
-||chapter forty nine - of healing and of friendship||-

"Nothing could taint or diminish the happiness that the Crown Prince was feeling. After so long, the Crown Prince felt truly happy, having the First Princess has his wife was a blessing indeed. For the Crown Prince, the First Princess was like a soulful melody that filled his heart with peace.

She was like warm sun of the winter season, like that rain that liberates the soul, like a gentle breeze on a warm summer day. It felt like he was finally healing.

On the other side, the Prince was feeling a lot happier as well. He finally had the Second Princess's permission to court her and the Prince vowed to himself to make win his beloved's heart during this courtship period.

The flowers of love and hope had started to bloom, even though the thorns had made their existence known first. The King may have won the first battle, but this time, he lost."