
A Dangerous Request

"So, so! Let's hear it. What's your request, Master?" Georgio cooed, twirling a strand of Rocco's hair idly.

Rocco nodded nervously.

Bracing himself for the worst, he prayed fervently to avoid a fatal stabbing as he spoke.

"If—if I'm ever in mortal danger, I want you to run away with me!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, he shut his eyes tightly, preparing for Georgio's reaction.

Would he stab him?

Or not?

It felt like teetering on the edge of a blade.

It wasn't exactly a bold or commanding request—more like the pitiful plea of a coward.

For someone as fearsome as Georgio, a notorious killer, it could very well be the ultimate insult.

What if this foolish line caused Rocco's storyline to end prematurely?

His life could conclude even before the original plotline unfolded.

Tears threatened to well up as regret surged within him.

I should've just quietly accepted my fate, letting the story's natural progression play out.

But then, as Rocco anxiously braced for the worst, he felt Georgio's body quivering behind him.

Confused, Rocco glanced up, only to see Georgio suddenly burst into uncontrollable laughter, tears streaming down his face.


"Wha—!? What's happening!?"

Blinking in confusion, Rocco stared at Georgio, utterly at a loss.

Georgio, still clutching him tightly, wiped at his laughing tears, his voice shaking with mirth. "You're seriously the best, Master! Absolutely incredible!"

"What? What did I say?"

Georgio gasped between fits of laughter. "This is where you're supposed to say something like, 'Be my shield' or 'Serve me as my sex slave!'"

"Wha—! A s-shield!? That's dangerous! And painful! And as for being, uh, some kind of sex… for that—of course not! That's something you only do with someone you care about!"

"Pffft! Oh, you're just too good! Seriously, too cute!" Georgio cried, before hugging Rocco even tighter and playfully shaking him side to side.

Rocco found himself being squeezed in a warm, overwhelming embrace, while Georgio's teasing affection showed no sign of stopping.

As Rocco struggled and wriggled to escape Georgio's embrace, he finally managed to slip free.

Georgio, however, didn't bother to hide his flushed cheeks, he grinning lazily with a satisfied look on his face.

Before Rocco could take another breath, Georgio effortlessly caught him again.

This time, though, instead of binding him in another crushing hug, Georgio let them face each other, sitting cross-legged on the floor.

Staring intently at Rocco, Georgio's expression shifted, his eyes narrowing with a sly, almost predatory glint.

"You said, 'If I'm in danger, we'll escape together,' right?" Georgio purred, his tone teasing. "So basically… you're saying that if things get dicey, I have permission to kidnap you, right?"

Georgio's words were like a question meant for confirmation, and they made his expression light up with excitement.

Rocco felt an unexpected wave of relief.

Georgio was willing to whisk him away if his life was in danger?

That sounded incredibly reassuring!

If Georgio was on his side, Rocco wouldn't have to worry about Sylas giving the assassin an order to kill him.