

Every year, the whole family went on a two-weeks vacation during Christmas, where they celebrated wedding anniversaries, a birthday, and the memory of the late Madam Li Sun. This year, they had chosen a special place for their vacation and the couples seemed especially happy. But what happens to the single people? Li Hoy— who prefers to work rather than go on dates— Your typical CEO who runs G–GLOBAL ENTERTAINMENT. Luo Joreen— a successful actress and model under G–GLOBAL who is looking forward to turning eighteen and having a boyfriend. She also wants nothing more than to stop being the CEO's guardian. Li Heya— who is still hung up on her ex and has accepted the fact that she is going to die single especially when she heard he is getting married. ***** "Once I turn 18 in a few weeks, I'll start doing everything I want to do without anyone's permission—" She eyed him, "Including yours."  He folded his hands across his chest and nodded. "Normally, that should happen..." He answered, making her almost smile until he continued, "But it won't happen." He smirked at her and began to walk ahead, leaving her fuming with anger. DISCLAIMER: Cover photo isn't mine. I am willing to take it down if the owner wants me to. PS: This is a very light romance with only a 100+ chapters.

ThatAmazingGirl · 现代言情
157 Chs

Embarrassing date

"I don't want you to go. Stay with me instead." Hoy said to Joreen quietly before pulling her into a hug. 

Joreen only froze for a second before her body began to relax in his embrace, having been used to this by now. But she wasn't sure how she was supposed to control her heart which was always beating erratically whenever he was present or doing things like this. 

He slowly pulled away from the hug to look at her face waiting for her answer, "Hmm?" 

Joreen wanted to agree to it. She really wanted to forget about everything and stay with him but that was not possible. She was a big girl now and had to be responsible. She couldn't just cancel the plans and tell her manager she was no longer interested, it didn't work like that in the entertainment industry and Hoy being the CEO, knew that quite well. 

Hoy was still waiting for her answer. He took her hand in his and looked into her large round eyes. "I'll buy you ice cream." He bargained.