
Heya and Liang's breakup

Sara stood outside Heya's room and kept knocking on the door. She knew Heya was inside so she didn't stop knocking even though she wasn't getting any response. 

"Please open the door. It's Sara." Sara pleaded. 

She had also seen Zhu Liang and heard about his unofficial engagement with a girl named Yan Suyin. She couldn't just leave Heya like that when she could imagine what she was going through. 

"Please Heya. I won't leave until you open this door." She continued to knock until she was tired. Just when she was almost giving up, the door opened slightly. 

Sara immediately pushed it open and saw Heya with puffy eyes return to her bed. She was still wearing the gown she wore to the hall earlier. Only thing different was that she was barefooted and her make up was ruined.