A girl with many secrets A guy with a hunted past. Life in Greenville for Alexis wasn't that bad. It wasn't all roses either. It was just rough. Until Matt Harper comes to make it worse. A guy she couldn't help but seem attracted to. Despite his cold and hard surface, she was attracted to him like a moth to a fire. So only one thing is on her mind, break his cold stance and see what's truly underneath. It's like a mission for her. Easy right? Yeah that's what she thought. Join Alexis as she tries to make a cold, hostile Matt Harper, into a soft sweet guy. A book filled with suspense, adventure, and romance just to spice.it.up.
Hi. My name is Alexis Dalton but people call me Alex. I'm just a young eighteen year old girl who is trying to live her life in the pityful town of Greenville.
I didn't choose to be born here neither did I want to be born here. But what can I say? You get what you deserve.
I'm 5'2 inches tall or short? Whatever. You get what I mean.
Where was I?
I have round brown eyes with black curly hair which I recently cut into a pixie style, pale skin, pointed nose, small lips and round shaped face.
Today is Monday, so I have 'school'.
I seriously hate that word.
I'm dressed in all black. Black top, black jeans, black sneakers. Just the way I like it.
I take my bag and I head downstairs.
I enter the kitchen to see my dad making toast, and my brother looking down at his phone.
"Morning peeps." I say and both heads turn to me.
"Morning Kiddo." My dad greets me back.
"Hey dickhead." I call to my brother and he glares at me but I just smile.
"That's not how you treat a twin early Monday morning." My dad scolds me.
Did I mention we are twins?
"pickle face." My brother, Alec replies me. He looks just like me, but takes my father's eyes. Green.
He's dressed in a blue shirt and black jeans with white sneakers.
My dad has brown hair, green eyes, round nose and a sharp jaw. Even in his early forties, he still looks dashing.
I live with my dad and brother. My mom died when I was thirteen due to lung cancer and my dad hasn't been himself since then.
Although he smiles here and there, I still see the pain in his eyes.
"You heard him right?" I say to my dad.
"What did he do now?" He asks as he serves me Toast.
"He just called me a pickle face." I pout.
"Well kiddo, he's the pickle face." He says and I laugh.
"C'mon eat up and let's get you to school." My dad speaks up when my laughter dies down.
When he says 'get you to school', he actually means we have to get ourselves to school.
Life hasn't been easy for us. My dad lost his job at a major mine company and then mom's cancer came.
To treat her, he had to collect loans which left us in debts. It was all in vain since she died at the end.
So he works his ass off to provide for his two children and to pay off the debts. I also try to help around by working in a coffee shop.
People hardly make it in Greenville. it's like the town is cursed or something. So it's just a town filled with middle class and third class people. It's a small town. So I almost know everyone.
Minutes later, Alec and I are ready so we leave and start walking to school.
Our school, Greenville high, is like a fifteen minutes walk from our home. That's if we pass the shortcuts.
But as you all know, the shortcuts are always the dangerous paths.
As we are walking, I meet my friend Mia Creed, a bright girl with blond short hair, hazel eyes and glowing skin.
She's beautiful, but also the crazy type.
"Hey Alex." She hugs me and looks at my brother when she pulls away. "Alec." He just nods at her and walks off.
She has this huge crush on him and I honestly don't know what she sees in him.
"So have you heard?" She begins as we walk.
Whenever Mia asks that question, it's always something juicy.
"There's a new kid in town."
"There's always a new kid in town Mia." I say nonchalantly.
"No no no. This is different. Rumors says he's weird and has a strange behavior."
"What doesn't rumor say?" I ask as I roll my eyes.
"C'mon Alex, I'm serious. He has this cold look that could ice you on the spot. He has no friends or whatsoever."
"You've met him?" I ask her and she nods.
"Yes. And I felt the shivers." I shake my head.
"C'mon now Mia. Don't exaggerate."
"I'm not!" She whines.
"Sure you aren't." I smile and she changes the subject as we near the school.
It's been a week and I haven't seen this 'new mysterious kid.' Maybe Mia was just exaggerating.
Now today being Saturday, I'm at work.
It's nearly five, when I clock out and I couldn't be more excited.
No offense, I do love my job and they pay okay, but hours of standing is not what I bargained for.
Suddenly, the air gets chilly. Funny, because it was sunny outside. I didn't know why, but something didn't feel right.
I felt a presence in front of me, so I shrugged the feeling off and looked up.
"Hi. What can I-" The words get stuck in my throat as I look at the figure in front of me.
A boy who looked just around my age but sightly more mature stood in front of me. He has blue eyes that were piercing through my brown ones and I could feel him looking into my soul. His eyes were cold alright but they looked like they had been once warm.
His face held no emotion, so I couldn't know what he was thinking. His lips in a grim line and he had a frown on his face.
"I'd like a cup of black coffee to go."
His voice was rough and thick. Hearing his voice made me shiver and I didn't know why.
He noticed it too because his frown deepened.
"Do I have to repeat myself?" He asks and I snap our of my daze.
"I'm sorry. Just black coffee?"
"Yes." I frown a little.
"No milk, no sugar?"
"Who takes black coffee like that?"
"Would you like me to answer that?" His moves closer and his voice gets deeper.
Quickly I turn around to get this coffee ready without saying a word.
I place his coffee on the counter, and he just places a ten dollar bill and walks out.
Just as he walked out, I felt myself breathing again.
Although he has a very hostile character, I feel oddly attracted to him.
"Who was that?" Lisa, one of my coworkers asks me. She's three years older and is like a big sister to me.
"I think the person who's going to end me."