
Her Pain Her Gain

She can’t stand men, she hates them… everything about men kept bringing back memories, memories she wished she never had, she really wished she didn’t have to go through it, the torture, the hell she went through just because of him that certain someone she calls PAIN because that’s exactly what he had ever been to her and had ever caused her. “PAIN”. “He loved me, he cared for me” NO! he never did, he only wanted what I had. “I’ll get back at him, I’ll make him pay and make him feel what I felt, I’ll have him go through hell” ... Katherine wasn’t always like this, she used to be all loving and embracing until he shattered her, it pained her she still has a piece of him with her… Although he brought pain to her, he also gave her the most precious thing she can ever want. She vowed never to love again, never to allow any man close to her…. until she met Roman What do you think Katherine possessed? Will Roman be able to change her? Will she open up to him? Join me in this journey of love, hatred and revenge as we unravel the different mysteries in this book…. HER PAIN HER GAIN.

exquisite_mercy · 现代言情
2 Chs


Katherine finally arrived at her company after what seemed to be a long time, she had spent a lot of time in the traffic which of course she didn't anticipate, she must have forgotten that today is a very important day in history, it was the birthday of the Great Mr. Williams ...  she's sure her secretary would have received the invitation to the party already, if only she had remembered earlier she would have taken a different route to work or even have her secretary reschedule the meeting.

Katherine Leo is the only daughter of the late Mr. Leo, the second richest man in New York city, it was said that her parents died in a plane crash but Katherine knew deep within her that they were assassinated by him. Katherine is the chairwoman of the LEO group and also the biggest shareholder.

"The meeting is this way ma'am" her secretary Annie gestured to her and led her to the board room which seemed to be filled with board members of course. The moment she stepped in, they all stood to greet her though it was obvious they didn't want to. She's too young to be leading them and asides that, she's very cold and rude and doesn't care about what others think of her.

She didn't even spare them a glance but rather went to her sit, they took that as a reply to their greeting and also sat too…some of them expressing their dissatisfaction by groaning…  she motioned for the meeting to start ignoring the different expressions on the board members face and after what seemed to be ages came to an end.

"the Williams sent you an invitation ma'am, the party would be taking place at their resort at 7pm, I already chose your dress for you and everything is ready when you are ma'am" Annie muttered walking me out of the room to my office.

"when exactly are they going to stop sending me invitations to their party and stop treating me like their family?" Katherine asked expecting a reply from Annie who was already checking the tab to see if she didn't miss out anything related to the party. And just like she remembered something "it is rumored that Ramon has arrived from the UK and will be attending his dad's birthday" she added.

"Who cares anyways? I don't even know him and I don't give a damn about him" I muttered under my breath. Dad and Mr. Williams used to be close friends, very close friends actually until my dad died, so since my Dad isn't alive anymore he transferred his affection towards me and will always have me invited to every of his occasions. Mr. Williams is the only man you can say that I'm close to, it's not like I'm really close to him though he's more like a father figure to me since my dad died

At the party, Katherine located Mr. Williams where he was sited with his wife and she slowly and carefully found her way to where they were sited, and just as she got to where they were Mr. Williams smiled brightly at her and she smiled back at him too although hers was not bright. She just had to

"happy birthday" Katherine greeted pecking him on his cheeks while she hugged his wife and just then her eyes caught across a guy sitting close to them, his golden hair was a bit covering his face and his attention was on his phone, she didn't care about him, she isn't there because of him.

"hey Katherine, thank goodness you made it, I'm so happy you are here" Mr. Williams spoke grinning from ear to ear, he was really happy to see her

"I'm happy I made It to" Katherine replied sarcastically… she wasn't really happy to be there she was just there for her old man's sake

"I would like you to meet my son Ramon" He gestured towards the strange looking guy who was sited right beside him… confirming Katherine's suspicion

"Ramon meet Katherine, Katherine Ramon" he added….  The moment he raised his heads up, it started again... her memories came rushing back, the hell she went through replayed in her head, she wanted the ground to swallow her up, she wanted the pain to end…. She held her waist tight with her hand as if looking for support, she was losing her stand… she wanted to run but she couldn't move, her stomach knotted, only she knew what she was feeling ANGER, HATRED, PAIN …. She hated the fact that she was reminded of him, she hated the fact that she still felt the pain even after years have passed, she wants to make him go through what she went through she was determined to but, she was losing her cool, she was slowly drifting back …... is she seeing things? Or is he really standing in front of her? What is he doing there and what exactly is going on ... she was so confused, she wanted answers and before she knew it, her eyes became teary, but she soon smiled when she knew he also gave her the most precious person she could ever want. Her legs gave way and she fell lifelessly .... As she fell, she heard someone calling out to her and that was it, she became unconscious … she thought she was over it, she didn't know it was bottled up in her waiting for it to be triggered and let loose…..


what do you guys think?

is it really Him?

would like it if you guys drop your comments and your view on the story


Mercy 🤭