
Happy Birthday, Daddy.

Jasmine laid in the private ward looking around. She had a migraine already. ' I should have been more careful.' She thought.

The memory of what had happened flooded her mind. Her heart skipped a beat.

Was the person she collided with a friend or an enemy? She tried lifting her head from the pillow, but it was in vain. Her head felt extremely heavy. She groaned, feeling helpless. A hand-held her shoulders gently and helped her to lean on the pillow.

" Mmh, you know, if I were a man, I would enjoy waking up to such a beautiful face. Unfortunately, you are not into women. Thank you, pal." Beau smiled at her. He received a call a few hours ago about what had happened to his friend.

" How do you feel, Jazz? You feeling better?" He asked in a gentle tone. She nodded looking at him. Beau looked normal at first, yet she could easily read the sadness in his beautiful orbs.

She recalled what the date was. The 12th day of June. The hands of the clock on the wall were on eight and six.

Tomorrow was his birthday. Even since she had known him, Beau always felt lonely and nostalgic on his birthdays. She tried to keep him company but had never managed to make him forget entirely. Suddenly, a light bulb lit in her head.

She was about to go open her mouth to say something when the door was opened and three figures walked inside. Behind them, a man in a doctor's coat walked in. Edgar, Emilio, Travis, and Max came to check on their princess.

A smile graced her lips as her father embraced her body into his warmth. " Princess, you made Daddy worry. Are you alright?" He chided in concern." I am sorry Dad, I was feeling too happy that I forgot how delicate my head was. I am alright now. May I hug Max? I have missed him."

It was the first time she directly asked for a hug from her eldest sibling. Edgar was surprised but didn't question her. He let her go as Max took his position. Taking the opportunity, she placed her head on his shoulder and her lips close to his ears. Her hands were wrapped tightly around his waist as she whispered discretely into his ears.

Max was startled at her action but soon understood what she was up to. Not wanting to go give her away, he patted her head and back as though comforting her. Jazz was done in no time as she finally let him go. " Thank you for the warm embrace brother."

Max nodded at her and let go. He stood up and read her vitals. He was a surgeon yet he couldn't help but apply his knowledge to her. He had come to ensure that she was alright. Listening to her whispers, he felt nervous and giddy inside.

" Emilio, why don't you take Beau for a walk? He doesn't look too good. Don't stay out too late though. You still have to babysit our darling princess." He winked at Jasmine as he said that. Emilio wanted to complain but the sharp gaze directed to him by his father shut him up.

Max left shortly after as well bidding his family good night. He had a mission to accomplish. Edgar and Travis were left with Jasmine who briefed them about her plans for Beau's birthday celebration. The two men understood and the three started planning for Beau's birthday.

Three hours later.

Beau drove back home to his apartment. This day sucked. At least before, he was accompanied by his friend Jasmine on his birthday. As luck would have it, he was deprived of her presence today thanks to that collision. He could feel the depression setting in.

He missed his family. He missed his little sister and his dad. He liked to pretend that he didn't have a family anymore yet their absence was felt each year on his birthday. He missed his mother's warmth and his father's stoic face.

He even missed making them happy at the expense of his happiness. A tear slipped out of his eyes. He stayed in his car for a few minutes afraid of the darkness and loneliness that was his apartment. He had a tough exterior but a soft heart.

His heart ached immensely in his chest. He wanted to feel warm in a beloved's arm. Who would spend their birthday alone except him? He laughed in disdain at his situation. He was one of the youngest self-made tycoons recognized in the country. He had enough money to last him a lifetime. Yet, he had no family.

His money could neither bring back his parents nor buy him happiness. No matter how much he had, was it enough to make his parents accept his choices? Beau wallowed in his misery. He was sober yet felt extremely drunk on pain.

He finally got the strength to face the darkness that was waiting to welcome him. As he walked into his apartment, he felt his heart drop even lower. He was afraid to turn on the light. Eventually, he closed his eyes and turned on the light.

It took him a few more painful seconds to open his lids. Turning around the sight that greeted him made his knees weak. He had to hold onto the wall to prevent himself from falling. His normally dull seating room had been transformed into a little cozy heaven.

The coach was pushed further to create a space. There were popcorn and cassettes ready to be watched. A bottle of wine was placed in a bucket full of ice. On the carpet, laid a heavy blanket. Candles were lit around forming a heart shape.

A red bouquet of roses was rested neatly near the stand that held a birthday cake. The most important part 0f it all, however, was the man dressed in comfortable casual pants and a jumper. Max stood waiting for Beau to approach him, holding a single rose in his hand.

Beau's heart was flying away from his body at the moment. He walked towards Max, still holding on to. the wall. He was afraid that he was dreaming. His legs felt like jelly and could not be used without support. The moment he was a foot away from Max, he let go of the wall and attempted to touch Max.

Unfortunately, his legs gave out on him. Max who had been watching him all along was fast enough to hold him in his arms. He embraced the older man as a way of supporting his figure. Beau held on tightly unwilling to let go.

Max smiled and sang for him in his alluring voice." Happy birthday, Daddy." He finished off. Beau's tears were no longer held back as he cried in Max's arms. It was tears of joy. He was no longer alone. He had been dreading coming home all along. Never in his wildest dream did he expect such a surprise.

Max held onto him feeling heaviness settle in his heart. He didn't like hearing Beau cry. That was something he had just discovered. Holding onto his shaking body was making him feel uncomfortable and restless.

" Hey beautiful, am I so ugly that you are crying upon seeing my face?" He asked seriously.

Beau laughed through his tears. He didn't know that Max could doubt his looks. He was a handsome man. The most handsome man he had ever met for that matter. Both internally and externally. " You... you are not ugly. You are very handsome." He found the courage to answer his question honestly.

Max finally helped Beau towards the spread blanket. " Happy birthday, Beautiful angel. I am sorry I found out late about it. I hope it's okay that I invaded your space!" He spoke uncertainty dripping from each word. Max was confident in his endeavors and never had issues with acknowledging his good Gene's.

He was straightforward and spoke his mind. Albeit his confidence, he felt self-conscious where Beau was concerned. He treated his brothers with love and care. Beau was considered his family too yet he had the urge to make him happy and protect him.

Beau kissed Max's cheek shyly. " Thank you for being here for me. I don't mind your invasion. On the contrary, I quite like it. I am glad to have you here with me. Can I hug you a little bit longer? I feel that I am dreaming of having you here with me." Max nodded, opening his arms wide for Beau to occupy.

" Jazz said that she didn't like the thought of you being alone. I wish I had known it earlier too. I would have done better to make it more special. Am sorry for not being around on the rest of your birthdays. I promise to be there for each of your birthdays from this day onwards. While I am enjoying your warmth in my arms, how about I feed you first then we watch a movie? Would you like that?

Beau's eyes were filled with hearts and flowers as he listened to Max talk. Imagining having the man he had been in love with for what felt like ages for him was a blessing. A miracle. Of course, he would enjoy it for as long as it lasts. He bit Max's neck softly and kissed the same spot to soothe the bite.

Max hissed, feeling aroused and astounded.

"Why?" He asked unsure holding Beau at arm's length.

Beau, what are you up?

MUHACHE_JUMAcreators' thoughts