
Happily Ever After?

"This is the most embarrassing moment of my life," Heya muttered more to herself than to her father who was ready to walk her down the aisle. 

Back then inside the room, she had prayed desperately for the ground to open up and swallow her. Although she was excited that it was her wedding day, she couldn't bear the embarrassment. Even though some romantic stuff had been happening between her and Liang over the years, it was only proper to act innocently while in presence of the elders. But not only had they been caught, but it had been by the entire family! 

She wondered how Liang could take it so well, laughing like he wasn't embarrassed. When he sheepishly came out of the bathroom, courtesy of Queen who was excited to have found uncle for all of them and oblivious to whatever was happening there, Liang had flashed them a smile and raised a hand to wave at everyone, while saying 'Hi'.

Yes, he said HI!