

Drayven had been acting strange. Amelia noted that he'd been secretive and taking phone calls away from everyone else. She wasn't a jealous type….at least she didn't think she was, but that was definitely a feminine voice and the same one for the sixth time….. what was he doing? Amelia paced up and down her suite her mind constantly turning. They were sitting there watching a movie, some cheesy romcom he suggested, his phone rings and poof, he's gone talking to some slutty voiced mystery woman…. 'No no, none of that' she thought. He didn't technically belong to her. It was HER idea to wait it out and take things slowly. She didn't specify that it was exclusive…. Her heart wrenched painfully at that thought and Luxe laid low and whimpered at the thought of her mate bedding another woman, human or otherwise. Maybe she'd be prettier, with long flowing blonde hair, big breasts and wide generous hips. Not built like a 13 year old boy. She had miles of legs it was true, but no butt, hips or breasts really to go with them. Her hair was black cut into a severe bob to her jaw, her eyes a deep sapphire blue and her mouth wide and a little bottom heavy at the lip. She was tall at 5'11. No one could accuse her of being dainty in any way possible. She was rugged, durable, tough and a warrior.


She was so lost in her thoughts she didn't notice when Dray reentered the room. He stood watching the war of emotions passing his mate's eyes. Jealousy, fear, sadness, and something he couldn't define. It was as if she was angry but also despaired about whatever plagued her mind. Chance tapped into Luxe and was told that Amelia thought he spoke to a lover in secret and that she was sad about being built like a boy and unattractive to him. He chuckled to himself at the thought of his silly mate. As it so happens, he likes the athletic type. He LIKED that she could match pace with him hiking, or that she had the stamina to spar with him. Her lithe movements and quick skills at dodging and striking was enough to nearly undo him. When she landed a solid roundhouse kick to his stomach he wanted to take her right then and there. NO ONE had ever landed a blow on his gut. No one. But yet his mate managed to do it.


Amelia blushed at that thought. It wasn't like she hadn't thought of it…. Quite frequently in fact. She just wasn't sure she was ready. The nightmares were not gone yet. Though they never did anything beyond snuggling and kissing, having Dray in bed with her has helped with the nightmares, a lot. She wondered if she DID take that leap, if she DID try, would she be able to go through with it. Would she be able to endure it….


Chance growled at that. Endure? He knew what had happened to her. He never considered that that was the ONLY experience she'd had. Goddess, no wonder she was so apprehensive! Did she think he'd be that barbaric? That cruel? Did the woman think that that's the way it was SUPPOSED to be? Well, he'd just have to show her better.


Drayven pulled Amelia into his arms, she hesitated her heart racing, but leaned in. He gently picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. He turned the tub on and set it to warm water. He added some rose oil and some of the exotic smelling botanical blend bath salt. He waited for the water to foam a bit and turned his back while she undressed and sank into the water, he'd see all of her soon enough. As for himself, well, he wasn't modest in the least. He removed his shirt letting her take in his broad muscled chest. She'd seen this much of him. The dusting of dark hair across his chest, stomach and disappearing into his waistband. He smirked at her obvious approval. He reached up and removed pants and boxers in one go. His erection sprang free and Amelia's eyes bulged. She swallowed back a whimper.


Drayven nudged her to the front and slid into the water behind her. He settled her onto his lap, his dick resting against her bum. He bit back a moan of his own when she moved a bit to get more comfortable. His hands slid down her sides, against her flat toned stomach and down to her hips. No, they weren't large or particularly rounded, but they were strong, and damn if the angles of them didn't fit his palms perfectly. Her legs, oh her legs! They were so long and he could think of nothing more than them wrapped around him.


Amelia sighed. This was nice. But she wanted more. She didn't know what exactly, but she wanted him. She knew he wouldn't hurt her. She didn't know how she knew, but she just did. She tested him wiggling slightly making his length slide between her ass cheeks, the hiss and slight growl told her she was teasing him and arousing his appetite. She slid her hips slightly and felt her core heating up. The liquid there wasn't all from the bath. A warm pull in her belly had her turning around and without allowing him to move, she gently put her legs around either side of his with his erection sitting at her opening. Slowly she lowered herself onto him. She hissed against the pain but still lowered herself until she took him into her. She sat a moment adjusting to the feeling then slowly began to roll her hips. This was bearable. This was ok, she thought to herself. He grabbed her butt and just as lazily and slowly began to move with her. This was more than ok, she thought again. She began to piston her hips a little quicker and really found a pace that worked wonders when he joined her. That warm pull began to become a hot needy ache. It felt like she was suddenly a balloon greedy for air, how much air before she popped? Could she? Was that a thing? Oh, just please, please burst already. The sensation was taking her over. She rasped out a moan and to her amazement he began to moan with her. His voice hoarse and so sexily husky. He was asking, no, begging her, faster, please my goddess faster…. She complied, the rolling soaring heat scorched her as she rode the waves, when it pitched her up so high she felt she'd crash, she shattered. She rode him through the aftermath and felt his own release soon after. He laid his head to her neck. He bit her flesh and marked her for his own, she was shocked but bent her head to do the same. The second orgasm ripped through them both and in return they went another frenzied round.


Everything felt like it was on fire. But a warm fire, not the frantic heat she felt before. No this was a warmness. Like a cup of hot coffee on a cold morning. Warm and liquid. The bathwater had passed tepid and was headed for cold but amelia didn't have the strength to stand up. She felt like her bones were replaced with sponges.


When she shivered the second time Drayven chuckled and stood wrapping a towel around his waist. He scooped her up and wrapped her in her robe and carted her off to the bed. He laid her down and pulled the blanket over her then went to her dresser and pulled out a pair of the flannel pajamas she favored. He noted a few pieces of scanty lace in the drawer and raised an eyebrow wondering when he'd get a chance to talk her into then OUT of them. He reached into the bottom drawer and pulled out a pair of his own pajama pants and reached for one of the tee shirts he'd stuck in there only to find one left. He looked toward her and she looked away guiltily….


"Been sleeping in my shirts my little warrior wolf?" he teased her.


"I have no idea what you're talking about" she said back.


"Hmm well in that case, I would suggest you lock your door as it seems you've a thief around here who likes my scent…" he said back in mock seriousness.


She growled and reached up to snatch his shirt. "I'm the only one allowed to sniff you" she said her eyes possessive and her tone authoritative.


"Indeed my little warrior, you and only you. You're all I want."


She snuggled into his chest admiring the silvery mark bearing their names on his right collarbone. Now for better or worse they were bound. Damn! She was happy. She couldn't wait to show Jessa and Anna tomorrow. Speaking of…. She had to convince her serious and stoic mate to don a silly masquerade mask and dance with her to old Victorian music….. she wiggled in closer to him letting her hand play along his thigh and her hair brush against his mark…. When he looked down at her half sleepy half aroused she gave him a big eyed doeful look…


"Oh boy, already the look? Good thing you're too adorable and I just wanna kiss that pouty lip and spoil you rotten…"


"Well, actually…. it's Jessa's idea…. And I went along with it because well, I think it would be fun and grand…. And it would mean everything to me if you would do this with me…."


"Out with it woman. I am already going to do it regardless, tell me what kind of horses ass I'll be making of myself." He said on a sigh.


"We want her Luna Ball to be a Victorian Masquerade ball. And well, I might've already brought my dress…. And your suit….." she said in a sheepish mumble.


"Oh did you now? Well, let's see it then." He said moving to the closet. The suit was actually really tasteful. It was black with a vest of rich sapphire blue silk with navy velvet brocade. The jacket had tails and it had a top hat and gentleman's leather gloves. The neck ruff he could do without, but he'd don it for his woman. He reached towards her garment bag and she jumped up and stood between him and the bag.


"Oh no, you're not allowed to see yet. Not until the ball. I want to walk out of this room and knock you senseless. I want to glide out and render you deaf, dumb and stupid. You'll have to wait and see when it's time." She teased.


"You'll be the death of me woman. I swear." He replied.


They returned to the bed and started to settle in when her phone rang. It was another expense Anna insisted on. They weren't nearly as hard to use as she'd feared at first. Caleb took to it straight away and Jessa struggled a bit but caught on afterwards. Now the screen was reading Jessa's name. she answered immediately.


"Whats wrong Jessa? It's nearly 1am."


"I'm on fire. Amelia I'm dying. It hurts!" jessa whimpered.


"Is James there?"


"No, he went to run. He's been so cooped up working and planning the attack…." She left off on a whimpered moan.


"Her heat." Drayven jumped up. He picked up his cell rang Lloyed and began barking orders. "Secure the alpha floor, move all unmarked and unmated men to the second for extra measure, I'm marked so I am safe, move Caleb to bunk with Alex for now. The future Luna is in her first heat. Send the doctor, and Luna, grab Roz as well, I'm going to find James, he's off on a run."


He hung up and took Amelia across the living room to Jessa's door. He testingly took a sniff. While it was alluring, it was all wrong and he didn't find it appealing in the slightest. He was safe. What wasn't was the door to Caleb's room flying open and Caleb looking like he was disgusted by the fact he was compelled to follow the scent. Drayven grabbed the boy and pulled him towards the door to the hallway. No, he and Alex would have to move to the third floor. It was strong here too. He passed Caleb off to Drew and a few other warriors as Alex was being swept towards the elevator with Andrew. He'd never seen a she-wolf throw off such a strong scent. To permeate nearly the whole floor. He went back to Amelia, but Luna Mae was already there with the doctor. Luna Mae growled instinctively but he bared his mark.


"I'm safe. I'm ok. I'm going to find James. He's out on a run." He ducked out as they began stripping Jess and placing her into an ice bath. The doctor was administering medication to ease her suffering. He took to the woods following his brother's scent.


In the room Amelia held Jessa's hand. Her skin was like an open flame. It was so hot. But Amelia held on. Sweat poured from Jessa, her hair stuck to her forehead. She wasn't even able to make a sound anymore. She just laid in the icy water listless and miserable. Amelia was terrified that her heat would be as bad.


There was nothing more for the doctor to do so she left Jessa in the Luna's capable hands. Only her mate could help her now. 


Running through the woods Chase following Jax's scent he sped towards the waterfall that not many pack members knew of and even less dared to go to without permission. It was an alpha's retreat, hidden by magicks and large enough to hide the elderly and pregnant females of the pack. The cave only looked like a cave from the outside, inside it was a bunker. There were underground passages that led there from several places in the pack grounds.


He found Jax laying at the edge of the water. He was dozed off and Chance nudged him with a paw. Jax jumped up ready to rip any threat to shreds.


'Relax, it's me. You need to come back to the pack house. You fell asleep out here and Jessa needs you bad. It's her first heat brother, and it's a doozy. We had to move all males to third and second floor. Even Caleb.'


Jax snarled. 'stay off the alpha floor!'

'relax big bro. I'm immune.' He shifted showing off the mark on his neck before shifting back quickly. They started running towards the house.


'Congrats bro, never saw it coming so quickly. But I am glad for it. Especially given the circumstances. How bad is she?'


'Doc gave her some kind of sedative and some herbal stuff, mom and amelia have her in an ice bath. She looks like she's in agony. She woke up out of a dead sleep and called Mel and as soon as we opened the door it was like a solid wall of it. I've never seen a she-wolf let off such a strong scent before. But it didn't affect me, or Lloyd. I sent for only strongly mated and bonded guards for the floor right now. No one else is allowed in. Not even Sam. Only female staff on the floor right now too. Can't risk it.'


They reached the pack house and raced up the stairs, Luna was waiting at the top of the stairs with a pair of shorts for each boy.


"She's sleeping. It's fitful and she's still burning up, but it should come down now that you're here. I am going to bed, come get me immediately if you need." With that she went back to her suite.


"Brace yourself brother, it only gets stronger the closer you get to her. I'm going to collect my woman and go to bed myself. If you need Mel or I, don't hesitate." Drayven plucked a sleeping amelia off the couch and carried her into the room. He wasn't insecure, but they'd either have to get less pink and frills in here or he'll have to cart her to his room.


James sucked in a breath and nudged the door open. Jess laid on the bed wrapped in a blanket and her face wet with sweat. Her hair hung damp on her forehead, and he brushed it aside. At his touch and scent she moaned out and grabbed him to her. She seemed to relax a bit. He laid down and pulled her closer to himself and drifted off.


Somewhere around four am the meds in her system wore off and she woke up. Jessa saw James was back and though she really did consider waking him softer, something took over and she ripped his shorts off his body. She took his dick eagerly into her mouth and once it was erect, she climbed onto him.


James woke up half aroused half out of it and all the way enjoying the experience. So much so that they went several more rounds that night well into the morning.