
Chapter 177

And the desire to have her surged into his heart.

He walked to the bed and sat, he took off her shoes, and used his fingers to trail her delicate toes, she lifted her leg, and kissed it, Arial stirred from sleep, mumbled a few incoherent words, and slept back.

He removed his jacket, and climbed the bed, and lay by her side, staring at her pretty face, he placed a finger on her succulent lips.

“I love you Arial, you are so pretty” he said, and bent down, and captured her lips, he kissed her briefly before pulling away, chuckling.

He stood and put his hands in his pockets “excellent” he admitted, before going into the bathroom, to take his shower.

Linda was smiling sheepishly when she made a grand entry into the bar, she stood and swept her gaze on the occupants of the chairs in the bar, when he saw Berger sitting, she grinned and approached him.

“Waiting for me?” she said, and took the seat before him, he smiled at her “you look happy” Berger commented, Linda nodded “I am always happy whenever am with you” she reiterated, flirting with him.

Berger's heart moved in joy.

She dropped her purse and stood “I will be back” she said, and strode into the restroom, she had witnessed the altercation betwixt Jo and Arial earlier, she sat in her car, enjoying the lovers fighting each other.

She dialed Jo's number and called his line, Jo was lying on his bed in the dark room, his eyes wide open, as he stared at nothingness.

He was lost in his thoughts, suddenly, the noise of his ringing tone, distracted him.

He tossed the duvet aside, and stepped down from the bed, he picked his phone and answered the call, he didn't look at the screen, he was thinking it was Arial who called.

“Poor baby, I know you are heartbroken and sad now, don't worry baby, mommy is here for you” his face darkened the very moment he recognized the owner of the voice.

“Linda?!” he asked.

“Of course, baby, it is me, I saw you both, you are dumped once again, you gave that bitch all your time and love. She dumped your sorry ass for an estranged ex-boyfriend” she taunted, Jo gripped the phone tightly, and gritted his teeth.

“Jo, I know, no lady in her right senses, will want anything to do with you, but I love you so much, come back to me, I w…” her phone beeped in her ear, 

she stared at the phone screen furiously.

She humphed and did a makeover, she smiled at herself on the mirror, before going out of the restroom.

Berger was sipping his drink, when she came in.

“Honey, I don't feel too good, can we go over to your house?” she requested, with puppy eyes, Berger became excited, he stood and took her hand, the both of them left the club.

Sylvester watched a man leaning on