
Only a wishful thought.

"What... are you...?" 

"I need your earring." He informed her before taking it off without permission. He used the sharp end to tear a button hole on her coat. It took about a minute before he did it and he was glad he succeeded. 

He was about to return her earring but looked at it carefully, "This is fake gold." He pointed out, not bothering to ask. 

She quickly snatched it from him and fixed it back on her earlobe. 

"Who... said it.. was?" 

"Where did you buy that from? Did someone con you into buying fake gold? How much did you get it?" He asked quietly, looking like he was prepared to kill whoever it was that made her wear inferior stuff. 


"Fourteen thousand? And you were given this? Pretty cheap, but it should have been better than this."

Did he... just say 14,000 was cheap? Like... fourteen thousand!!!!

Joreen smiled sheepishly and began to scratch the back of her neck, "I meant.. fourteen yuan."