

Zain was quick in his action. As his arms wrapped dangerously around her slender neck, the other held her right-hand captive.

Sarah cursed at her negligence internally. She bit hard on the inside of her cheek as she patiently waited for him to act.

There was nothing she could do at this point. The only way she could get out of his hold was by dislocating her shoulder. It was either that or waiting for a miracle to happen.

Her captor was patient in his action. Just like he had studied her before silently, he took advantage of the proximity to study her more.

At first, he found nothing wrong with her. Yet, his eyes kept wandering back to her face. Something about it seemed wrong to his sharp gaze.

His free hand rested on her collarbone as he searched for the rough end of the mask. His action placed Sarah in a perilous state.