Henki Business It is a true story about my perspective of the past and prior to post seeing the Netherlands Kingdom I learned working for a Polish recruitment agency in a Netherlands company. A storyteller storyline of a case of his visit on vacation and business trip to a nation the plot developed itself. It was a never unexpected journey but I never knew it would happen. The story of what you expect and what you see. Author had in mind to write the Henki Legal title but due to coherent and pragmatic reasons he chose to call it a business, a very bad business. He was never pleased nor never hoped to write about this beautiful tulip nation.
"I heard Ukrainian Refugee house spreads Kiev propaganda in Enschede."
I told my loser boyfriend from the Republic of Lithuania. We had a hot night after SB solutions offered us a promotion and a better pay in partnership BS solutions company within the same warehouse.
"You are a real slut you gave your Ukrainian manager a blow job in Enschede Whitehouse public bathroom night club. I know you are the hottest Polish woman I ever met and you will become a commercial lawyer I am more than happy you take me to a gay bar and let me watch how Netherlands Gay and Lesbian community is using you for me to see my inner self and feel the envy."
"Yes you are a loser doggy I am learning to walk on short leash with a plastic goods bag."
I slide one arm under his white shirt to let him know I am in control and tap his shorts for him to cool off.
"It is our turn now to clean the company house or I will have a Dutch Gay Queen have my juicy drop for you to see the white outcome and have you look after our baby for rest of our lives like you would set a fire with this Finnish logs in evening because I am feeling very much in a good appetite."
The poor loser agreed to what I told him for me to have a news channel on.
I am wearing nothing under grey satin gown.
"The Ukrainian war hero and dear President of Ukraine fall for a sex scandal for sending Ukrainian females to Kingdom of Netherlands as refugees because they were rapped by United Kingdom and Ukrainian special forces.
They were innocent in a rape case.
We have one case I am making public." The Netherlands News channel made a public announcement.
"They killed my father for stealing. He was a good Russian "Spider". They interrogated me next to his body while a British soldier was precharging my mother forcing my face to watch them next to my dead father. When British war hero finished with my mother. The Ukrainian war hero took care of me. We are not blamed we were born Russians."
She stood mext to her mother in tears with her long black hair. What a bore my Polish lips yawned I flipped my blond hair.
"I am their psychologist from Enschede and I do not care her mother is a prostitute and she has boyfriend working a delivery guy in Flinker to cover her prostitution nor I care other guys are enjoying her while he is busy delivering goods and earning to buy them apartment nor I care they both will receive a Dutch passport. They send us a rape victims. I as clinical psychologist cannot enter such documents to a government and acusse Ukrainian President war crimes I would lose my job."
My loser Lithuanian boyfriend walks in with the hover. I shut the TV.
"I hope you have not been wanking while I was watching TV because I will have your dick turned into Chipolata sausage in two weeks without sex letting others watch me in the night club how I am practicing my commercial awareness."
He closed the door and left to set on fire Finnish firewood to have my dinner served.
"Blinken eyeballs looks so awful on TV maybe he caught a sexual diseases from prostitutes."
I had my boyfriend bring in one Ryhiad wanker of the street for me to watch a hidden religious person is performing a homophobic acts with my loser boyfriend from the Republic of Lithuania.
"What a poor asylum seeker." My Polish eyeballs watched penatrating Riyadh prick asshole. It was joy to a future commercial lawyer like me to see it.
"Hoy! Boys stop masturbating each other and watch US 46th astral projwction giving another free public speech from a whitehouse public bathroom how to kill Ukrainian."
My lover Lithuanian loser stopped pumping ìn Riyadh blackhole full of aphrodisiac from deity white jar he was born.
My brunette loser never knew the blondes are rulling the world and I continued to enjoy my home theatre in SB solutions company property for a Vietnamese refugee to continue complaining about us hitting her withcraft stick to a sealing sending us her complaints. Her Dutch government does not pay her enough for her to have aids and stay single village wench tossing herself in the picture of my Lithuanian boyfriend nailed to a crucifix in her blocked bathroom.
"You both look like Riyadh Sheikh." My lips eating crisps started to laugh.
"How about Arabic girl we saw other weekend stroking Arabic boy in the Central Munster park you wanted to have beer with me on our tour sightseeing outside Kingdom of Netherlands?"
I licked my lips before morning coffee to work.
"I felt envy for you to suck ke there dry."
I kissed my loser Lithuanian boyfriend on the lips and whispered him a silent truth in the ear. "You forgot who I sucked last week.
The church bells were ringing. "It was our wedding champagne." I laughed from my loser boyfriend from Baltics because I am a commercial lawyer from Poland who works in SB Solutions company not caring about poor pets I take for the walk with plastic bags.
He was useful tool.
"You have seen your loser cousin on TV with Swedish and Finnish NATO heroes. I think he was playing balls live on TV. He stood next to USA Navy Admiral making a public announcement while playing with his balls in his black government trousers."
I played with my kitty balls. "What a loser boyfriend from the Lithuania you are." I gave licked my lips while I kissed his checks. We were watching TV when the long day was over in the logistics warehouse.
"Yes, my nation is anomaly and a complete lies about our money we are stealing from European nations. We cannot afford a single item we are covered in debt."
I played my hand on his knees watching TV. "That's why you are selling me?"
My words were interrupted with a message from work colleague asking to dump my waste in my life and go out to a girls night out rather staying and watching news with a loser from the Republic of Lithuania.
My commercial law studies and work was fine but I loved to know he was the invalid to lure males on me in the nightclub.
I look up to smile. "You better pick up your local economy."
But I lied to you. I am from the Lithuania and my loser boyfriend is Polish. It is like I wrote you in the start of my business story in beautiful nation of tulips.
I made a lot of time learning about Kingdom of Netherlands. They are awkward and like to lie. That is why I like to whisper lies about my commercial awareness to show the business skills in the Kingdom I am writing you from.
My dirty ways to reach chambers of commerce. I made my way to earn skills to be a true slut of Holland.
It was far better to pretend my partner's nationality to let losers have sex in my boyfriend's passport. They never knew what slut I was of tulips nation.
I love the way my juicy details spills this story through your ears arc like a honey.
"Why Bider's eyeballs are sore like a Bangkok's whores?" I look in my darling from Lithuania eyes and his black hair.
"My dear Polish blond." My Lithuanian loser boyfriend desred to protest. "It is because his dogs bit his grey ball sacks."
"Hoi! You can see darling on other news channel we have a Memel city stench." I look away from him.
"I am not from this city. I am from border Latvia-Lithuania city and not from Hitler's facist remant monument infrastructure."
"You should shower now because you start to stink in my mind like a facist when you watch my news."
"Yes. We should stop pretending each other's nationalities. I know it helps to trick others at work and allow us to have sex but yes. I am tired letting neighbours know unknown language news."
"Yes my dear loser you go back and wash off you Polish sweat. You know now who is a true whore from Lithuania."
"Yes my dear commercial whore from Baltics."
"You better be quick my Polish loser or I grab our Latvian neighbors by the balls." I lick my sweet lips and hard teeth to let him know I bite him like a piece of shit.
The loser goes to his bathroom.
When I sucked my dumb Polish boyfriend from Poland I moved my blond Lithuanian hair.
I learned the news.
Netherlands will receive a zero from international procurement. It was on the BBCC news channel announcing three princesses of Netherlands in Kingdom received in Royal Hague orgy a sexual diseases caused unstoppable hormones surge with not stopping period causing chemical castration.
I lift my sweet Lithuanian lips to speak with a moist tip looking on large screen TV.
"These loser were hoping to transmit sexual diseases to Prince of Sweds. What a poor losers. I rather suck on Swedish cock."
"I am coming kuuuuuurvaaaa." My loser Polish boyfriend spoke.
He knew the truth about losers in Tulip nation. "They lost all their dirty holed and ripped cloth they call underwear."
My commercial lawyer mind spoke the truth.
"They sold their weapons well soiled." My loser boyfriend made a gasp to relax his dumb blond hair back.
It was Netherlands the losers of tulips nation. But I am happy I was soiled from Lithuania.
Therefore I was ready for online lesson to speak in live call to talk in lecture why myself I would never procure any international goods in Netherlands.
It was never worth poor Dutch taxes. I rather sucked on foreign loser cock with my blond dive hair.
The mind I had wondering thinking to myself it was like my girl next door spoke.
A muse.
My loser Polish boyfriend cousin two children died because of United Kingdom King, Netherlands Kingdom King, Thailand Kingdom King, United States 45th and 46th Presidents, China's President, and Republic of Lithuania President, Foreign Minister and Interrior Ministers fault they manipulated like a doll in international politics and monetary transfers because it was so easy for them to be a super rich.
"But I sniched on them." I loser Polish boyfriend spoke watching my ass in "tong" underwear walking away from him from under the blanket.
I knew it was enough of politics and business was involved he will never win.
Therefore my loser boyfriend from Poland shared a blackmailing information in the dark web for his cousin from Lithuania to rebuild his family but sadly I think he will never will win.
When I suddenly learned King of England was chemically castrated I anticipated the wait for the next rounds of redemption.
He should have two beautiful Thai children or one but the underground project Monarch will never leave our hearts therefore maybe three Princesses of Netherlands will be chemically castred even he left against his sanity to marry a Dutch women and have his children to protect his Thai love life health.
"I wonder who will be next?" I walk up to him smiling letting him watch my stomach and cups smiling letting him know a big business mogul had me in his car other night without protection we could pay our rent.
But it was not truth. My loser boyfriend from Poland paid my rent.
I started to feel in love with him and feel sorry for his cousin from Lithuania.
"Thanks for the coffee." His dry mouth made my memories from other night because from a party drug we were hit over our heads and I thought it would be a great idea to enjoy myself.
I just worried about his cousin from Lithuania. When we both hoped he will find peace in Kingdom of Netherlands but it looked more he will be buried alive in Netherlands rather he would brought back to live children of his to his Thai love to see everything is ok.
"We made our plan to support him but I rather castrate these kurva children killers."
"Yes. Those planners are worse then killers."
"I hope they will not set him up to a rape or murder cases because the King of Netherlands is a chronic disease to tell the truth."
"Yes my love."
"My lawyer intuition told me. It is vandaag. It meant it is right now without a truth because we do not have a day of justice them reeling him in crazed future business ventures stopping him from having children."
"I will have one day Swedish cocktail in their banquet if they will not stop harassing him."
I thought to myself maybe he is not a loser to speak big language in big politics.
"I rather catch sexual disease and pass this HIV to monarchy then see more deaths but I will continue with you my love."
Those losers and children killers never knew what it was coming for them.