.

- Wake up. - I slowly opened my eyes, feeling how my body was hurting, my vision had not yet fully recovered, but I saw the ceiling of the classroom, I began to look around the floor where I lay and found what I was looking for one of the swords lay next to me.

The stufons, at the command of Professor Professor Ni'lim, began to attack each other, with magic, weapons, it looked as if everyone was fighting not for life but to the death.

Here and there you could see how one of the stufons fell to the floor, someone had burns all over their body but they continued to hit each other, each trying to inflict damage on the enemy. Until the first loud cry rang out.

All the stufons stopped and looked where the scream was coming from. Seeing who was shouting, many of them felt cold in the stomach, stufon Trey stood with an unnaturally twisted right hand.

The shadows he summoned were visible, but the orc could not catch Professor Ni'lim, the elf who was supposed to help in the treatment was nowhere to be seen. And the shadow of another elf began to disintegrate before the eyes of the stufons.

The stufons looked back at Trey, they saw how he began to slowly back away and then ended up on his knees.

Resting with one hand, they saw him rise, fully rising, but with a hunched back, they saw his left arm bend at an angle and again cry of pain. Many stufons covered their ears with their hands and stopped looking at this torture.

They saw how Trey tries to step back but trips over the sword and falls and ends up half-sitting. And then they saw how Professor Ni'lim leans over him and whispers something to him and takes him by the head and beats his head on the floor.

Everyone who saw and did not look away began to tremble all over at the sight of a monster whose name was Professor Ni'lim. After looking at Trey for a few seconds, nodding to her thoughts, she turned to the rest of the class and smiled. The stufon who saw this smile was afraid that they were next.

- Did I give the command to stop exercising? - Asked Professor Ni'lim looking around at the stufons.

The stufons shook their heads and with trembling hands and voices began to attack each other again. Professor Ni'lim, smiled, unlike the previous class, the elite class performed well, what she did to Trey did not bother her much, she wanted to see what kind of dough he was made of.

The fact that he shouted when she wringed his hands was nothing wrong with that, but on the contrary, it showed that he was not brave and did not try to save face, did not ask for mercy, like all stufons, in order to maintain his image in the class.

Smiling, she went to watch how the elite class used the training, to some she helped with advice and to others she demonstrated that his technique could be applied differently. Thoughts began to emerge among the stufons as to why she wanted so violently to beat Trey.

One of the stufons who fought next to Trey's body noticed some kind of movement, turning his head slightly and seeing how he gets up, the stufon froze and missed the magic attack that knocked him back.

The stufon who stood with him in a pair began to complain about his bad luck and went to the one who was thrown back. But I stopped along the way.

- Trey? - The stufon asked in a trembling voice, watching Trey holding a sword with two broken hands and heading for the professor.

Gradually, all the stufons stopped fighting and watched as Trey staggered from side to side towards Professor Ni'lim. One of Trey's eyes was half closed and the other looked only at the professor, small streams of blood flowing from his nose and mouth onto his uniform.

Professor Ni'lim watched the stufon Tray move towards her with slow steps and a smile spread across her face.

She did not expect this, but she was glad that he had the spirit of a warrior. With slow steps, she began to move towards him, she saw that Trey would not be able to properly strike with a sword, so she calmly continued to walk towards him.

The stufons watching this silently watched as their classmate moved closer and closer to Professor Nee'lim. Approaching the line of impact, Trey waved his sword and a strange thing happened for everyone from his sword, a small clot of darkness escaped, he flew towards Professor Ni'lim. She was surprised, but dodged the darkness and approached Trey, who began to tumble forward. A wooden sword could be heard falling to the floor and Trey's arms hanging down.

- You and you pick it up and take it to the medical ward. - Professor Ni'lim ordered her humorous mood was not visible, as in any academy there was a medical department where there were stufons who received certain wounds during their studies.

The indicated stufons ran up to her and Trey took one of his hands on the right side and the other on the left side and went to the medical department.

Professor Ni'lim glanced at the stufons, for many what happened now was a shock, the fact that their classmate was able to recover and tried to strike with a crippled body was impressive for them. And Professor Ny'lim foresaw a headache listening to criticism from the headmaster and deans.