
Her groom

When a man start to love a woman it going to be like a turning point to a woman who doesn't expect his love for her to be real

omotundunoladoja · 奇幻言情
28 Chs


Isabella open her eyes weakly and streach her hand to take her phone on the small cupboard beside the bed,she frown when she noticed her phone is not there , just then she remembered Gabriel has collected it from her , remembering Gabriel let her remember what he did to her, she tried to get up on the bed but she was in a pain , she looks around her and noticed blood stains all over the bed making it a red pattern , her body aches like mad . she lie down back on the bed for a while to ease her pain a little , when she realized she can get up , she moved out of the bed and sit on the bed for a while before heading to the bathroom ,she prepare warm water before entering and sit on the bathtub and closed her eyes after she rest her tissue for about two to three hours inside the bathtub after bathing herself she takes her towel and fasten it on her body before going out of the bathroom , she go inside the dressing room she search for clothe to wear before finally arriving on a short trousers with armless after she finished dressing she looks at herself on the mirror, she barely recognize herself when she sees bruises on her body, her swollen lips and her skin turn to reddish body , including her cheek where he forcefully open her mouth for him to kiss her . she feel down cause of the pain he caused her ,she finally give up on her depression mood go out of the room to do something new for herself putting her hurt mind and body aside . she Saw some cereal inside the fridge and prepare it for herself before entering the sitting room to watch movie .


" what have I done to myself" Gabriel lamented just then the door open, he look up and see his friend who's also his secretary,she was putting on black short gown with red heels Gabriel respect and like her because she is not a seductress like her co employee and also value herself"Gabriel why do you come to work I thought your honeymoon is a month you are even shift it from six-month to one month now you are just in your second week , what happened??? share it with me maybe I can be of help " she said suggestively,she stare at him for reply but she get none, she then started telling him story of her blind date her parent choose for her ,how she changed her name to escape from some and how her ex is one of her date, when she noticed he listens attentively she stopped " why do you stop " he said faking a frowning tell me what happened to you first," she pouted her mouth playfully "ok I will tell you but promise me you'll not insult or get angry at me"

" I willn't" she said certainly giving him encouraging smile " what happened when you want to hurt someone and you realize you are hurt the most" he questioned " well what I think is maybe they connect with each other with something that they don't realized" "Sarah what if the person you think the person should be is not the person you think is the person " Gabriel no more questions after answering this" she said impatiently he nod his head agreed " what I think is the person didn't investigate on the person well , now tell me what happened" she asked him ,Gabriel sigh and tell her what happened between his wife and him and what his been doing to her, she covered her mouth not trusting herself to talk because she never expected him to do like that.