

Writer's POV 

"Alpha, I think you should rest for a while!" Henry suggested. 

"No, I need to finish this in time and go back home.. my mate is worrying!"

"Not anymore!" They heard a familiar voice speak.

They lift their heads and see the royal messenger standing in front of them... He bows.

"Alpha, beta!" He greets Ray and Karl respectively.

"What brought you here?" Karl asked him.

The messenger turns to Ray.

"I came for the prince!" 

Ray stays silent and waits for him to continue.

"Your highness, the king was trying to mind link you but you keep blocking him!"

Ray still remains silent, the messenger clears his throat and continue.

"The king said you can stop now, but you should come by the palace later after you've rest!"

He looks at Ray but Ray glares at him and he quickly looks away.

"Tell the Alpha that alpha prince says thank you!" Karl tells the messenger.

"Yes, beta!" The messenger replied.

He bows slightly at them and walks away... Ray falls on field and breaths heavily.

"Quick! Pour me some water!" He said.

Stacey's POV 

Ray's mansion...! 1pm...!

"Stacey, here!" Jessy said handing the test sticks to me.

I frown as I stare at them.


"Yeah, for you to be sure!" She answered smiling sheepishly. 

"One is enough" I said.

"No! You need to be sure!" 

She pushes me upstairs, I sighed and walk the stairs to Ray's room.

I step into the bathroom and shut the door.

10 minutes later...!

I hold six test sticks in my hand with my eyes closed... I'm scared to open my eyes. 

"God, please, don't let it be true!"

"Please don't let it be true, moon Goddess.

"I'm not pregnant! I'm not pregnant!" I chant quietly.

I slowly open my eyes... My eyes bulges out.. I can imagine my head growing bigger and bigger... my mouth falls open and a piercing squeal leaves my mouth.


The door burst open and Jessy rushed in...I throw the sticks on the ground.

"Stacey, are you ok?" She asked looking around for danger.

I didn't reply, my eyes solely on the red lines on these sticks.. pregnant written on them.

"It's not true! It's not true!" I chant quietly...shaking my head in denial.

Jessy stares at me.

"What's not true?" She follows my gaze and hers lands on the test sticks.

She picks them up and smile.

"It's true, I was right, you're really pregnant..."

"I'm not pregnant!" I cut her off.

I snatch them from her and throws them away.

"They're broken, I'm not pregnant... I can't get pregnant!" I panic.

I feel myself finding it hard to breathe... I gasp for air.

"Are you ok, Stacey?" I hear Jessy asked.

But I couldn't reply her cause I'm gasping for air desperately.

I can't get pregnant, I'm just a high school student..I'm gonna be like a whale!

I'm gonna lose the little beauty I have...I'm gonna be fat and ugly!

What if Ray leaves me because I'm pregnant and fat?!

No! I'm not ready to be a mother! I can't be a mother now! I won't be a good mother!

How can a child give birth to a child?!

"Are you ok?!" Jessy's panicking now.

I can hear her but I can't speak... What should I do now?

"Talk to me, Stacey!"

I must do something! I can't let this baby be born!

"No, no, you're having a panic attack! I must get the alpha here!"

That's the last I heard before I blank out.

Stacey's POV 

"She's fine, alpha!" I heard an unfamiliar male voice speak.

"Then why did she pass out?" Ray?

"Nothing, she just had a panic attack"

My eyes opens and Ray's face greeted me, he's looking at me worriedly.

"Baby, you're awake!" He said.

I nod and sit up... argh! I just had the weirdest dream ever.

Raising my head, I see practically everyone I know here.

Aunt, Jessy, Anna, Olivia and Ray are here... My brothers aren't here though. 

Even a man in white coat is here too, I guess he's one of the pack doctors!

"Stacey, darling, how are you feeling?" Aunt asked with a very wide, bright smile.

"I'm fine!" I replied.

They're all looking at me tenderly...they have the same smile as aunt. 

"Why are you all here?" I asked.

"Jessy called us here!" Aunt replied.

I turn to Jessy, she squats next to me and take my free hand.

"You passed out and I was scared, I didn't know what to do..so I mind link everyone!" She explained.

I nod... The doctor clears his throat and steps forward.. a clipboard and pen in his hands.

Jessy leaves my hand and stood up, she goes back to where she was standing.

"Luna, how are you feeling? Are you feeling dizzy?"

I shake my head. He holds out three fingers and wave them across my eyes.

My eyeballs following his fingers wherever they go.. he stops moving them.

"How many fingers are am I holding up?" He asked.

"Three!" I replied. 

He nods and writes on his clipboard, he reaches out his hand towards my forehead.. to feel my temperature I guess.

But Ray's growl stops him, Ray feels my temperature instead.

"Normal" he said to the doctor. 

The doctor nods and writes on his clipboard again.

"Alpha, she's perfectly fine, but you have to handle her with great care now she is pregnant...."

"Pregnant?!" I cut him off. 

"Yes, baby, you're pregnant!" Ray said.

I withdraw my hand from his as if his hands just burn me. 

"I'm pregnant?!"

"Yes, darling!" Aunt said.

I think back to what happened, then I remembered how I used those test sticks and... I'm pregnant!

"So... It wasn't a dream?!"

They all shake their heads... I draw my legs closer to my chest and hug myself.

Ray frowns at my action, he reaches out to touch me but I move back... away from him.

"So now you're avoiding him like a plague" Karen mocks me and I ignore him.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Ray asked.

I just shake my head, aunt who's being watching me touch Ray's shoulder.

"Ray!" She calls and he turn to her.

"How about you go out and have a talk with the doctor!"

"But my mate...."

"Don't worry, I'll talk to her!"

"But she needs me now!"

Aunt take a glance at me and I look away from them, still hugging myself.

"I bet she doesn't want to see you now!" Aunt told him.

He turns to me and I can feel his gaze in me but I didn't look his way... I kept looking at the wall. 

"Baby, I'll be back soon, ok?" 

I didn't reply. I hear him sigh and get up....I hear footsteps walking towards the door, then the sound of door opening and closing.

Writer's POV 

Ray and the doctor steps out, they head downstairs. Ray took a glance at his room before turning back to the doctor.

"Alpha, Luna is strong but she needs to be well taken care of now!"

Ray nods and sits on a sofa, he points at another sofa and the doctor cautiously sits down.

"According to her medical record, she had suffered panic attacks several times before...so she can't be provoked emotionally now!"

"Wait...does that mean we can't have s£x with mate? Zeus asked Ray.

Ray frowns at his question but he couldn't agree more.. Zeus is right.

"Does this mean we're gonna s£x starve for seven months?" Zeus asked again.

"Shut up, horny wolf!" Ray Shouted back.

"As if you're not hornier than me!"

"I said shut up!" Ray growls once more and shuts him off.

"Alpha, any problem?" The doctor asked.

"We won't stop having s£x, right?" Ray blurts out the question before he could stop himself.

The doctor laughs but quickly covers it with a cough when he sees Ray glaring at him.

"Answer me!" Ray commands.

The doctor clears his throat.

"Yes, Alpha, you can both continue to have s£x. But....!" 

"But what?!" Ray asked impatiently.

"You have to be very careful to avoid hitting the pup's head!"

"Oh!" Ray's ear and neck turns red...as if all his blood move to his face.

He imagine himself having gentle and slow s£x with Stacey, he shuddered at the thought.

"Even in my imagination, I didn't enjoy it" He tells Zeus.

"Yeah, I prefer rough s£x...but it's better than none" Zeus said.

Ray nods in agreement. The doctor stares at him quietly, wondering what he's thinking about.

"Alpha?" He called.

Ray blinks back to reality and clears his throat.

"If there's nothing else, you can leave!"

"Thank you, Alpha!" The doctor said...he gets up and leaves.

Just as he left, Dylan and Josh walked in looking confused, they saw Ray sitting on the sofa.

"Alpha!" They both greet with a bow.

"What are you doing here?" Ray asked them.

"We heard Stacey had a panic attack, so we came!" Josh said.

Ray frowns.

"Wait, everyone in the pack knows this?"

They shake their heads.

"Anna mind linked me!" Josh said.

Dylan rolls his eyes and sat next to Ray, he throws an arm around Ray's shoulder.

"Well, I heard my baby is pregnant...."

Ray cuts him off with a low growl... Dylan chuckles and rubs Ray's chest.

"Calm down, Alpha! She's my sister, of course she's my baby!"

Ray growls again and moves Dylan's arm from his shoulder.

"Fine! Fine! She's not my baby... anyways, I'm here to confirm the news!"

He gets up and look upstairs.

"Is Stacey upstairs?"

"Don't go there! She doesn't want to see anyone yet!" Ray said.

Dylan scoffs.


Josh sighs and walk towards Dylan, he grabs his ear and drags him to a sofa.

"Ouch! Josh let go of my ear, I'm not a kid anymore!"

"Well, you're behaving like a kid!"

"Ow! Ow! You're gonna pull off my ear, what am I gonna tell my future pups then?"

Josh pushed him onto a sofa and gives him a firm look...a look that say try get up let me see.

"Sit here!"

"Oh, man! I just wanna confirm if I'm really gonna have a niece or nephew soon!" Dylan grumbles.

Ray narrows his eyes and balled his fist to calm himself down... he's thinking of his mate and doesn't want this noise Dylan's making.

Josh seem to notice this.

"Dylan Rivera!" He called through gritted teeth.

"What?" Dylan asked ignorantly.

Josh gestures to Ray and Dylan quickly shuts up.

"I'll patiently wait for her to come down!" He said and slumps back onto the sofa.

Stacey's POV 

Aunt sits on the spot Ray was sitting... I turn to her and rush to her, I embrace her tightly.

"Aunt, I don't wanna get pregnant!" I cried on her shoulder.

She pats my back gently. 


Anna, Jessy and Olivia sits on the bed too... they're surrounding me.

"I don't wanna have a baby now, I'm too young to be a mother!"

Aunt chuckles lightly, she lifts me off her and wipe my tears.

"Who said you're too young?"

I look down at myself.

"Aunt, I'm just in high school, I can't get pregnant yet... I hate being pregnant in high school"

"Why? What are you afraid of?" Aunt asked again. 

"I'll lost all my youth, I haven't enjoyed my life yet... I haven't gotten anywhere with my life, my dreams... The baby will just hold me back!"

Aunt frowns at me, she stares at me I'm silence for a brief moment.

"And what made you think that?"

"I... "

"How old are you?" She asked.


She laughs.

"18 and you're complaining, wait, I wanna show you something!"

She turns to Anna, she opens her hand and Anna hands her something like a photo album.

She opens it and flips through pages, she stopped at a page and puts it on my lap.

"Look at that photo, tell me what you see!"

I look at it and frowns... it's just a picture of a girl in blue dress, smiling.

"Look closely at the girl, how old do you think she is?"

I look closer.


"Yes, look again and tell me what you see!"

I take another close look and my eyes grows wide...I raised my head.

"She's pregnant?!"

"Yes! She's 15 and pregnant, but she's very happy.. she's smiling so happily.. do you know who she is?"

I shake my head.

"That's me, I was just 15 when I met my mate and I got pregnant shortly after.. but I didn't panic because I have my mate with me!"

She takes the album and close it, she points at Jessy.

"This is your friend, Jessy, she's a teenager like you.. she's pregnant and she's very happy with it!"

She pause and takes my hands.. she rest them on her laps and hold my face.

"Stacey, we are werewolves and it's normal for us to get pregnant at any age... Provided it's for our mates!"

"But won't the baby obstruct my plans? Won't Ray love me less because of the baby?"

Most guys tend to abandon their girlfriends after she gets pregnant.

She laughs and shakes her head.

"Now I know what you're scared of... Stacey, darling, even if you have 20 pups with Ray, he won't love you any lesser... Rather his love for you will grow deeper!"

"But.... "

"Don't think I'm gonna let my grand pup hold you back... you're not alone, you have me.. just give him to me after birth, then you can continue enjoying yourself with Ray... After all, I need someone to run around with in that big mansion!"

Anna smiles and clears her throat.

"Right, Stacey, we are all here to help you raise your child... You're not alone!"

I feel my mind calming down slowly. 

"Besides, this is something you and Ray did together, it's a symbol of your love... don't think it'll push Ray away from you, it'll bring him closer!" Jessy said with a smile. "I'm speaking from experience!" She adds.

Everyone laugh as she rubs her stomach... I laugh too, my hand unconsciously moves to my stomach too.

"It's funny but true!" Aunt said.

"Stacey, don't worry, I'll spend everyday in your house after your baby is born!" Olivia said.

I nod and tells her a quiet thank you.

"You see, everyone is willing to raise your pup with you. We're all here for you!" Aunt assured me.

I smile and hugs her.

"Thank you, Aunt!" I said.

"Promise me you won't think of abortion no more!"

I pull away from aunt.

"I.. I wanna speak with Ray first!" 

Aunt sighs.

"Ok, but whatever he said, talk to me first... don't rush to abort my grand pup!" She said.

I nod. She gets up and signals them to get up too.

"I will send Ray in, you should both have a nice talk!"

I nod...she and the others head to the door and steps out.

Not up to five minutes, the door burst open and I see Dylan rushed in..I frown.

I thought Ray was supposed to come in...now I'm gonna face this drama lord!

"Princess, I heard I'm gonna be a uncle!" He said as he rushed me into a very, very, tight, bone crushing hug.

I couldn't speak....

"I'm so damn happy!" He said still hugging me.

How will I tell him he's killing me now that I can't speak? I wish someone can come and save me now.

Just then, a loud growl erupt and Dylan quickly pulls away from me... creating a very wide space between us.